Judgement at Nuremburg 1961

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

A great film about the trials. Spencer Tracy heads up the cast as the Judge. Marlene Dietrich is also in it.

The best scene comes midway through the film.

Tracy and Dietrich meet for dinner in a bier keller. Dietrich is the widow of a an executed GenerL and she has grown close to Tracey.

Tracey has come from court after watching allied film of Belsen and doesnt feel like eating. Dietrich tries to convinve him that they did not know about the atrocities. Tracey just stares at her as the oompah music blares in the background and everyone sings beer hall songs. Its wrirren all over his face.

Its mesmerising stuff. Acting and film making of a higher order. An attractive cultured woman jusrifying the most awful acts. It could happen any where.

A great film about the trials. Spencer Tracy heads up the cast as the Judge. Marlene Dietrich is also in it.

The best scene comes midway through the film.

Tracy and Dietrich meet for dinner in a bier keller. Dietrich is the widow of a an executed GenerL and she has grown close to Tracey.

Tracey has come from court after watching allied film of Belsen and doesnt feel like eating. Dietrich tries to convinve him that they did not know about the atrocities. Tracey just stares at her as the oompah music blares in the background and everyone sings beer hall songs. Its wrirren all over his face.

Its mesmerising stuff. Acting and film making of a higher order. An attractive cultured woman jusrifying the most awful acts. It could happen any where.
This is a reminder to stand with the Jews. Once again, surrounded by enemies.
An attractive cultured woman jusrifying the most awful acts. It could happen any where.
Americas Colleges and academics are supporting the same behavior toward the same victims as Dietrich and you would not believe how many folks are still falling for it...I "shake my head in disbelief" as well and wonder if "cultured" is really a thing [or at least a good thing]...
...and BTW, my heart goes out to the suffering masses in Gaza whose misery I cannot even begin to imagine, but I am not "cultured" enough to pretend I do not understand Israel's justified actions that even Dietrich's character would understand.
...Perhaps Dietrich's character is really just playing the morphed role of europe [and now the U.N. as well] she/they always seem to play in these matters?
Americas Colleges and academics are supporting the same behavior toward the same victims as Dietrich and you would not believe how many folks are still falling for it...I "shake my head in disbelief" as well and wonder if "cultured" is really a thing [or at least a good thing]...
...and BTW, my heart goes out to the suffering masses in Gaza whose misery I cannot even begin to imagine, but I am not "cultured" enough to pretend I do not understand Israel's justified actions that even Dietrich's character would understand.
...Perhaps Dietrich's character is really just playing the morphed role of europe [and now the U.N. as well] she/they always seem to play in these matters?
She was a cultured well educated woman. Yet she was ok with genocide. the same is happening in Israel where cultured well educated people are ok with killing Palestinian infants.

A great film about the trials. Spencer Tracy heads up the cast as the Judge. Marlene Dietrich is also in it.

The best scene comes midway through the film.

Tracy and Dietrich meet for dinner in a bier keller. Dietrich is the widow of a an executed GenerL and she has grown close to Tracey.

Tracey has come from court after watching allied film of Belsen and doesnt feel like eating. Dietrich tries to convinve him that they did not know about the atrocities. Tracey just stares at her as the oompah music blares in the background and everyone sings beer hall songs. Its wrirren all over his face.

Its mesmerising stuff. Acting and film making of a higher order. An attractive cultured woman jusrifying the most awful acts. It could happen any where.
It is an excellent move based on the 1959 Playhouse 90 presentation. It was a hit in 1961 when it was released winning many awards. Although today, it will seem like ancient history to many but the performances are still powerful and the message is as clear today as it was over 50 years ago.
It is an excellent move based on the 1959 Playhouse 90 presentation. It was a hit in 1961 when it was released winning many awards. Although today, it will seem like ancient history to many but the performances are still powerful and the message is as clear today as it was over 50 years ago.
One of the messages I took was the danger of the courts being a part of the government. Who protects the people from the state if the courts are the state ?
Its a tough question.
One of the messages I took was the danger of the courts being a part of the government. Who protects the people from the state if the courts are the state ?
Its a tough question.
In the US, the first protection is judicial overview by a court of appeals and finally the Supreme Court. In addition, judges can be impeached by state legislatures and for federal judges, the US Congress.

There is also peer reviews of both state and federal judges for open positions. These reviews focus on how well they have followed the laws and judicial procedures and have delivered unbiased legally sound decisions. In the US, both the reputation of a judge and their career is determined by their decisions.

For the Nuremberg trial, each of the four Allied countries that had formed the International Military Tribunal -- the United States, France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union -- provided one judge and one alternate for the court that convened in the fall of 1945. The selection teams were charged with the task of selecting the best from each county.

There was an appeal procedure for the defendants at Nuremberg. After the initial judgment, the defendants had the right to appeal to the Military Tribunal and then to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. This process allowed them to challenge the verdicts and sentences handed down by the Tribunal and most defendants did appeal.
She was a cultured well educated woman. Yet she was ok with genocide. the same is happening in Israel where cultured well educated people are ok with killing Palestinian infants.
Sounds like "cultured" may be the problem, perhaps you should not be throwing the words "cultured" and "educated" around so carelessly. what good are being "cultured",and "educated" if you cannot spot the grotesquely obvious...
...europe has always been the most anti-semitic continent on the planet, nothing new or suprising there, Looks to me as though your education system needs to be razed.
Sounds like "cultured" may be the problem, perhaps you should not be throwing the words "cultured" and "educated" around so carelessly. what good are being "cultured",and "educated" if you cannot spot the grotesquely obvious...
...europe has always been the most anti-semitic continent on the planet, nothing new or suprising there, Looks to me as though your education system needs to be razed.
I say cultured as she could obviously speak more than one language and enjoyed classical music. You can do that without being a nazi.
If you were cultured you would know that Europe is a lot of different places with different education sysrems. True story.
I say cultured as she could obviously speak more than one language and enjoyed classical music.
You can do that without being a nazi.
And what does that say about nazi' who could speak more than one language and enjoyed classical music? the point is that because you are considered "cultured and educated" means little in the way doing the right thing or even recognizing it.
If you were cultured you would know that Europe is a lot of different places with different education sysrems. True story.
and all with the same antisemitic strain of DNA running through them.
And if I were cultured and European educated, I imagine I would be ant-semitic as well...Dietrich's character had the same problem you have and you are making the same claim that had Tracy scratching his head [perhaps he would not think it so strange coming from you and the rest of europe today]
And what does that say about nazi' who could speak more than one language and enjoyed classical music? the point is that because you are considered "cultured and educated" means little in the way doing the right thing or even recognizing it.

and all with the same antisemitic strain of DNA running through them.
And if I were cultured and European educated, I imagine I would be ant-semitic as well...Dietrich's character had the same problem you have and you are making the same claim that had Tracy scratching his head [perhaps he would not think it so strange coming from you and the rest of europe today]
I did say if you were cultured. Not much hope of that.
Sounds like "cultured" may be the problem, perhaps you should not be throwing the words "cultured" and "educated" around so carelessly. what good are being "cultured",and "educated" if you cannot spot the grotesquely obvious...
...europe has always been the most anti-semitic continent on the planet, nothing new or suprising there, Looks to me as though your education system needs to be razed.
Racism in general has been with us since man climbed down out the trees. However the words racism and anti-Semitism didn't come into use till the late 1800's. Racism was not intellectualized like it is today. It was universal and is universal today. Education is probably best means combating racism.
Racism in general has been with us since man climbed down out the trees.
And my point is that nowhere does it have a longer and uglier history than Europe...the "most cultured" continent on earth...My point was specific not general
However the words racism and anti-Semitism didn't come into use till the late 1800's.
Yes, right around the time Marx and marxism was rearing its ugly head.
Racism was not intellectualized like it is today. It was universal and is universal today. Education is probably best means combating racism.
"education" in the hands of the left is also the marxist means to subvert a nation/government through the use of race hustling aka re-education [not the only way though]...see Cambodia, China, N. Korea, Cuba, Nam...etc....take a look at the socialist nations around the world, they keep their minority population numbers down while lecturing on the evils of racism, it's no accident.
And my point is that nowhere does it have a longer and uglier history than Europe...the "most cultured" continent on earth...My point was specific not general

Yes, right around the time Marx and marxism was rearing its ugly head.

"education" in the hands of the left is also the marxist means to subvert a nation/government through the use of race hustling aka re-education [not the only way though]...see Cambodia, China, N. Korea, Cuba, Nam...etc....take a look at the socialist nations around the world, they keep their minority population numbers down while lecturing on the evils of racism, it's no accident.

By education, I mean transmission of facts and skills, not indoctrination. Children that are taught the truth about other races and cultures and to judge people as individuals are far more likely to reject racism than those that aren't.

Unfortunately, parents and even schools often teach children to fear or hate those that are different either literally or metaphorically. Subtle comments and put downs directed at minority groups are very effective at turning children into bigots who become prejudice against people on the basis of their membership in a particular group.

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