Judging Today's Republicans vs. those 10 Years Ago

You are so easy....

My 2 sources not only trumped your weak ones, but let’s look at your first one- NationalInterest.org. AllSides has rated it as low or initial rating confidence in this bias rating.

A second rating by MediaBiasFactCheck agrees with Allsides defining Nationalinterest.org as a questionable source in reliability, and states that “A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.”

WSJ has been separated into 2 categories: ratings for opinions (deemedmuch less reliable)versus its factual articles. You posted an essay which falls under the opinion category and not to be confused with factual evidence. Next?

Republicans will not be electing RINOs any time soon. Hence the name.
Elections are still about Rs vs Ds. You think indy voters will be voting for democrats any time soon? I don't.
Exactly the case Kyzr. Former Democrats have massively moved towards the center with many moving to the right of center. The old phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back” fits perfectly well in 2022’s political landscape, following an eye-opening revelation of the social extent leftists are wanting to push things.
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I can only agree and thank you, it was most enjoyable not to have to argue that point lol

Tis a silly point to argue, like arguing over what flavor of ice cream is the best.
Michelle Bachman (batshit)
Sarah Palin (batshit)
Mitch McConnell (Evil incarnate)
John Boehner (garbage)
Paul Ryan (garbage)

Current Day we have:

Marjorie Taylor Green (bathshit)
Lauren Boebert (batshit)
Mitch McConnell (Evil incarnate)
Kevin McCarthy (garbage)
Ted Cruz (garbage)

Michelle Bachman (batshit) Sorta
Sarah Palin (batshit) Not really that bad
Mitch McConnell (Evil incarnate) scumbag establishment cuck
John Boehner (garbage) establishment cuck
Paul Ryan (garbage) establishment cuck

Current Day we have:

Marjorie Taylor Green (bathshit) true
Lauren Boebert (batshit) Maybe, but she seems to be trying to put things back the way they belong, especially re: the 2A
Mitch McConnell (Evil incarnate) See him above
Kevin McCarthy (garbage) establishment cuck
Ted Cruz (garbage) establishment cuck pretending to not be an establishment cuck
Maher is a comedian. He's in it for the laughs and the only reason lefties take him seriously is because they have no sense of humor. Maher dwells on trivia and makes a big deal about it while truly insane issues that we would have laughed at years ago such as a big muscular man pretending to be a woman and beating genetic females in sports, goes right over his pointy little head. Lefties love because they ain't got a clue either.
Those who know and pay attention to history would see the ignorance of your comment I was responding to.
Realists care, delusionals haven't a clue.
the politicians of today,what was being talked about,are nothing like those from yesteryear.....so there is the ignorance of your comment that i was responding to.....
the politicians of today,what was being talked about,are nothing like those from yesteryear.....so there is the ignorance of your comment that i was responding to.....
In post #18 of this thread you said the following;
both sides have some of the worst politicians we have ever seen....
"have ever seen" would strongly suggest within the history of the USA and that barely goes back 250 years, +/- .
Either you are mis-stating;
ignorant of history;
Being disingenuous.

Pick whatever excuse/CYA you want.*

*(OR: You don't know how to speak clearly and concisely.)

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