Judicial Watch


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
About Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Yet they think Trump and the GOP are above the law. How can you call yourself conservative and non partisan in the same sentence.
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After spamming record FOIA requests to seek inspiration for conservative propaganda, JW has gone back into hibernation as they did under Dubya, as their mission statement is a blatant lie.
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About Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Yet they think Trump and the GOP are above the law. How can you call yourself conservative and non partisan in the same sentence.
That's exactly what I was about to point out.
Set up originally by Klayman , a jew, to investigate the Clintons and now he is attorney for Jeremy Corsi. God only knows who Fitton is.

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

Larry Klayman
They do tend to be highly partisan.

On the one hand, they do a great service uncovering corruption when we have a Democrat in office, and I REALLY wish we had a similarly funded and supported organization, instead of a patchwork of disorganized interests when a Republican is in office, but it is nice they are there.

OTH, their "journalism?"

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

"A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.


A factual search reveals a horrible track record with fact checking. Below is a small sample of their failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers

So yeah, only good for uncovering corruption, nothing more.
Set up originally by Klayman , a jew, to investigate the Clintons and now he is attorney for Jeremy Corsi. God only knows who Fitton is.

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

Larry Klayman
Penny, why does it matter if he is a white, black, native American, Hispanic, Jew, gay, straight, man or woman?
They do tend to be highly partisan.

On the one hand, they do a great service uncovering corruption when we have a Democrat in office, and I REALLY wish we had a similarly funded and supported organization, instead of a patchwork of disorganized interests when a Republican is in office, but it is nice they are there.

OTH, their "journalism?"

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

"A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.


A factual search reveals a horrible track record with fact checking. Below is a small sample of their failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers

Remember when after spamming FOIA requests to no avail, they created the story that the Obama admin had the most FOIA requests of any administration before it? First class propaganda right there.
After spamming record FOIA requests to seek inspiration for conservative propaganda, JW has gone back into hibernation as they did under Dubya, as their mission statement is a blatant lie.

They are tying to open up the email investigation again, what would they do without the Clintons. I am sure a lot of far right donors give to this crap org that exist to take down ONLY democrats.
Set up originally by Klayman , a jew, to investigate the Clintons and now he is attorney for Jeremy Corsi. God only knows who Fitton is.

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

Larry Klayman
Penny, why does it matter if he is a white, black, native American, Hispanic, Jew, gay, straight, man or woman?

Because he is a rotten jew.
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So yeah, only good for uncovering corruption, nothing more.

Only dem corruption and they create it as well. Shit is what they are. You know what, I just can't stand the GOP anymore , at all , none of them.
After spamming record FOIA requests to seek inspiration for conservative propaganda, JW has gone back into hibernation as they did under Dubya, as their mission statement is a blatant lie.

They are tying to open up the email investigation again, what would they do without the Clintons. I am sure a lot of far right donors give to this crap org that exist to take down ONLY democrats.
Set up originally by Klayman , a jew, to investigate the Clintons and now he is attorney for Jeremy Corsi. God only knows who Fitton is.

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

Larry Klayman
Penny, why does it matter if he is a white, black, native American, Hispanic, Jew, gay, straight, man or woman?

Because he is a rotten jew.

How about he's just a rotten person?
After spamming record FOIA requests to seek inspiration for conservative propaganda, JW has gone back into hibernation as they did under Dubya, as their mission statement is a blatant lie.

They are tying to open up the email investigation again, what would they do without the Clintons. I am sure a lot of far right donors give to this crap org that exist to take down ONLY democrats.
Set up originally by Klayman , a jew, to investigate the Clintons and now he is attorney for Jeremy Corsi. God only knows who Fitton is.

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

Larry Klayman
Penny, why does it matter if he is a white, black, native American, Hispanic, Jew, gay, straight, man or woman?

Because he is a rotten jew.

How about he's just a rotten person?

This is why:
“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama,
About Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Yet they think Trump and the GOP are above the law. How can you call yourself conservative and non partisan in the same sentence.
Judicial Watch has sued everybody....They flooded Chimpy Bush's regime with FOIA demands too.
After spamming record FOIA requests to seek inspiration for conservative propaganda, JW has gone back into hibernation as they did under Dubya, as their mission statement is a blatant lie.

They are tying to open up the email investigation again, what would they do without the Clintons. I am sure a lot of far right donors give to this crap org that exist to take down ONLY democrats.
Set up originally by Klayman , a jew, to investigate the Clintons and now he is attorney for Jeremy Corsi. God only knows who Fitton is.

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

Larry Klayman
Penny, why does it matter if he is a white, black, native American, Hispanic, Jew, gay, straight, man or woman?

Because he is a rotten jew.

How about he's just a rotten person?

This is why:
“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama,

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