Julian Assange; Helly's worst nightmare- MORE releases coming

WikiLeaks Is About to Ruin Hillary Clinton's Chances of Becoming President

From the article:
WikiLeaks Is About to Ruin Hillary Clinton’s Chances of Becoming President
Tom Cahill | June 13, 2016

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton.

In a recent interview with ITV, Assange said the whistleblowing website will soon be leaking documents that will provide “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict the presumptive Democratic nominee. WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emailsfrom Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”

http://www.itv.com/news/update/2016-06-12/assange-on-peston-on-sunday-more-clinton-leaks-to-come/- Video of interview

Awww, you mean the Left and their media whores can't get away with cronyism, lying, endangering Americans all over the globe via her unsecured server?? How many crimes has Crooked Helly actually committed? Perhaps we're about to find out. :) Just think we haven't even gotten to Billyboys rape Island yet! Who here is having fun?! Isn't this fun? LOL *Takes a bite of her apple*
Prooving that he is not interested in truth, in the country, or in anything but partisan political goals and making himself look like a big deal.
LMFAO So because he's going to release Helly's emails, showing her to be a BIG FAT LIAR , criminal, that makes him wrong?? You lefties are truly NUTS.
If he had these emails, and he was interested in truth and openness rather than politics, why is he waiting for Mrs. Clinton to be running for president and saying they will ruin her chances? This is all about politics, partisan politics.

If Helly has nothing to hide, why the concern over his timing?? Seems strange to me that you're more worried about him releasing her SHIT PILL than her criminal activity.. You leftists are your own worst enemies.. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to.. I don't think he gives a pile of rat piss over what you think.. Just sayin .. See how that works? -) Lovely day to you!!
Donald Trump didn't throw Ted Cruz under the bus.. quite the opposite.. Cruz all by himself decided to launch an all out attack on the Donald and was soundly beaten.. Get over it, or not.. I really don't care at this point.. You Boogerbots who are holding a grudge can let the country go to hell all over being butthurt.. Your choice.

I am not holding a grudge over that but concerned that both Clinton and Trump
would need to be checked by the Constitution constantly to stay in line.

Trump needs to show he will respect correction by his peers by Constitutional laws.
Clinton does not respond unless compelled to.

LadyGunSlinger if you are going to help rally support for Trump,
I suggest we unify around the Constitution as the central authority.
This other business is divisive, but we are all supposed to hold
govt to the Constitution, so that is unifying. Anyone who is not
with the program will bow out. This is important to unify the support base.

What peers??? The Establishment Globalist WHORES?? He doesn't have to respect shit when it comes to the very people who have destroyed our country, lied to us, mocked us, called us names... That old song has played its last tune..

Dear LadyGunSlinger The same way Trump is picking up diverse support
EVEN from the LGBT who support gun rights and are pro-national security and anti-terrorism,
you can't keep throwing fellow Americans under the bus who are ALLIES in the SAME FIGHTS.

He's got to expand his base. He works with and credits the Latino community
fighting against trafficking and illegal immigration crimes and gangs.

Cruz and the Tea Party FOUGHT against the corrupt Boehner types that bowed to bullying through the media.
The independent base they attract are the voters who don't want more garbage politics.

Ted Cruz helped to soak this country with illegals and wanted to triple the numbers. He and his wife are Crony Globalists.. If you want, we can go here.. My target is Helly so I really don't want to pour it on, but I will..

1. Given the fact that even Trump, himself, gave money to Hillary Clinton's past campaigns
and he has supported Democratic Party principles,
it is clear Trump Cruz and others could all be picked apart by their pasts.

Trump is no exception! So if you are going to argue Cruz is in with crony capitalism,
Trump has ADMITTED that's all he's been doing is buying out politicians left and right cutting deals.

2. For the primaries they both had to fight and say things like that to win.
Now they and other leaders need to unite and defend the Constitution and use that to check and correct govt.

Cruz has shown he can stand on the Constituion and invoke authority of law, and even shut down govt if they keep passing
conflicted laws like ACA that don't comply with Constitutional standards.

Trump needs more leaders and supporters like Cruz on his team if he's going to take back
control of govt and run it sustainably, transfering control of resources back to people and States.

LadyGunSlinger we don't need division to split the vote. That isn't going to help Trump or the nation to divide and weaken.
What makes you think Trump can't hold Cruz to the laws that Cruz has sworn to uphold? Better than Clinton?

No offense Emily but Cruz lost.. End of story. I'm done with this out of respect for you.
I am not holding a grudge over that but concerned that both Clinton and Trump
would need to be checked by the Constitution constantly to stay in line.

Trump needs to show he will respect correction by his peers by Constitutional laws.
Clinton does not respond unless compelled to.

LadyGunSlinger if you are going to help rally support for Trump,
I suggest we unify around the Constitution as the central authority.
This other business is divisive, but we are all supposed to hold
govt to the Constitution, so that is unifying. Anyone who is not
with the program will bow out. This is important to unify the support base.

What peers??? The Establishment Globalist WHORES?? He doesn't have to respect shit when it comes to the very people who have destroyed our country, lied to us, mocked us, called us names... That old song has played its last tune..

Dear LadyGunSlinger The same way Trump is picking up diverse support
EVEN from the LGBT who support gun rights and are pro-national security and anti-terrorism,
you can't keep throwing fellow Americans under the bus who are ALLIES in the SAME FIGHTS.

He's got to expand his base. He works with and credits the Latino community
fighting against trafficking and illegal immigration crimes and gangs.

Cruz and the Tea Party FOUGHT against the corrupt Boehner types that bowed to bullying through the media.
The independent base they attract are the voters who don't want more garbage politics.

Ted Cruz helped to soak this country with illegals and wanted to triple the numbers. He and his wife are Crony Globalists.. If you want, we can go here.. My target is Helly so I really don't want to pour it on, but I will..

1. Given the fact that even Trump, himself, gave money to Hillary Clinton's past campaigns
and he has supported Democratic Party principles,
it is clear Trump Cruz and others could all be picked apart by their pasts.

Trump is no exception! So if you are going to argue Cruz is in with crony capitalism,
Trump has ADMITTED that's all he's been doing is buying out politicians left and right cutting deals.

2. For the primaries they both had to fight and say things like that to win.
Now they and other leaders need to unite and defend the Constitution and use that to check and correct govt.

Cruz has shown he can stand on the Constituion and invoke authority of law, and even shut down govt if they keep passing
conflicted laws like ACA that don't comply with Constitutional standards.

Trump needs more leaders and supporters like Cruz on his team if he's going to take back
control of govt and run it sustainably, transfering control of resources back to people and States.

LadyGunSlinger we don't need division to split the vote. That isn't going to help Trump or the nation to divide and weaken.
What makes you think Trump can't hold Cruz to the laws that Cruz has sworn to uphold? Better than Clinton?

No offense Emily but Cruz lost.. End of story. I'm done with this out of respect for you.

What are we arguing about???
I'm not talking about Cruz vs. Trump WHAT?

I'm talking about Trump pulling together support for govt reforms
and Cruz is one of the Constitutionalists who can do that.

What you are you talking about?
How are Cruz and Trump not on the same side of govt reforms. WHAT???

Sorry LadyGunSlinger but you lost me here.
How does Trump expect to run the country if he is at odds with
Cruz who is one of the leading Senators of Texas which is one
of the strongest states to ALLY WITH.

Are you and I even talking about the same thing??
What peers??? The Establishment Globalist WHORES?? He doesn't have to respect shit when it comes to the very people who have destroyed our country, lied to us, mocked us, called us names... That old song has played its last tune..

Dear LadyGunSlinger The same way Trump is picking up diverse support
EVEN from the LGBT who support gun rights and are pro-national security and anti-terrorism,
you can't keep throwing fellow Americans under the bus who are ALLIES in the SAME FIGHTS.

He's got to expand his base. He works with and credits the Latino community
fighting against trafficking and illegal immigration crimes and gangs.

Cruz and the Tea Party FOUGHT against the corrupt Boehner types that bowed to bullying through the media.
The independent base they attract are the voters who don't want more garbage politics.

Ted Cruz helped to soak this country with illegals and wanted to triple the numbers. He and his wife are Crony Globalists.. If you want, we can go here.. My target is Helly so I really don't want to pour it on, but I will..

1. Given the fact that even Trump, himself, gave money to Hillary Clinton's past campaigns
and he has supported Democratic Party principles,
it is clear Trump Cruz and others could all be picked apart by their pasts.

Trump is no exception! So if you are going to argue Cruz is in with crony capitalism,
Trump has ADMITTED that's all he's been doing is buying out politicians left and right cutting deals.

2. For the primaries they both had to fight and say things like that to win.
Now they and other leaders need to unite and defend the Constitution and use that to check and correct govt.

Cruz has shown he can stand on the Constituion and invoke authority of law, and even shut down govt if they keep passing
conflicted laws like ACA that don't comply with Constitutional standards.

Trump needs more leaders and supporters like Cruz on his team if he's going to take back
control of govt and run it sustainably, transfering control of resources back to people and States.

LadyGunSlinger we don't need division to split the vote. That isn't going to help Trump or the nation to divide and weaken.
What makes you think Trump can't hold Cruz to the laws that Cruz has sworn to uphold? Better than Clinton?

No offense Emily but Cruz lost.. End of story. I'm done with this out of respect for you.

What are we arguing about???
I'm not talking about Cruz vs. Trump WHAT?

I'm talking about Trump pulling together support for govt reforms
and Cruz is one of the Constitutionalists who can do that.

What you are you talking about?
How are Cruz and Trump not on the same side of govt reforms. WHAT???

Sorry LadyGunSlinger but you lost me here.
How does Trump expect to run the country if he is at odds with
Cruz who is one of the leading Senators of Texas which is one
of the strongest states to ALLY WITH.

Are you and I even talking about the same thing??
Seriously, your obsession with Ted Cruz is on you.. He has NO PLACE at the table until and unless Donald Trump decides he does.. I personally hope that never happens. He's a creepy booger eating joke.

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