Julian Castro: Women Can't Afford Tampons So They Can't Go To Work

You don't give a crap about the poor Joe, let's be honest.

Tell me one thing you did to help the poor this week, with your time, money, energy and resources, and let's compare and contrast.

I worked very hard this week and paid my taxes... That's what I did. And I didn't whine about it like a little bitch like you do.

I also don't pretend I'm making a difference by picking up a ladle at a soup kitchen once a year like you Christian Phonies do.
So in other words, you didn't do shit. The government took your taxes and you believe they are being used to help the poor, so out of sight out of mind. Got off your lazy liberal ass and do something. Me, I've worked with the disadvantaged kids in my area for the past 17 years as a Boy Scout leader. That's in addition to "paying my taxes". If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Castro-Fuck is my least favorite of the bunch. I just wish someone would kick his ass.
Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

or held in cages at the border without 'supplies'. but hey - if it ain't her, then why should she care?
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.

So, once again, you prove you have NOTHING in response to a reasonable accounting of facts, by slinging insults at the poster. How very Trumpian of you.

Donald Trump is abusing refugees at the border on purpose. He's fired everyone at ICE who wasn't "tough enough". The latest Acting Director quit because he was being literally booed off stages at universities where he touted the good work ICE is doing. Trump has replaced the DHS in running detainment facilities with "for profit" prison companies, who are more than willing to house the immigrants in deplorable conditions because they're getting $700 per day per prisoner for this abuse.

You could put these families up at a 4 Star hotel for less money. If Trump wants to fill his empty hotels on the government purse, let him fill the rooms with migrant families. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the filthy prisons they're currently being housed in.
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.

So, once again, you prove you have NOTHING in response to a reasonable accounting of facts, by slinging insults at the poster. How very Trumpian of you.

Donald Trump is abusing refugees at the border on purpose. He's fired everyone at ICE who wasn't "tough enough". The latest Acting Director quit because he was being literally booed off stages at universities where he touted the good work ICE is doing. Trump has replaced the DHS in running detainment facilities with "for profit" prison companies, who are more than willing to house the immigrants in deplorable conditions because they're getting $700 per day per prisoner for this abuse.

You could put these families up at a 4 Star hotel for less money. If Trump wants to fill his empty hotels on the government purse, let him fill the rooms with migrant families. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the filthy prisons they're currently being housed in.
Or we could build a wall and keep them out all together, and the fact that you find my response to P-time to be just "slinging insults" is indicative of your inability or unwillingness to deal with the affect your leftarded hubris has on others.

If you were an American I would ask of you what I did of P-time … that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on their arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. Of course, you are just a bitter foreigner who is here only to trash my country and our Prez.

Again, not a single word to refute anything posted, just more insults and abuse. That's all you fools have left - lies and insults.

I'm not trashing America, I'm trashing the lying criminal conman you elected, and the power hungry swampers who enable him.
He is one of the best presidents we have ever had. Just because he doesn't let liberals lie about him.
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.

So, once again, you prove you have NOTHING in response to a reasonable accounting of facts, by slinging insults at the poster. How very Trumpian of you.

Donald Trump is abusing refugees at the border on purpose. He's fired everyone at ICE who wasn't "tough enough". The latest Acting Director quit because he was being literally booed off stages at universities where he touted the good work ICE is doing. Trump has replaced the DHS in running detainment facilities with "for profit" prison companies, who are more than willing to house the immigrants in deplorable conditions because they're getting $700 per day per prisoner for this abuse.

You could put these families up at a 4 Star hotel for less money. If Trump wants to fill his empty hotels on the government purse, let him fill the rooms with migrant families. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the filthy prisons they're currently being housed in.
Or we could build a wall and keep them out all together, and the fact that you find my response to P-time to be just "slinging insults" is indicative of your inability or unwillingness to deal with the affect your leftarded hubris has on others.

If you were an American I would ask of you what I did of P-time … that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on their arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. Of course, you are just a bitter foreigner who is here only to trash my country and our Prez.

Again, not a single word to refute anything posted, just more insults and abuse. That's all you fools have left - lies and insults.

I'm not trashing America, I'm trashing the lying criminal conman you elected, and the power hungry swampers who enable him.
So you say your life in Canada is so lame and meaningless you need to post your misery on the message board of a foreign country. That's very sad.

BTW, I neither supported nor voted for Trump in 2016 but I will in 2020 ... early and often.
or held in cages at the border without 'supplies'. but hey - if it ain't her, then why should she care?
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.

So, once again, you prove you have NOTHING in response to a reasonable accounting of facts, by slinging insults at the poster. How very Trumpian of you.

Donald Trump is abusing refugees at the border on purpose. He's fired everyone at ICE who wasn't "tough enough". The latest Acting Director quit because he was being literally booed off stages at universities where he touted the good work ICE is doing. Trump has replaced the DHS in running detainment facilities with "for profit" prison companies, who are more than willing to house the immigrants in deplorable conditions because they're getting $700 per day per prisoner for this abuse.

You could put these families up at a 4 Star hotel for less money. If Trump wants to fill his empty hotels on the government purse, let him fill the rooms with migrant families. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the filthy prisons they're currently being housed in.
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Don't let reality interfere with progressive-speak. It never does.
Unions are declining at about the same rate as the middle class... while corporations enjoy record profits year after year

but unions are the problem???


Send home all beaners....Problem solved. TA-DA!!
Never happen. Business wouldn’t allow it

But that’s what you want..right?
It would solve the problems you speak of...that’s what you care about right? Solving the problems that REAL Americans face?
eisenhower was pro union AND the corporate tax rate was 90%... & it was one of the most prosperous times in america.
Almost nobody paid the 90% rate. Another libtard lie.

ya ya, i know about the 'effective' tax rate. there weren't nearly as many loopholes or offshore 'headquaters' back then & because big corp had the choice to pay it or roll it back into overhead, upgrades, & worker salaries. which they did.

you think they are even paying that amt after donny's last cut down to 20%?


now try to convince me how we weren't living in the best economical years from eisenhower's days to the late 60's early 70's.................

my father was the sole bread winner w/ a wife, 5 kids, a paid for home, a car AND a union job in factory.
With all the tax deductions nobody paid anywhere near the 70%. I know I lived through it. I remember the 18% interest rates but they too were tax deductible.

& whooooooooooooooo eliminated interest rate deductions 'eh? i remember being able to deduct credit card interest - when that stopped, so did my accruing any interest at all.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

or held in cages at the border without 'supplies'. but hey - if it ain't her, then why should she care?
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
No they aren't still doesn't do away with the fact that those pictures you loons got outraged over. Was from the Obama administration.

This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

or held in cages at the border without 'supplies'. but hey - if it ain't her, then why should she care?
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.


strutting & preening? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rock on.

The poorest person in America lives better than the vast majority of the rest of the world

Why is that something to be proud of? The fact that we are so wealthy, yet have such poverty to rival third world countries SHOULD be a source of shame.

It's not that we can't fix poverty in this country, it's that we REFUSE to do so.

or held in cages at the border without 'supplies'. but hey - if it ain't her, then why should she care?

This is true. SourSue has a serious empathy gap.

You don't give a crap about the poor Joe, let's be honest.

Tell me one thing you did to help the poor this week, with your time, money, energy and resources, and let's compare and contrast.

Are you guys comparing dick sizes?
or held in cages at the border without 'supplies'. but hey - if it ain't her, then why should she care?
You cared less when it happened under Obama. So cruise on hypocrite.

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.

So, once again, you prove you have NOTHING in response to a reasonable accounting of facts, by slinging insults at the poster. How very Trumpian of you.

Donald Trump is abusing refugees at the border on purpose. He's fired everyone at ICE who wasn't "tough enough". The latest Acting Director quit because he was being literally booed off stages at universities where he touted the good work ICE is doing. Trump has replaced the DHS in running detainment facilities with "for profit" prison companies, who are more than willing to house the immigrants in deplorable conditions because they're getting $700 per day per prisoner for this abuse.

You could put these families up at a 4 Star hotel for less money. If Trump wants to fill his empty hotels on the government purse, let him fill the rooms with migrant families. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the filthy prisons they're currently being housed in.
Or we could build a wall and keep them out all together, and the fact that you find my response to P-time to be just "slinging insults" is indicative of your inability or unwillingness to deal with the affect your leftarded hubris has on others.

If you were an American I would ask of you what I did of P-time … that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on their arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. Of course, you are just a bitter foreigner who is here only to trash my country and our Prez.



This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter

These pioneer women worked from sun up to sun down, no running water, no hot water, no refrigerator, no tampons.... how did they ever survive?

not true. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you little poorly educated basket dweller, that only happened when an unaccompanied minor crossed the border.

NOT as a matter of policy, no matter the age, or that intact families that are being detained *now*

& that basic humane essentials like clean running water, or hygiene products, or clean diapers & clothing are being denied under TRUMP'S watch makes your silly point almost moot.
Yeah, yeah … everyone who disagrees with your loony-left POV is a "poorly educated basket dweller."

If I could ask just one thing of you it would be that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on your arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. The fact is despite all your strutting and preening, I'm convinced you're neither bright enough nor educated well enough to avoid that pompous pitfall in 2020.

Haters gotta hate. Hate on, Bro.

So, once again, you prove you have NOTHING in response to a reasonable accounting of facts, by slinging insults at the poster. How very Trumpian of you.

Donald Trump is abusing refugees at the border on purpose. He's fired everyone at ICE who wasn't "tough enough". The latest Acting Director quit because he was being literally booed off stages at universities where he touted the good work ICE is doing. Trump has replaced the DHS in running detainment facilities with "for profit" prison companies, who are more than willing to house the immigrants in deplorable conditions because they're getting $700 per day per prisoner for this abuse.

You could put these families up at a 4 Star hotel for less money. If Trump wants to fill his empty hotels on the government purse, let him fill the rooms with migrant families. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the filthy prisons they're currently being housed in.
Or we could build a wall and keep them out all together, and the fact that you find my response to P-time to be just "slinging insults" is indicative of your inability or unwillingness to deal with the affect your leftarded hubris has on others.

If you were an American I would ask of you what I did of P-time … that you insist the Democrat Socialist Party run on their arrogant "basket of deplorables" slogan again because it worked out so well in 2016. Of course, you are just a bitter foreigner who is here only to trash my country and our Prez.

Again, not a single word to refute anything posted, just more insults and abuse. That's all you fools have left - lies and insults.

I'm not trashing America, I'm trashing the lying criminal conman you elected, and the power hungry swampers who enable him.
He is one of the best presidents we have ever had. Just because he doesn't let liberals lie about him.

that's cause donny does a bang up job lying about himself......

all by himself.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter

These pioneer women worked from sun up to sun down, no running water, no hot water, no refrigerator, no tampons.... how did they ever survive?

You don't wanna know.
So you don't do a thing, Joe. Got it.

What I did this week was work at a food pantry that serves mostly ILLEGAL HISPANIC IMMIGRANTS, Joe.

You don't know the first thing about me. Cults make people simpletons

I'm sure you felt better lording over the Peons...

But if someone suggested letting them become citizens, You'd freak the fuck out.

You want them to become citizens because then they can benefit from "someone else's charity", not yours. I give my own money, AFTER taxes, and my own time, but don't think they should break into our country illegally because that's unjust to those already here.

I have the moral highground and you know it, Joe. I also have the winning position with the American electorate


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