Julian Castro: Women Can't Afford Tampons So They Can't Go To Work

When people whine that they can't afford things there is always a way to do the same thing in a more cost effective manner.

We didn't always live in a disposable society you know
My opinion here is that when the feminists (and I consider myself one, but a sane one) have nothing to complain about but sales tax on tampons, I believe our work is done.
It would be better to work on issues like raising our boys to be rapists and raising our girls to dress and behave like .... that singer who did the Super Bowl probably ten years ago and did all but fuck the microphone....
Tampon sales tax? Who thinks of these things to make the burning issue of the month?
When people whine that they can't afford things there is always a way to do the same thing in a more cost effective manner.

We didn't always live in a disposable society you know

sez a guy who has never shed his uterine lining on a monthly basis for decades.

Then it should be easy for someone who has no?

Remember when everyone used cloth diapers?

well more people are using them again because the disposable society is an expensive one to live in.
Damn Joe! I agree with much of that. I guess you learned a little from your third grade education.

However the Ds aren’t blameless, as you think. They had much to do with income inequality. Your two Messiahs, Ears and Clintons, were all about enriching the rich and themselves.
It odd but not surprising that those who extol the virtues of the "Union Age" (1945- 1970) invariably fail to note that the only industrial show in town was the US. The rest of the industrialized world lay in post WW2 rubble. Way to go, guys.

Like I said earlier. Those big union days were a bubble, and all bubbles burst. It couldn't' last forever, especially with foreign products entering the market, and a huge change in American consumer spending.

I can't tell you how many customers we lost years ago because companies either moved out of the state or out of the country primarily to get away from the unions. Unions were more than just protecting workers, they virtually took over entire businesses.

They told the company who they could hire and who they could fire. They told the company who they can promote and who they couldn't, even if the employee couldn't actually do the job. They told the company how much they have to pay the worker even if the worker wasn't worth half of his or her salary.

One of our last few union customers got rid of their union a little over a year ago. What pissed the workers off was a worthless employee getting a promotion to the highest paid job in the plant. He had the highest seniority and the union told the company he's the one that gets the job.

Well the owner of the company had to do the job instead, because the guy who got the promotion couldn't do the job. That's when the employees decided to take action.

They voted the union out, and the company decided who got that highest paying job based on ability to do it, and of course, years with the company. They fired about three people who were always worthless and never produced any real work, but they always had a job as long as they showed up and were breathing.

I love your useless stories. Always propping up conservative dogma even when the facts don’t support your tall tales.

Once the union movement was quashed, wages for working American stagnated. Companies promised wages would go up once the unions were gone. It never happened. Workers are still waiting for those raises.

So what companies made such a promise? I don't recall one.

What happened throughout the years was that when our workers made one dollar more an hour, overseas, they made three cents more an hour. When our wages raised another dollar, they raised their wages two cents an hour.

Eventually, unions priced us out of the world market.

With that competition and along with improving and greatly decreasing costs for automation, companies are looking for every way possible to cut costs to compete worldwide. That means less jobs for Americans.

We had to get rid of the unions. We had no choice, because American consumers refused to support those good jobs. That's why Walmart is number one, and Amazon is quickly taking the lead in selling consumer products.

Years ago, when you purchase gasoline, an attendant came out, filled your car, washed the windows, checked the oil and tire pressure, and you paid without getting out of your car. Then somebody had a thought: what if they allowed people to pump their own gasoline at a discounted rate??? It would keep the mechanics working on cars instead of losing money pumping gasoline.

It started out on one island. But because of demand, owners had to have two self-serve islands. Long story short, all gasoline stations in the US had to go to totally self-serve.

Did we put a lot of people out of work? Yes we did, but we saved money in the process.

Eventually, gas stations also got rid of the mechanics and service bays, and reconstructed their stations into convenience stores.

Once again, you tout the Republican Party's favourite talking points which utterly ignores the role that Republican economic policies have in impacting wealth distribution in the USA. Prior to 1980, income and wealth was distributed across all levels of society. Workers owned about 5% of the wealth of the nation, poverty had been reduced to around 10%, and the economy was strong. Reagan declared an end to the "War on Poverty" and started demonizing "welfare queens" and reducing aid to poor families. He also attacked and broke the air traffic controllers union.

Reagan promised all workers a raise once the unions were gone. It didn't happen. But what did happen was that large companies stopped giving raises to workers, even as GDP soared. Companies claimed that advances in technology increased production, not the workers, ergo the workers weren't entitled to raises. For the next 40 years, corporations absorbed increases in rent/land purchase costs, equipment, insurance, transportation, raw materials, and massive increases (1000% on average), in executive salaries, without raising the wages of their front-line employees.

During this same time frame, corporations have grown increasingly wealthy. All of these mergers and acquisitions are taking place because corporate America is awash in cash and doesn't know what to do with it. Even as their frontline workers have been losing ground economically for 40 years.

In search for ever greater profits and reduced public accountability, companies started off-shoring production. It started first for companies like Monsanto and Dow Chemicals, companies whose production is so toxic, no first world country will allow it, so they moved to countries like jurisdictions, where there was no effective environmental laws and governments were desperate for jobs for their millions of poor. Jobs started to trickle away to Third World jurisdiction, where labour was cheap and pollution was seen as sign of properity.

Companies always portrayed their abandonment of their American workers as the result of "union greed", but it wasn't the unions who were greedy. Currently, wages as a percentage of costs, is at the same level it was during the Guilded Age. Workers, who owned 5% of the nation's wealth when Reagan was elected, are now just holding on - barely, and are dependent on earned income credits, and other government handouts to get by. Every year, corporations are announcing record profits and dividends. Corporations are no longer good citizens.

I believe you posted that New York won't let Walmart in, but gave Amazon huge tax breaks. You said the City of New York shouldn't be deciding who gets to locate in the city and New Yorkers would love to shop at Walmart. My neighbourhood also blocked a Walmart Store on a property which had been home to some of the highest paying jobs in the city, and for the same reasons: jobs at Walmart pay minimum wage. Anyone who works for Walmart as their one and only job, will require social assistance to live in an expensive city like New York. Amazon jobs pay $50,000 per year. Good, solid, middle class jobs. My neighbourhood didn't want our high paying movie studio jobs replaced with "McJobs".

All of this bullshit about the selfishness of unions driving companies overseas, is just cover for the greed of American corporations in selling out American workers to the highest profits in history. Statistics from 2018, show that Trump's tax cuts have made income and wealth equality worse, not better.

American workers need meaningful raises - not 3% per year, but some form of profit sharing so that all of the benefits of GDP growth aren't going only to the top. There needs to be a huge adjustment at the bottom to end government handouts which function as wage subsidies for billionaire corporations who pay their executive millions while their employees receive food stamps.

The American Middle class was built with a union label. American workers need a voice at the table when wage decisions are made and unions gave them that voice. Without a voice, they've been left behind and ignored for so long they actually voted for Donald Trump.

So many points to address, so I'll start at the top.

Wealth distribution is not run by government, it's run by the people. We little people freely distribute our money to the top in exchange for products or services. That being said, we pay the least we can for those products and services which means we don't care about the floor sweeper or toilet cleaner. Companies (like they always have) cater to their consumers. In the USA, the top priority for the average consumer is price over quality. That started in the 80's after the recession.

Yes, Reagan had the traffic controllers fired after they broke their contract by going on strike. It's the only union he ever dealt with on that level. So this nonsense that Reagan called ass on all unions is a leftist lie. Just like your lie about poverty under Reagan:


I see you are now walking back your statement of companies promising raises if unions were gone, and instead, stating that Reagan made that promise. So where is your link to that claim?

Companies started outsourcing work after they realized they could no longer compete with overseas products. American's simply weren't buying them. They either outsourced the work or left the state or country altogether. You can't make good union products if you have nowhere to sell them.

You are accusing corporations for doing the same exact thing that you do, and that is only pay a worker what they are worth, and nothing more. When you get estimates for your lawn care, do you pick the highest one? What about when you need service from a plumber or electrician? What about if you need the transmission on your car rebuilt? Do you go to the garage that will rebuild it for a thousand dollars, or the one that will rebuild it for two thousand dollars?

Like most people, you will not overpay somebody for work, and neither do corporations. They have investors they have to answer to. They have competition either down the street or across the ocean. They need to produce a product that people will buy.

A little secret your puppet masters never told you about, and that is Walmart pays about the same as Target, as K-Mart, as Wendy's, as Joe's hardware store. Most all beginner no-expereince jobs pay about the same. So why did they target Walmart? Because as the largest growing store, they refused to have unions.

What they told you about are those no-talent shelf stockers. What they didn't tell you about are the advancements that Walmart employees have compared to any other starting job. They didn't tell you their warehouse people are doing just fine, their office people are doing great, their managers are making more than a good living, and many of those were once floor sweepers for the company themselves.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
When people whine that they can't afford things there is always a way to do the same thing in a more cost effective manner.

We didn't always live in a disposable society you know

sez a guy who has never shed his uterine lining on a monthly basis for decades.

Then it should be easy for someone who has no?

Remember when everyone used cloth diapers?

well more people are using them again because the disposable society is an expensive one to live in.

nope. sorry. women will draw the line at using rags for the rag.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter

These pioneer women worked from sun up to sun down, no running water, no hot water, no refrigerator, no tampons.... how did they ever survive?


Not very well. They were mostly deceased by the time they were in their 40's, if they didn't die in childbirth, or from diseases that are cured today with anti-biotics.
When people whine that they can't afford things there is always a way to do the same thing in a more cost effective manner.

We didn't always live in a disposable society you know

sez a guy who has never shed his uterine lining on a monthly basis for decades.

Then it should be easy for someone who has no?

Remember when everyone used cloth diapers?

well more people are using them again because the disposable society is an expensive one to live in.

Do I remember when everyone used cloth menstral pads? No, I don't and I'm 70 years old.

Some tampons are made of 100% cotton and are biodegradable.
What a shameless fucking hypocrite.

‘Allowing’ the government to confiscate your income through taxes is an act of ‘charity’ and selfless humanism, but someone actually getting off their ass and helping real people in the real world with real sweat and effort doesn’t count? Even you don’t believe that bullshit

Why would I waste my time doing that? I'm already working 80 hours a week, thanks... I'd like to actually enjoy myself on the time I have to myself. I mean, honestly, I can't think of a more useless activity than showing up at a soup kitchen so you can feel better about yourself.

I do think that the government should provide benefits and entitlements, not because I care that much about "the poor", i just don't want them robbing my house because they are hungry.

You see, the mistake you make is you all think I'm a liberal. I'm not. I am a cold-hearted pragmatist. If kindness solves a problem, I will use kindness. If cruelty solves a problem, I'm down with that, too.

Good talk, Dripping Poop... I"m sure you have some weird Japanese porn to wank off to, so I won't keep you.
What a shameless fucking hypocrite.

‘Allowing’ the government to confiscate your income through taxes is an act of ‘charity’ and selfless humanism, but someone actually getting off their ass and helping real people in the real world with real sweat and effort doesn’t count? Even you don’t believe that bullshit

Why would I waste my time doing that? .... I mean, honestly, I can't think of a more useless activity than showing up at a soup kitchen so you can feel better about yourself.

I do think that the government should provide benefits and entitlements, not because I care that much about "the poor", i just don't want them robbing my house because they are hungry.

You see, the mistake you make is you all think I'm a liberal. I'm not. I am a cold-hearted pragmatist. If kindness solves a problem, I will use kindness. If cruelty solves a problem, I'm down with that, too. ......

You're a completely typical liberal. You're lazy, morally bankrupt, and attracted to oppression and violence. The epitome of a wannabe communist. If you ever had a taste of what it is really like to live under the conditions you advocate you'd change your tune if only to save your own ass.
Damn Joe! I agree with much of that. I guess you learned a little from your third grade education.

However the Ds aren’t blameless, as you think. They had much to do with income inequality. Your two Messiahs, Ears and Clintons, were all about enriching the rich and themselves.
It odd but not surprising that those who extol the virtues of the "Union Age" (1945- 1970) invariably fail to note that the only industrial show in town was the US. The rest of the industrialized world lay in post WW2 rubble. Way to go, guys.

Like I said earlier. Those big union days were a bubble, and all bubbles burst. It couldn't' last forever, especially with foreign products entering the market, and a huge change in American consumer spending.

I can't tell you how many customers we lost years ago because companies either moved out of the state or out of the country primarily to get away from the unions. Unions were more than just protecting workers, they virtually took over entire businesses.

They told the company who they could hire and who they could fire. They told the company who they can promote and who they couldn't, even if the employee couldn't actually do the job. They told the company how much they have to pay the worker even if the worker wasn't worth half of his or her salary.

One of our last few union customers got rid of their union a little over a year ago. What pissed the workers off was a worthless employee getting a promotion to the highest paid job in the plant. He had the highest seniority and the union told the company he's the one that gets the job.

Well the owner of the company had to do the job instead, because the guy who got the promotion couldn't do the job. That's when the employees decided to take action.

They voted the union out, and the company decided who got that highest paying job based on ability to do it, and of course, years with the company. They fired about three people who were always worthless and never produced any real work, but they always had a job as long as they showed up and were breathing.

I love your useless stories. Always propping up conservative dogma even when the facts don’t support your tall tales.

Once the union movement was quashed, wages for working American stagnated. Companies promised wages would go up once the unions were gone. It never happened. Workers are still waiting for those raises.

So what companies made such a promise? I don't recall one.

What happened throughout the years was that when our workers made one dollar more an hour, overseas, they made three cents more an hour. When our wages raised another dollar, they raised their wages two cents an hour.

Eventually, unions priced us out of the world market.

With that competition and along with improving and greatly decreasing costs for automation, companies are looking for every way possible to cut costs to compete worldwide. That means less jobs for Americans.

We had to get rid of the unions. We had no choice, because American consumers refused to support those good jobs. That's why Walmart is number one, and Amazon is quickly taking the lead in selling consumer products.

Years ago, when you purchase gasoline, an attendant came out, filled your car, washed the windows, checked the oil and tire pressure, and you paid without getting out of your car. Then somebody had a thought: what if they allowed people to pump their own gasoline at a discounted rate??? It would keep the mechanics working on cars instead of losing money pumping gasoline.

It started out on one island. But because of demand, owners had to have two self-serve islands. Long story short, all gasoline stations in the US had to go to totally self-serve.

Did we put a lot of people out of work? Yes we did, but we saved money in the process.

Eventually, gas stations also got rid of the mechanics and service bays, and reconstructed their stations into convenience stores.
Typically, D-Lady accuses you of posting "facts don’t support your tall tales" by posting baseless tales. Typical because that is the leftards' M.O., and of course when asked to support her BS she simply skates away.

Working in the industrial field, I quite often get to talk with supervisors and even company owners about their plight. People think that these owners are all evil greedy men, when in fact, they are true Americans who hate to make decisions that lead to the demise of American workers.

People on the left have no idea of competition. They complain that a company doesn't do this, or a company doesn't do that. Well.......if you think a company should, then start your own and see if you can make your ideas work. Start a company that produces X, pay your workers twice what your competitors are paying theirs, and see if you can compete selling your product over their exact same product. Good luck with that one.
Democrat men also cannot afford
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter
It's the fact, undisputed, that your redistribution system only creates wealth for the political leadership. Are you a political leader in the Socialist democrat movement?

Where was this fact proven?

Here's the thing. We had it right for a while.

After the New Deal, but before Reagan, we had it right. The rich paid confiscatory taxes, when they died, their heirs did not inherit all of their wealth, just some of it. 33% of workers belong to unions and fair wages were the norm. During this time, we built fantastic infrastructure projects, we had an economy that was the envy of the world, we had a real, honest to God functioning middle class.

And then the Republicans fucked it all up.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. First off, the Republicans warned of the dangers unions were giving this country. Jobs have been moving out since the 70's, mostly because of taxation and unions. What Republicans wanted to do is see that stopped or slowed down. The Democrats wanted to put the movement on super charge.

The glory days which you describe was nothing but a bubble, no different than the housing or tech bubble. All bubbles burst. They don't last forever because it's impossible.

During the 80's and after the recession, people became more frugal in their purchases. We went from buying quality made American products to cheap foreign products. It had nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans, it had to do with the American consumer and still does today.

eisenhower was pro union AND the corporate tax rate was 90%... & it was one of the most prosperous times in america.

So you want to use the same economic strategies back then and expect them to work today?

Back in the day, American consumers purchased American made products. There was a huge turnabout with that solidarity back in the 80s after the recession.

Back in Eisenhower's days, our pay rate was closer to other countries. Therefore importing products was not even a consideration back then because it wouldn't have saved us any money, and people would have never bought their products.

Tax corporations at 90% now and see what would happen. Businesses would be closed up and out of this country in two weeks. Hell, tax them at 50% and the same thing would happen.

"If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it."
Ronald Reagan
It's the fact, undisputed, that your redistribution system only creates wealth for the political leadership. Are you a political leader in the Socialist democrat movement?

Where was this fact proven?

Here's the thing. We had it right for a while.

After the New Deal, but before Reagan, we had it right. The rich paid confiscatory taxes, when they died, their heirs did not inherit all of their wealth, just some of it. 33% of workers belong to unions and fair wages were the norm. During this time, we built fantastic infrastructure projects, we had an economy that was the envy of the world, we had a real, honest to God functioning middle class.

And then the Republicans fucked it all up.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. First off, the Republicans warned of the dangers unions were giving this country. Jobs have been moving out since the 70's, mostly because of taxation and unions. What Republicans wanted to do is see that stopped or slowed down. The Democrats wanted to put the movement on super charge.

The glory days which you describe was nothing but a bubble, no different than the housing or tech bubble. All bubbles burst. They don't last forever because it's impossible.

During the 80's and after the recession, people became more frugal in their purchases. We went from buying quality made American products to cheap foreign products. It had nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans, it had to do with the American consumer and still does today.

eisenhower was pro union AND the corporate tax rate was 90%... & it was one of the most prosperous times in america.

So you want to use the same economic strategies back then and expect them to work today?

Back in the day, American consumers purchased American made products. There was a huge turnabout with that solidarity back in the 80s after the recession.

Back in Eisenhower's days, our pay rate was closer to other countries. Therefore importing products was not even a consideration back then because it wouldn't have saved us any money, and people would have never bought their products.

Tax corporations at 90% now and see what would happen. Businesses would be closed up and out of this country in two weeks. Hell, tax them at 50% and the same thing would happen.

"If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it."
Ronald Reagan

what was the ratio of CEO pay & worker bees' pay? they would close because greed is good.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter
I really like these replies to his retweet.
This is about the stupidest thing I ever saw. I remember a few times having to hunt around under the sofa cushions and on the floor of the car for spare change, rolling my pennies, in order to buy a little 12-pack of tampons to get me through until payday, but JEEZ. It's true that eliminating the tax isn't going to make a difference. Sanitary products are expensive, but they're on the list of "buy first" at the store; if you haven't got enough $ and have to remove something from the checkout, it ain't your tampons. Of course, these women who are crying could go back to the way my mom said it used to be--women wore thick pads of cotton that they washed out like diapers.
Kinda makes you want to go panhandle for that $5, doesn't it?
  1. Tom‏ @BoreGuru Oct 19
    Replying to @JulianCastro
    No they're not. Nobody is staying home because of a 6-8% sales tax on period products. But if Massengill delivered Gift Packs, I'd send you one.

  2. While Supplies Last‏ @corrcomm Oct 19
    “I can’t afford fifty cents. I guess I’m forced to stay home from work for four or five days.” I’m sure this makes sense to someone.

I'd really like to meet some of these women he's talking about. I wonder how many who can't afford a tampon has a smart phone, high speed internet service, a big screen, and cable television.
So, um, what if they rent? This sounds like a "make the bigots happy" law.

It reduced calls greatly. If they are renters, the landlord has to pay the bill at tax time which is usually every six months. Then the landlord can raise their rent or throw them out.

Yes, clearly Tamir Rice totally deserved to be shot by Officer Weepy for merely playing with a toy. It wasn't that your city hired a racist loser who got fired from being a "Squirrel Cop".

You mean the same officer that was acquitted by a Grand Jury? Yes Joe, when you pull out a realistic gun on a police officer, chances are you will get shot, especially in a high crime area.
He "worked and paid taxes"

Isn't that a fascinating answer from a Leftist, and most instructive?

That I support the solution that ACTUALLY SOLVES THE PROBLEM? Um. Yes. Yes, very instructive.

So what has provided the most poverty relief.

Some Racist Twat picking up a ladle once a year?

Or People working very hard supporting humane entitlements that keep people from starving.

This isn't complicated.

So what solution do you support that hasn't been tried yet? What solved poverty in this country?
What Castro said is a reflection of what the Democrat party believes, and that is depend on government for everything. If you look at their presidential platform every election, their main driver is creating ways to make us more dependent.

Most of the people on the left don't realize they are cradle to gravers.

Or we realize it's not a bad thing.

Just remember- White people get "entitlements", poor people of color get "Welfare". Keep telling yourself that.

The problem is you keep telling yourself that.

Depending on the government is a good thing? Perhaps in China or Cuba, but not the US.

Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything you have. When your freedom depends on being dependent of other people, you have no freedom at all.

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