Julian Castro: Women Can't Afford Tampons So They Can't Go To Work

So in other words, you didn't do shit. The government took your taxes and you believe they are being used to help the poor, so out of sight out of mind. Got off your lazy liberal ass and do something. Me, I've worked with the disadvantaged kids in my area for the past 17 years as a Boy Scout leader. That's in addition to "paying my taxes". If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Nope, I don't making poor people grovel in front of your Sky Pixie is really a way to help them.

I leave that sort of thing to the professionals, thanks..

Unless you encounter a black person that worships the "Sky Pixie". Then you tell him you "respect his beliefs". Because Identity Politics is your idol
...Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything you have. When your freedom depends on being dependent on other people, you have no freedom at all.
You know what, when a Conservative talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of people with money to abuse the rest of us...
Yanno, you've posted a lot of silliness this morning but that one sentence says all one need know about you … you're obviously one of life's bitter losers because you're STUPID.
"Julian Castro: Women Can't Afford Tampons So They Can't Go To Work"
Wonder if he is speaking from is personal experience?
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.
Soooo, they stay home and lose money by not working, rather than spend the $5 dollars, go to work and come out ahead of the game? If people fall for this they are seriously nuts.
You want them to become citizens because then they can benefit from "someone else's charity", not yours. I give my own money, AFTER taxes, and my own time, but don't think they should break into our country illegally because that's unjust to those already here.

You see, there you go, using the wonderful rhetoric of the racist.. "illegally" "break in".

These people come here because they want to make a better life for their children... Just like my Grandparents did when they came here trying to get away from Hitler.

They are willing to do the most awful jobs that most of us don't want to do, for a pittance..

But don't worry, once in a while, you pick up a ladle and give them soup, and feel better about yourself.

I have the moral highground and you know it, Joe. I also have the winning position with the American electorate

Um... no. Trump didn't win because he hated Mexicans... He won because a lot of people wanted to give the middle finger to the establishment and didn't think it through.

The fact that you spend so much time hating on poor people who have so much less than you speaks volumes about your "morals".
Sooo, they are trying to escape those utopian socialist areas you so admire...
You can’t see the forest for the trees.
"Julian Castro: Women Can't Afford Tampons So They Can't Go To Work"
Wonder if he is speaking from is personal experience?
One can understand how childcare costs can render employment uneconomical but Tampons? Really Julian? Is that what your campaign has been reduced to?

There is a word for Castro and his candidacy: PATHETIC.
You're a completely typical liberal. You're lazy, morally bankrupt, and attracted to oppression and violence. The epitome of a wannabe communist. If you ever had a taste of what it is really like to live under the conditions you advocate you'd change your tune if only to save your own ass.


Yes, actually making sure that poor people don't go to bed hungry at night is JUST LIKE COMMUNISM.


Way too late to pretend you give a shit about hungry children now, Commie Joe.
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I love your useless stories. Always propping up conservative dogma even when the facts don’t support your tall tales.

Once the union movement was quashed, wages for working American stagnated. Companies promised wages would go up once the unions were gone. It never happened. Workers are still waiting for those raises.

So what companies made such a promise? I don't recall one.

What happened throughout the years was that when our workers made one dollar more an hour, overseas, they made three cents more an hour. When our wages raised another dollar, they raised their wages two cents an hour.

Eventually, unions priced us out of the world market.

With that competition and along with improving and greatly decreasing costs for automation, companies are looking for every way possible to cut costs to compete worldwide. That means less jobs for Americans.

We had to get rid of the unions. We had no choice, because American consumers refused to support those good jobs. That's why Walmart is number one, and Amazon is quickly taking the lead in selling consumer products.

Years ago, when you purchase gasoline, an attendant came out, filled your car, washed the windows, checked the oil and tire pressure, and you paid without getting out of your car. Then somebody had a thought: what if they allowed people to pump their own gasoline at a discounted rate??? It would keep the mechanics working on cars instead of losing money pumping gasoline.

It started out on one island. But because of demand, owners had to have two self-serve islands. Long story short, all gasoline stations in the US had to go to totally self-serve.

Did we put a lot of people out of work? Yes we did, but we saved money in the process.

Eventually, gas stations also got rid of the mechanics and service bays, and reconstructed their stations into convenience stores.
Typically, D-Lady accuses you of posting "facts don’t support your tall tales" by posting baseless tales. Typical because that is the leftards' M.O., and of course when asked to support her BS she simply skates away.

Working in the industrial field, I quite often get to talk with supervisors and even company owners about their plight. People think that these owners are all evil greedy men, when in fact, they are true Americans who hate to make decisions that lead to the demise of American workers.

People on the left have no idea of competition. They complain that a company doesn't do this, or a company doesn't do that. Well.......if you think a company should, then start your own and see if you can make your ideas work. Start a company that produces X, pay your workers twice what your competitors are paying theirs, and see if you can compete selling your product over their exact same product. Good luck with that one.

You've never come within sniffing distance of the corporate people who make these decisions, or the owners of large multi-national corporations responsible for billions of dollars of sales. You haven't spent any time discussing matters of trade with cabinet ministers and premiers, so don't try to mansplain business to me, asshole.

As someone who was paid to offer advice to companies, and employers on financial and legal matters, I find your comments both condescending and utterly without basis in fact. Your ideas of what liberals know and think are rooted in your own igorance of how business and how the economy functions.

The last time I looked, Jeff Bezos was the richest man in the world, and he was putting Walmart out of business. Bezos is a liberal who pays his workers more than double what your heros, Walmart and McDonalds, pay their workers. Bill Gates is also a liberal. Second richest man in the world. He gave all of his workers stocks in the company. Microsoft created more millionaire employees than any corporation in history. Many of the Microsoft millionaires went on to start their own successful businesses.

Starbucks is another liberal company with a history of "overpaying" their barristas and counter staff, with rapid advancement, bonuses, medical benefits for part time workers, and other wages and benefits you fools are convinced no successful company can provide.

Walmart isn't welcome in New York because they don't pay their workers enough money to live on and expect taxpayers to subsidize those wages with food stamps and earned income credits. Pretty soon, other municipalities will be forced to drive out these corporate parasites. Pay a living wage or get outta town.

WTF did I say I spoke with corporate managers of multinational companies? I said companies period. You know, the ones that were forced to move their jobs overseas?

Jeff Bezos used to sell books. That was it. My employer had stock in Amazon years ago and dropped it. Yes, he came up with a great idea, and I use Amazon all the time as most people. But when he moved several operations here, the liberals were the first to complain about the low wages Amazon pays. They offer between 11 and 15 bucks an hour, but you are on your feet all day hustling orders. McDonald's here offers slightly less.


Microsoft did pay their employees well because their competition was little. But Macintosh came back strong, and is still strong today. In fact Apple sued Microsoft many times for stealing and using their ideas. And don't say that Microsoft doesn't use foreign labor for some of their products. In fact because of Trump's crackdown on immigration, Microsoft is considering moving operations out of the country. And remember, the iPhone is assembled in China, and Macintosh is another well known liberal company.

Starbucks is another one with little competition. Perhaps a mom and pop's coffee shop here and there, but no other major franchise to worry about. Because of what they pay their employees, that's why you pay ten bucks for a coffee and small pastry. A virtual monopoly can charge that and get away with it too.

You said you know how business works and why, which is a something liberals have no clue about. Your post proves you're a liar.
ohhhhhh the drama. ohhhhhhhhhh. a man telling us about women. hahahaha

Almost nobody paid the 90% rate. Another libtard lie.

ya ya, i know about the 'effective' tax rate. there weren't nearly as many loopholes or offshore 'headquaters' back then & because big corp had the choice to pay it or roll it back into overhead, upgrades, & worker salaries. which they did.

you think they are even paying that amt after donny's last cut down to 20%?


now try to convince me how we weren't living in the best economical years from eisenhower's days to the late 60's early 70's.................

my father was the sole bread winner w/ a wife, 5 kids, a paid for home, a car AND a union job in factory.
With all the tax deductions nobody paid anywhere near the 70%. I know I lived through it. I remember the 18% interest rates but they too were tax deductible.

& whooooooooooooooo eliminated interest rate deductions 'eh? i remember being able to deduct credit card interest - when that stopped, so did my accruing any interest at all.
you mean made the rich pay their fair share?
You don't give a crap about the poor Joe, let's be honest.

Tell me one thing you did to help the poor this week, with your time, money, energy and resources, and let's compare and contrast.

I worked very hard this week and paid my taxes... That's what I did. And I didn't whine about it like a little bitch like you do.

I also don't pretend I'm making a difference by picking up a ladle at a soup kitchen once a year like you Christian Phonies do.

Yeah, like most middle-income Democrats, you likely do nothing for the poor and will be the first to complain when yours go up enough to prevent you from getting something you want. Meanwhile, us heartless Republican donate much more to charity on average. My church has many programs to benefit the poor and that is where quite a bit of my money goes. What about you?
You don't give a crap about the poor Joe, let's be honest.

Tell me one thing you did to help the poor this week, with your time, money, energy and resources, and let's compare and contrast.

I worked very hard this week and paid my taxes... That's what I did. And I didn't whine about it like a little bitch like you do.

I also don't pretend I'm making a difference by picking up a ladle at a soup kitchen once a year like you Christian Phonies do.

Yeah, like most middle-income Democrats, you likely do nothing for the poor and will be the first to complain when yours go up enough to prevent you from getting something you want. Meanwhile, us heartless Republican donate much more to charity on average. My church has many programs to benefit the poor and that is where quite a bit of my money goes. What about you?
I want to know why they aren't giving all of their money to the poor. i mean they are such saints that they would never take something that the poor could use. where's their charities? why are most all charities christian? one guess.
You don't give a crap about the poor Joe, let's be honest.

Tell me one thing you did to help the poor this week, with your time, money, energy and resources, and let's compare and contrast.

I worked very hard this week and paid my taxes... That's what I did. And I didn't whine about it like a little bitch like you do.

I also don't pretend I'm making a difference by picking up a ladle at a soup kitchen once a year like you Christian Phonies do.

Yeah, like most middle-income Democrats, you likely do nothing for the poor and will be the first to complain when yours go up enough to prevent you from getting something you want. Meanwhile, us heartless Republican donate much more to charity on average. My church has many programs to benefit the poor and that is where quite a bit of my money goes. What about you?
I want to know why they aren't giving all of their money to the poor. i mean they are such saints that they would never take something that the poor could use. where's their charities? why are most all charities christian? one guess.

The ultra-wealthy Democrats do donate money to charities because it doesn't preclude their next yacht purchase. As soon as donating starts affecting what they can buy, they stop. Same with the average Democrat, which is why they donate so little to charities on average. They talk a big game, but when it is time to put up, they fold like a cheap tent.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter

It just go's to show how out of touch the moron is. My girl is 11 and can manage to find what she needs with $0.50 and a woman's restroom.

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