Julian Castro: Women Can't Afford Tampons So They Can't Go To Work

This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

That's too difficult. Better to whine and complain that you can't go to work or school.

If another World War comes, we're doomed. An army of snowflakes will get nothing done. Maybe this was the plan, I don't know.

Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. #NationalPeriodDay

Julián Castro on Twitter

It just go's to show how out of touch the moron is. My girl is 11 and can manage to find what she needs with $0.50 and a woman's restroom.
but a demofk woman needs her handlers with their tax money to help her. I mean, they have vijay jay hats they made to remind their handlers of their needs.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
food stamps buy cigarettes, but they can't buy a tampon?
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
food stamps buy cigarettes, but they can't buy a tampon?

What? I can buy smokes with food stamps? Hmmm, I wonder if you can get edibles with EBT?
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
food stamps buy cigarettes, but they can't buy a tampon?

What? I can buy smokes with food stamps? Hmmm, I wonder if you can get edibles with EBT?
I don't know. you should try and tell us. But I know you can buy cigs with food stamps, it happens every day.

People put the cigs on the belt with their groceries and it gets bagged and after the scan, the food stamps pay for the groceries and the cigs that went in the bad with them. it's really simple.
So in other words, you didn't do shit. The government took your taxes and you believe they are being used to help the poor, so out of sight out of mind. Got off your lazy liberal ass and do something. Me, I've worked with the disadvantaged kids in my area for the past 17 years as a Boy Scout leader. That's in addition to "paying my taxes". If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Nope, I don't making poor people grovel in front of your Sky Pixie is really a way to help them.

I leave that sort of thing to the professionals, thanks..
What the fuck are you babbling about retard? Off your meds?
You're a completely typical liberal. You're lazy, morally bankrupt, and attracted to oppression and violence. The epitome of a wannabe communist. If you ever had a taste of what it is really like to live under the conditions you advocate you'd change your tune if only to save your own ass.

A guy whose screen name is a degrading sort of Japanese Porn where women are shit on really doesn't have a place to call someone "morally bankrupt".

Yes, actually making sure that poor people don't go to bed hungry at night is JUST LIKE COMMUNISM.

Hey, since you love Japan so much, you know they have the kind of welfare state that you'd call "Communism". So does most of Europe.

Hell ! I thought his name was Uncle Terry!

Anxious Democratic Establishment Asks, ‘Is There Anybody Else?’

Jonathan Martin
1 min ago
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
food stamps buy cigarettes, but they can't buy a tampon?

What? I can buy smokes with food stamps? Hmmm, I wonder if you can get edibles with EBT?

That's not how they get them.

Food stamp people ask other customers in line if they can use their food stamps to buy some of their products. At the end of the line, the customer gives the food stamp person the money for their own groceries back. The food stamp person then uses that cash for whatever he or she wants.
Because he knows she wouldn't stand a chance in hell.

Actually, when the Trump Recession hits, the Democrats could run Spanky the Clown and win.
There will be no recession.

There must be a recession coming. I've been hearing about it for three years now! :auiqs.jpg:
impeachment before a president is even swore in. That's the one that's special. if an idiot exists in the world it is the ones that spouted that then.
So what companies made such a promise? I don't recall one.

What happened throughout the years was that when our workers made one dollar more an hour, overseas, they made three cents more an hour. When our wages raised another dollar, they raised their wages two cents an hour.

Eventually, unions priced us out of the world market.

With that competition and along with improving and greatly decreasing costs for automation, companies are looking for every way possible to cut costs to compete worldwide. That means less jobs for Americans.

We had to get rid of the unions. We had no choice, because American consumers refused to support those good jobs. That's why Walmart is number one, and Amazon is quickly taking the lead in selling consumer products.

Years ago, when you purchase gasoline, an attendant came out, filled your car, washed the windows, checked the oil and tire pressure, and you paid without getting out of your car. Then somebody had a thought: what if they allowed people to pump their own gasoline at a discounted rate??? It would keep the mechanics working on cars instead of losing money pumping gasoline.

It started out on one island. But because of demand, owners had to have two self-serve islands. Long story short, all gasoline stations in the US had to go to totally self-serve.

Did we put a lot of people out of work? Yes we did, but we saved money in the process.

Eventually, gas stations also got rid of the mechanics and service bays, and reconstructed their stations into convenience stores.
Typically, D-Lady accuses you of posting "facts don’t support your tall tales" by posting baseless tales. Typical because that is the leftards' M.O., and of course when asked to support her BS she simply skates away.

Working in the industrial field, I quite often get to talk with supervisors and even company owners about their plight. People think that these owners are all evil greedy men, when in fact, they are true Americans who hate to make decisions that lead to the demise of American workers.

People on the left have no idea of competition. They complain that a company doesn't do this, or a company doesn't do that. Well.......if you think a company should, then start your own and see if you can make your ideas work. Start a company that produces X, pay your workers twice what your competitors are paying theirs, and see if you can compete selling your product over their exact same product. Good luck with that one.

You've never come within sniffing distance of the corporate people who make these decisions, or the owners of large multi-national corporations responsible for billions of dollars of sales. You haven't spent any time discussing matters of trade with cabinet ministers and premiers, so don't try to mansplain business to me, asshole.

As someone who was paid to offer advice to companies, and employers on financial and legal matters, I find your comments both condescending and utterly without basis in fact. Your ideas of what liberals know and think are rooted in your own igorance of how business and how the economy functions.

The last time I looked, Jeff Bezos was the richest man in the world, and he was putting Walmart out of business. Bezos is a liberal who pays his workers more than double what your heros, Walmart and McDonalds, pay their workers. Bill Gates is also a liberal. Second richest man in the world. He gave all of his workers stocks in the company. Microsoft created more millionaire employees than any corporation in history. Many of the Microsoft millionaires went on to start their own successful businesses.

Starbucks is another liberal company with a history of "overpaying" their barristas and counter staff, with rapid advancement, bonuses, medical benefits for part time workers, and other wages and benefits you fools are convinced no successful company can provide.

Walmart isn't welcome in New York because they don't pay their workers enough money to live on and expect taxpayers to subsidize those wages with food stamps and earned income credits. Pretty soon, other municipalities will be forced to drive out these corporate parasites. Pay a living wage or get outta town.

WTF did I say I spoke with corporate managers of multinational companies? I said companies period. You know, the ones that were forced to move their jobs overseas?

Jeff Bezos used to sell books. That was it. My employer had stock in Amazon years ago and dropped it. Yes, he came up with a great idea, and I use Amazon all the time as most people. But when he moved several operations here, the liberals were the first to complain about the low wages Amazon pays. They offer between 11 and 15 bucks an hour, but you are on your feet all day hustling orders. McDonald's here offers slightly less.


Microsoft did pay their employees well because their competition was little. But Macintosh came back strong, and is still strong today. In fact Apple sued Microsoft many times for stealing and using their ideas. And don't say that Microsoft doesn't use foreign labor for some of their products. In fact because of Trump's crackdown on immigration, Microsoft is considering moving operations out of the country. And remember, the iPhone is assembled in China, and Macintosh is another well known liberal company.

Starbucks is another one with little competition. Perhaps a mom and pop's coffee shop here and there, but no other major franchise to worry about. Because of what they pay their employees, that's why you pay ten bucks for a coffee and small pastry. A virtual monopoly can charge that and get away with it too.

You said you know how business works and why, which is a something liberals have no clue about. Your post proves you're a liar.

No, it proves I know what I'm talking about. You libs think business owners created jobs to provide income and benefits to people. That's not why anybody starts or operates a business. I've seen plenty close down or move out of state or country, and it's all because of one reason: They can't produce products as cheap as foreign entities can.
The problem is you keep telling yourself that.

Depending on the government is a good thing? Perhaps in China or Cuba, but not the US.

Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything you have. When your freedom depends on being dependent of other people, you have no freedom at all.

You know what, when a Conservative talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of people with money to abuse the rest of us.

Like when your boss had the "Freedom" to cut off your health insurance, you screamed "FREEEEEEEEDOM" because, gosh darn, you just didn't want to take that government healthcare from a Negro.

When I heard this, I thought of you.

The View’s Joy Behar nails ‘sad truth’ about spiteful Trump voters: ‘They don’t want health care if you get it also’

“The View” co-host pointed to a New York Times column written by University of Florida professor Darlena Cunha, who spoke with some of her neighbors about their support for the scandal-plagued Republican president.

One man who struck up a conversation with the writer apologized right away for his poor dental health, which he couldn’t afford to improve, but said he’d rather do without health care than pay for someone he didn’t think deserved it.

“I’d rather take care of my own self with tape than be stuck in a system where I pay for everyone else,” the man told Cunha.

Behar was flabbergasted by the man’s attitude, but said his view was sadly common among Trump supporters.

That's you Joe, getting your most vital news from The View.

I'm sure you believe her story too. Dental insurance is about 400 bucks a year give or take. You don't need a healthcare plan to get it either. It's a separate policy if you want it.

But the elitist pigs you watch on television probably don't know that, because they only try to act like regular people. None of them ever had to face the problems Democrats create for the rest of society. That's why they support them.

It's not about taking healthcare, it's about paying out the ass for such a crappy policy that one would likely never use in their life. As you and I both know, DumBama lied about the entire thing, as most Democrats do. The most comical word in the ACA is Affordable.

Yes Joe, it's called freedom. I have freedom, and so do you. You chose not to get psychological help for your severe case of OCD, and that's the decision you made. You may live the rest of your life miserably, but that's what freedom is all about.
those poor women who qualify get phones courtesy of the gov'ment, because it's cheaper than landlines. & b4 you ignorantly start calling them obamaphones, like so many other dolts on this here forum - it was saint ronny who started that program.

REALLY? Reagan was giving out cell phones? :rofl:

Did he travel to the future to get them? :lmao:

Nah, you're just a fucking liar and too stupid to think through your lies before you tell them; typical Communist.

go back to school & take a reading comp class. back then it was LANDLINES.... now it's cell phones because they are cheaper.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers

Since 1985, the Lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service for qualifying low-income consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, including being able to connect to jobs, family and emergency services. Lifeline is part of the Universal Service Fund. The Lifeline program is available to eligible low-income consumers in every state, territory, commonwealth, and on Tribal lands.
On March 31, 2016, the Commission adopted a comprehensive reform and modernization of the Lifeline program. In the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order, the Commission included broadband as a support service in the Lifeline program. The Commission also set out minimum service standards for Lifeline-supported services to ensure maximum value for the universal service dollar, and established a National Eligibility Verifier to make independent subscriber eligibility determinations.
Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers


A short history of the ‘Obamaphone’
A little history. As far back as the 1930s, public policy established the need for universal phone service. During the Reagan administration, the FCC established the Universal Service Fund. A tax on everyone’s phone bill fed the fund, which enabled people to receive subsidies for basic telephone service. To qualify, a person or household must be receiving one or more of several federal assistance benefits. By the logic that established the term “Obamaphone,” you’d have to call a 1980s rotary phone installed via the Universal Service Fund a Reaganphone.

A short history of the ‘Obamaphone’ | Federal News Network

can you be a more poorly educated lazy deplorable? me thinx not.




Remember stupid fuck, you SAID

{those poor women who qualify get phones courtesy of the gov'ment, because it's cheaper than landlines. & b4 you ignorantly start calling them obamaphones, like so many other dolts on this here forum - it was saint ronny who started that program.}

because it's cheaper than landline.

Wait stupid fuck, you said NOT LANDLINE but CELL PHONE. Remember stupid? You can't keep your lies straight - because you tell so many.

So again stupid, what does this have to do with life line?

You're just a fucking liar and too stupid to think through your lies before you tell them; typical Communist.

apparently you are too poorly educated to have figured out my response made perfect sense given we were talking PRESENT TENSE, - who thinks smartphones were around back then. next time try a little harder, dipshit.


you're dismissed.
This is Peak 2019 Feminism....I hope. Used to be that we could have female biological processes and still work, see. Then we became snowflakes and women call off work for cramps and yadda yadda.

But now we can't budget for $5.00 of feminine products a month or whatever it might be generic. Heaven forfend that women figure this out, be accountable, etc.

Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
food stamps buy cigarettes, but they can't buy a tampon?

What? I can buy smokes with food stamps? Hmmm, I wonder if you can get edibles with EBT?
I don't know. you should try and tell us. But I know you can buy cigs with food stamps, it happens every day.

People put the cigs on the belt with their groceries and it gets bagged and after the scan, the food stamps pay for the groceries and the cigs that went in the bad with them. it's really simple.

wrong, simpleton - if expired coupons gets flagged, you don't think digital electronic guardrails aren't put in use? it ain't the days of paper anymore.

Using Your EBT Card to Get Food Supplements and TANF | Pine Tree Legal Assistance
Sweet Sue has no idea what it's like to be really poor.

No one in this country is so poor they can't buy tampons.
food stamps buy cigarettes, but they can't buy a tampon?

What? I can buy smokes with food stamps? Hmmm, I wonder if you can get edibles with EBT?
I don't know. you should try and tell us. But I know you can buy cigs with food stamps, it happens every day.

People put the cigs on the belt with their groceries and it gets bagged and after the scan, the food stamps pay for the groceries and the cigs that went in the bad with them. it's really simple.

wrong, simpleton - if expired coupons gets flagged, you don't think digital electronic guardrails aren't put in use? it ain't the days of paper anymore.

Using Your EBT Card to Get Food Supplements and TANF | Pine Tree Legal Assistance
If the store uses other codes sure
Unless you encounter a black person that worships the "Sky Pixie". Then you tell him you "respect his beliefs". Because Identity Politics is your idol

That and he's not an asshole like you are...

Yanno, you've posted a lot of silliness this morning but that one sentence says all one need know about you … you're obviously one of life's bitter losers because you're STUPID.

No, I do very well, thanks... been overcoming obstacles since I was a teen... But the point stands...

Do you think there's a reason why the Libertarian disease that has taken over the GOP has been funded by rich guys? In 1980, the GOP treated the Libertarian Party like the joke that it was. That was before David Koch (who was their veep candidate in 1980) realized that they could pump a bunch of money into the GOP and get their crazy into the national discussion that way.

Now the Koches (Well, David died,and good riddance) are upset because Trump is running roughshod over their interests with his populism. Someone should have read Frankenstein to them as children.
Yeah, like most middle-income Democrats, you likely do nothing for the poor and will be the first to complain when yours go up enough to prevent you from getting something you want. Meanwhile, us heartless Republican donate much more to charity on average. My church has many programs to benefit the poor and that is where quite a bit of my money goes. What about you?

Here's the problem I have with taxes.


The ultra-wealthy Democrats do donate money to charities because it doesn't preclude their next yacht purchase. As soon as donating starts affecting what they can buy, they stop. Same with the average Democrat, which is why they donate so little to charities on average. They talk a big game, but when it is time to put up, they fold like a cheap tent.

Or we realize Charities are about making people feel better about themselves, not solving the root problem.



Showing up once a month at a Church and ladling out soup to poor people if they Grovel in Front of Your Sky Pixie isn't solving that problem.

The pittance we spend on social programs helps a lot more, but that's largely wasted.

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