Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?
Confirm what? She never said she saw a rape other than her own.
There was a reason why she said these girls were being raped. Maybe she saw nothing. Then she's lying.

Folks can speculate until the cows come home. Doesnt matter a wit. 36 years ago, no corroborating witnesses = nobody cares. Feminist bulldog man haters + limpwristed men add up to dick in the public domain.

Start greasing that pooper s0ns....here comes the bumpy.

Good God, try to keep up. You just look silly
I'm ahead of you. Several steps. Its none of my business how you think I look.

Looks like you are actively defending a Woman who states that she stood by while young, high school aged girls, were being raped, and didn't go to the police. In fact, she not only didn't go to the Police, she WENT BACK TO THOSE PARTIES..............

Wait for it

Wait for it

Exactly. I defend and applaud her for finally stepping forward and pointing out that Kav was a rapist.

She never said he was one. She said he was at parties where such events occurred. He statements were crafted very carefully.
Or maybe she didnt exactly see him do the deed. She did see him in line though.
That's not what she said, she said only that he and Mark was at the same party no mention of being in the line. The word play is in hopes people like you OR THE PERSON WHO YOU GOT THAT SLANT FROM pass the story down the line falsely to make up a more damaging narrative.
They call people like you- "a dupe"/ a pawn.
This adult woman attended parties with high school boys and girls. Ten parties over a period of two years. Boys stood in line to rape girls. Ten times and she kept going back.
"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
I'm ahead of you. Several steps. Its none of my business how you think I look.

Looks like you are actively defending a Woman who states that she stood by while young, high school aged girls, were being raped, and didn't go to the police. In fact, she not only didn't go to the Police, she WENT BACK TO THOSE PARTIES..............

Wait for it

Wait for it

Exactly. I defend and applaud her for finally stepping forward and pointing out that Kav was a rapist.

She never said he was one. She said he was at parties where such events occurred. He statements were crafted very carefully.
Or maybe she didnt exactly see him do the deed. She did see him in line though.
That's not what she said, she said only that he and Mark was at the same party no mention of being in the line. The word play is in hopes people like you OR THE PERSON WHO YOU GOT THAT SLANT FROM pass the story down the line falsely to make up a more damaging narrative.
They call people like you- "a dupe"/ a pawn.
Sorry dog. Reading is fundamental. You guys are fucking idiots. At least read the statement all the way before you lie.

"I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh,"
-Julie Swetnick
Best post I've seen all day.
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

How did she know they were going on? Just making it up?
You kind of put 2 and 2 together once you get raped or someone tells you. The first time I went to a party where people were sniffing coke I didnt know until the next day.

If you go to 10 parties where people are sniffing coke, you figure it out. Now, are we supposed to believe that you SERIOUSLY think no one talked about ANY of the alleged rapes and the ONLY name anyone can remember is Kavenaugh's?
Ok. So what if I figure it out? That doesnt change the fact that I went to 10 parties not knowing they were sniffing coke.

I'm pretty sure people talked about it and your information is incorrect. Kav is just one of the guys she remembers.

To recap, girls get raped at these parties, people talk about it, but no one is warned so girls keep going and getting raped. The accuser sees boys standing in line waiting for their turn at the girls and she we're supposed to believe she thinks nothing of it so we don't challenge her for doing nothing and going back multiple times to the parties, but we're also supposed to believe that she KNEW they were waiting to rape some girls for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh. Do we have all that right?

We're expected to believe some really strange stuff.
So let me get this straight............the girls say that girls are getting gang raped at these parties..............so they say..............LET'S GO............

Well here's an interesting twist;

The woman who says she witnessed Brett Kavanaugh drugging girls in order to rape them with groups of boys at high school parties has a history of financial troubles, according to federal and state tax records.

And her estranged father said he was shocked by the allegations she has leveled against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

Julie Swetnick, 55, who was the third woman to come forward to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault, allegedly failed to pay over $100,000 in taxes and fees in Maryland and to the Internal Revenue Service since 2015.

Brett Kavanaugh's third accuser has history of money troubles and unpaid taxes | Daily Mail Online
really an adult. She couldnt even legally drink yet
She WAS an adult claiming to be at high school parties. Of course she's lying, but that's her story and Democrats accept it. Now she must be prosecuted!
Are you claiming that 20 year olds dont attend high school parties?

Not sure why any 20 year old would attend any high school parties. Most of them are in college, and usually attend college parties. Not high school ones.

At least, most women in their right mind would attend college parties. Why attend parties where there are minors involved?
Bbecause Asslilps attend(ed?) HIGHSCHOOL parties as an adult? Seems "normal" to him.
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.
really an adult. She couldnt even legally drink yet
She WAS an adult claiming to be at high school parties. Of course she's lying, but that's her story and Democrats accept it. Now she must be prosecuted!
Are you claiming that 20 year olds dont attend high school parties?

Not sure why any 20 year old would attend any high school parties. Most of them are in college, and usually attend college parties. Not high school ones.

At least, most women in their right mind would attend college parties. Why attend parties where there are minors involved?
Bbecause Asslilps attend(ed?) HIGHSCHOOL parties as an adult? Seems "normal" to him.
Not my HS parties but I did go to a few while I was 18 and 19 in the military.
Oh crap. Its radical dems trying to destroy Cavenaughs life and his family. Funny how all this shit came out at the very end, after this process was all over and the Democrats couldnt find a way to stop him based on his work and his life, and despite having their crying banshees interfere in the proceedings.
What we are witnessing now is an all out assault from the left. This is why they wanted a delay... time to conjure up stories by their operatives.

If this particular story was true.... this woman saying she attended 10 rape parties? there would have been droves of women who knew this about Cavenaugh... this would have came up a long time ago. What crap.
The desperation of the political left is beyond pathetic now. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for trying to destroy his girls lives with these f'd up accusations just cause you dont want this guy to sit on the bench
How do you figure Kavanaught's life will be destroyed?

Describe what you think will happen to him, even if he's not granted the office he's up for.

Remember, he doesn't have a right to be a Supreme Court Judge.

Dear MarcATL
It depends if decisions are based on sworn testimony under oath, or on hearsay statements made in the media.

If Kavanaugh is blocked from office by media hearsay, which amounts to juries getting swayed by media reports instead of basing decisions on court room instructions and evidence permitted and sworn by court process, then this sets a DANGEROUS precedent.

Not only is his life and career derailed by way of "media hearsay" but this threatens due process for others.

However, if the vote is fair, based on sworn testimony and proven records through the established process for reviewing and confirming him democratically as prescribed, there is nothing wrong with not getting hired because of how you answered in an interview for a job.

That doesn't destroy his life as long as the process is fair. If all voters base their decision on sworn or proven records, given through the prescribed process; and don't base their judgment on bias from unproven outside sources like media which isn't permitted in courtroom processes for this reason.

What will destroy anything is destroying due process.

Exactly right. Are we going to set the precedent in which belated accusations without evidence suffice to open new rounds of hearings and investigations in order to delay and maybe deny someone a fair and impartial hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee? Is this going to be the new normal? If so, who the hell will accept a nomination the future, knowing this kind of slanderous hell awaits? Who wants their spouse and family to have to endure this, and perhaps be frightened by death threats? Should we incentivize a tactic that results in such skullduggery, by allowing an unfounded last minute accusation to result in an investigation and more hearings followed by another accusation and another investigation and another hearing, and on and on.

This is precisely why the criminal law’s presumption of innocence, and the placing of a burden of proof on the accuser rather than the accused, makes sense not just for criminal trials but also for Senate confirmation hearings in which the nominee is accused of misdeeds. By presuming the accused’s innocence and requiring the accuser to provide at least some evidence—even if it is only credible testimony from contemporaneous witnesses—the process preserves the incentive for the accuser, the one best positioned to produce evidence, to actually produce evidence. This approach best ensures the Senate’s ability to surface the facts necessary to give or deny its advice to a life-tenured judicial appointment.

My personal opinion is that in the future, no accusations should be considered by the Committee once the Hearings begin. None of this bullshit where someone divulges an accusation during or after the hearings are over for the express desire to delay and deny the process. If an accusation does happen it may be considered by the full Senate, no doubt also investigated by the Senate rather than the FBI unless a federal crime is alleged. Right now it's a disgusting spectacle of unscrupulous dishonor. And it stinks.
really an adult. She couldnt even legally drink yet
She WAS an adult claiming to be at high school parties. Of course she's lying, but that's her story and Democrats accept it. Now she must be prosecuted!
Are you claiming that 20 year olds dont attend high school parties?

Not sure why any 20 year old would attend any high school parties. Most of them are in college, and usually attend college parties. Not high school ones.

At least, most women in their right mind would attend college parties. Why attend parties where there are minors involved?
Bbecause Asslilps attend(ed?) HIGHSCHOOL parties as an adult? Seems "normal" to him.

Unless you are into minors (generally speaking), I guessed you could say that. Lol
Well here's an interesting twist;

The woman who says she witnessed Brett Kavanaugh drugging girls in order to rape them with groups of boys at high school parties has a history of financial troubles, according to federal and state tax records.

And her estranged father said he was shocked by the allegations she has leveled against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

Julie Swetnick, 55, who was the third woman to come forward to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault, allegedly failed to pay over $100,000 in taxes and fees in Maryland and to the Internal Revenue Service since 2015.

Brett Kavanaugh's third accuser has history of money troubles and unpaid taxes | Daily Mail Online
What do money troubles have to do with being raped? Are you saying if you have great credit and lots of money you wont get raped?
She's a whackjob.

Julie Swetnick, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted, had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend.

A Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy, who told POLITICO Wednesday the two had dated for four years before they broke up.

Thirteen days later, the case was dismissed, not long after an affidavit of non-ability to advance fees was filed.

According to Vinneccy, Swetnick threatened him after they broke up and even after he got married to his current wife and had a child.

Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. "I know a lot about her.”

"She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”

Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser
Well here's an interesting twist;

The woman who says she witnessed Brett Kavanaugh drugging girls in order to rape them with groups of boys at high school parties has a history of financial troubles, according to federal and state tax records.

And her estranged father said he was shocked by the allegations she has leveled against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

Julie Swetnick, 55, who was the third woman to come forward to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault, allegedly failed to pay over $100,000 in taxes and fees in Maryland and to the Internal Revenue Service since 2015.

Brett Kavanaugh's third accuser has history of money troubles and unpaid taxes | Daily Mail Online
What do money troubles have to do with being raped? Are you saying if you have great credit and lots of money you wont get raped?

Hey, I'm not saying anything. Just putting another perspective on this shit show...

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