Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.

As usual, it's impossible to argue with you, since you do not have the character to ever concede a point.
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

I didn't make that claim. Her own words state that she witnessed boys line up to rape girls who Kavanagh and others caused to become inebriated. Which goes back to Tilly's original point. If she knew girls were being gang raped, why did she not report it? Furthermore, why did she keep going back to those parties?
I dont know all of the reasons people dont report rape but its proven the vast majority of them dont.

How do you know at what point she realized that rapes were occurring?

At the point she said she knew the boys were lined up to take their turn. Multiple times, she said. I know that's supposed to make us really mad because it just kept happening, but it also reveals her lack of concern for the welfare of the girls. Remember, she said she saw boys drugging girls and taking turns with them multiple times. At the very least, I would expect someone with the slightest intellect and integrity to witness it once, then report it or never return. Yet she kept going back and did nothing.
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.

As usual, it's impossible to argue with you, since you do not have the character to ever concede a point.
Dont get mad at me just because you cant use simple logic. Why would I concede a point when anyone with a brain can figure it out the answer to your question? You act like its improbable for her to figure out what was going on after she got raped.
She's a whackjob.

Julie Swetnick, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted, had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend.

A Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy, who told POLITICO Wednesday the two had dated for four years before they broke up.

Thirteen days later, the case was dismissed, not long after an affidavit of non-ability to advance fees was filed.

According to Vinneccy, Swetnick threatened him after they broke up and even after he got married to his current wife and had a child.

Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. "I know a lot about her.”

"She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”

Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.

As usual, it's impossible to argue with you, since you do not have the character to ever concede a point.
Dont get mad at me just because you cant use simple logic. Why would I concede a point when anyone with a brain can figure it out the answer to your question? You act like its improbable for her to figure out what was going on after she got raped.

You're a total waste of time and bandwidth.
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

I didn't make that claim. Her own words state that she witnessed boys line up to rape girls who Kavanagh and others caused to become inebriated. Which goes back to Tilly's original point. If she knew girls were being gang raped, why did she not report it? Furthermore, why did she keep going back to those parties?
I dont know all of the reasons people dont report rape but its proven the vast majority of them dont.

How do you know at what point she realized that rapes were occurring?

At the point she said she knew the boys were lined up to take their turn. Multiple times, she said. I know that's supposed to make us really mad because it just kept happening, but it also reveals her lack of concern for the welfare of the girls. Remember, she said she saw boys drugging girls and taking turns with them multiple times. At the very least, I would expect someone with the slightest intellect and integrity to witness it once, then report it or never return. Yet she kept going back and did nothing.
When did she say she figured it out? How do you know she didnt figure it out until after she was herself raped?
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur? Thats like saying I saw you take a shit because I saw you waiting outside the portapotty.

Sure, because a line of guys waiting outside a portapotty are waiting to play chess. Are you trying to make us believe you think she really believed all those girls wanted it until it happened to her? And this woman got a security clearance?
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.

As usual, it's impossible to argue with you, since you do not have the character to ever concede a point.
Dont get mad at me just because you cant use simple logic. Why would I concede a point when anyone with a brain can figure it out the answer to your question? You act like its improbable for her to figure out what was going on after she got raped.

You're a total waste of time and bandwidth.
I agree. Youre wasting your time with these easily dismissed arguments. Next time get some help and think logically and I wont embarrass you.
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur? Thats like saying I saw you take a shit because I saw you waiting outside the portapotty.

Sure, because a line of guys waiting outside a portapotty are waiting to play chess. Are you trying to make us believe you think she really believed all those girls wanted it until it happened to her? And this woman got a security clearance?
I'm not trying to make you believe anything. I'm just pointing out the holes in your lies and assumptions.
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !

You're supposed to believe the parts that implicate Kavenaugh. The other, conflicting parts of the story are all just therapist notes written down wrong.
When it all boils down, maybe, just maybe, Democrat voters will see through all this bullshit and vote those complicit congress critters out of office. This is the most despicable thing I have ever seen or heard of inside the Beltway since Bubba and whats her name
She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

Her story is that she observed on multiple occasions boys getting girls under the influence of drugs and alcohol, then pulling a train on them. Obviously, those girls wanted it.
When it all boils down, maybe, just maybe, Democrat voters will see through all this bullshit and vote those complicit congress critters out of office. This is the most despicable thing I have ever seen or heard of inside the Beltway since Bubba and whats her name
It looks like repub women are seeing through the bullshit and turning dem.
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

Her story is that she observed on multiple occasions boys getting girls under the influence of drugs and alcohol, then pulling a train on them. Obviously, those girls wanted it.
Why do you say the girls obviously wanted it?

Did you ever get drunk or high just so men could pull a train on you?
Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

The girls all just wanted it, right?
Not sure what that question has to do with her saying she saw someone getting raped. Can you show me where she said this?

An underage girl having sex with multiple underage boys, one after the other, while under the influence of drugs and alcohol that were pushed on her either wanted it or is being raped. So, you're claiming she knew they were having sex (boys lived up waiting their turn), but didn't know there was rape going on. Therefore, you're saying the girls wanted to be rendered incapable of defending themselves, then to have sex with boy after boy.

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