Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
That's what I said. A real unconscious deadhead.
That doesnt really change that she was raped and saw Kav there.
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

So serious she isn’t even claiming he raped her. Just that she attended parties where sluts got rammed and Brett was standing around at a party.
Because you know, everyone at a party is guilty if drunk sluts get nailed.

From what her attorney said, she wasn't aware of what went on in the rooms except when she got raped, and yes we do not know if Kavanaugh or Judge raped her , just they were there.
From your own link she clearly says she witnessed Kav and Judge deliberately getting girls inebriated and that she then saw them queue with others to have their ‘turn’ with the girls in a side room.
Not sure how that means Kav and Judge raped her?
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
Read her affidavit.

She clearly stated that she knew what they were lined up for.

Then somehow she kept going to these parties until it happened to her.
"Many guys up into their 20's date girls in high school."

I was just saying that when I graduated from high school, I never thought about dating any women (or girls) once I started attending college.
Why did you give up women/girls after you started attending college? Did you come out of the closet or something?

Sorry, I didn't explain myself clearly....
I was saying that after I left high school in 1989, and attended college; I had no reason to date any girls or women in high school. Sorry for the confusion.
You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
That's what I said. A real unconscious deadhead.
That doesnt really change that she was raped and saw Kav there.
You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
That's what I said. A real unconscious deadhead.
That doesnt really change that she was raped and saw Kav there.

I was once in a bank that was being robbed but nobody accused me of being involved just because I was there.
She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

I didn't make that claim. Her own words state that she witnessed boys line up to rape girls who Kavanagh and others caused to become inebriated. Which goes back to Tilly's original point. If she knew girls were being gang raped, why did she not report it? Furthermore, why did she keep going back to those parties?
I dont know all of the reasons people dont report rape but its proven the vast majority of them dont.

How do you know at what point she realized that rapes were occurring?

At the point she said she knew the boys were lined up to take their turn. Multiple times, she said. I know that's supposed to make us really mad because it just kept happening, but it also reveals her lack of concern for the welfare of the girls. Remember, she said she saw boys drugging girls and taking turns with them multiple times. At the very least, I would expect someone with the slightest intellect and integrity to witness it once, then report it or never return. Yet she kept going back and did nothing.
When did she say she figured it out? How do you know she didnt figure it out until after she was herself raped?

She claimed she observed "many" times boys lined up for their turn at a girl, after she also observed boys pushing alcohol and drugs on the same girls. Either she thought they were being raped or they all wanted it. Again, do all women really think underage girls want multiple boys to have sex with them, one after the other? That sounds more like an adolescent boy's fantasy.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
Read her affidavit.

She clearly stated that she knew what they were lined up for.

Then somehow she kept going to these parties until it happened to her.
I did read her affidavit. I just dont see the part where it says when she realized what they were lined up for.
She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur? Thats like saying I saw you take a shit because I saw you waiting outside the portapotty.

Sure, because a line of guys waiting outside a portapotty are waiting to play chess. Are you trying to make us believe you think she really believed all those girls wanted it until it happened to her? And this woman got a security clearance?
I'm not trying to make you believe anything. I'm just pointing out the holes in your lies and assumptions.

What lie? I'm pointing out that if she saw boys lined up outside a room and knew they were waiting their turn with a girl, she had to think one of two things about the girl. Either she was being raped or she wanted it. What other option is there?
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

I didn't make that claim. Her own words state that she witnessed boys line up to rape girls who Kavanagh and others caused to become inebriated. Which goes back to Tilly's original point. If she knew girls were being gang raped, why did she not report it? Furthermore, why did she keep going back to those parties?
I dont know all of the reasons people dont report rape but its proven the vast majority of them dont.

How do you know at what point she realized that rapes were occurring?

At the point she said she knew the boys were lined up to take their turn. Multiple times, she said. I know that's supposed to make us really mad because it just kept happening, but it also reveals her lack of concern for the welfare of the girls. Remember, she said she saw boys drugging girls and taking turns with them multiple times. At the very least, I would expect someone with the slightest intellect and integrity to witness it once, then report it or never return. Yet she kept going back and did nothing.
When did she say she figured it out? How do you know she didnt figure it out until after she was herself raped?

She claimed she observed "many" times boys lined up for their turn at a girl, after she also observed boys pushing alcohol and drugs on the same girls. Either she thought they were being raped or they all wanted it. Again, do all women really think underage girls want multiple boys to have sex with them, one after the other? That sounds more like an adolescent boy's fantasy.
Again youre confused. Where does it say when she realized these things were happening? Can someone quote when she came to this realization? Anyone?
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur? Thats like saying I saw you take a shit because I saw you waiting outside the portapotty.

Sure, because a line of guys waiting outside a portapotty are waiting to play chess. Are you trying to make us believe you think she really believed all those girls wanted it until it happened to her? And this woman got a security clearance?
I'm not trying to make you believe anything. I'm just pointing out the holes in your lies and assumptions.

What lie? I'm pointing out that if she saw boys lined up outside a room and knew they were waiting their turn with a girl, she had to think one of two things about the girl. Either she was being raped or she wanted it. What other option is there?
I already told you the other option. She didnt realize anything until she was raped and she put 2 and 2 together.
She claimed she observed "many" times boys lined up for their turn at a girl, after she also observed boys pushing alcohol and drugs on the same girls. Either she thought they were being raped or they all wanted it. Again, do all women really think underage girls want multiple boys to have sex with them, one after the other? That sounds more like an adolescent boy's fantasy.
Sounds like a 'creepy porn lawyer's' fantasy.
Looks like you are actively defending a Woman who states that she stood by while young, high school aged girls, were being raped, and didn't go to the police. In fact, she not only didn't go to the Police, she WENT BACK TO THOSE PARTIES..............

Wait for it

Wait for it

Exactly. I defend and applaud her for finally stepping forward and pointing out that Kav was a rapist.

She never said he was one. She said he was at parties where such events occurred. He statements were crafted very carefully.
Or maybe she didnt exactly see him do the deed. She did see him in line though.
That's not what she said, she said only that he and Mark was at the same party no mention of being in the line. The word play is in hopes people like you OR THE PERSON WHO YOU GOT THAT SLANT FROM pass the story down the line falsely to make up a more damaging narrative.
They call people like you- "a dupe"/ a pawn.
Sorry dog. Reading is fundamental. You guys are fucking idiots. At least read the statement all the way before you lie.

"I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh,"
-Julie Swetnick

I am Saying Julie is not accusing Mark and Kav of assaulting HER. Correct?
The 3rd accuser...was represented by Katz, the first accusers lawyer in a fake sexual harrasment claim......

Then there is this look at the story...

Avenatti’s Sleazy New Charge | National Review

As evidence for this, Swetnick provided . . . nothing. She named neither witnesses nor victims, could identify none of the perpetrators except for Kavanaugh and Judge, failed notably to decide on the year in which these alleged crimes took place, and hedged in her language such that the only concrete accusation of Brett Kavanaugh’s involvement with “gang rape” was that she saw him drunk once near a door. In a bloodless piece on the topic, the New York Times reported that “none of Ms. Swetnick’s claims could be independently corroborated.” “Her lawyer,” the paper confirmed, “declined to make her available for an interview.” Well, then.

In a statement, Judge Kavanaugh complained that the allegation had come “from the Twilight Zone.” That is not quite right. The Twilight Zone was held to represent “the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.” But in the declaration provided by Avenatti, there was no light, no science, and no knowledge. As has been the case with the other two accusers, all of the named witnesses — in this case, Kavanaugh and Judge — immediately denied the charges. Where, exactly, are investigators supposed to look next?

Questions abound. Why, given their severity, were these alleged crimes never aired until now? Why, when finally let loose, was the chosen venue Twitter? Where are the tens or hundreds of people who must have close knowledge of this serial criminality? Why, as an adult at the time, did Swetnick do nothing, despite having been a witness to multiple “gang rape” parties? Why, when she was in college and Kavanaugh and Judge were minors, did she seek them out repeatedly? It is not usual for the college-age alumni of unrelated schools to attend multiple parties with 15-y
Exactly. I defend and applaud her for finally stepping forward and pointing out that Kav was a rapist.

She never said he was one. She said he was at parties where such events occurred. He statements were crafted very carefully.
Or maybe she didnt exactly see him do the deed. She did see him in line though.
That's not what she said, she said only that he and Mark was at the same party no mention of being in the line. The word play is in hopes people like you OR THE PERSON WHO YOU GOT THAT SLANT FROM pass the story down the line falsely to make up a more damaging narrative.
They call people like you- "a dupe"/ a pawn.
Sorry dog. Reading is fundamental. You guys are fucking idiots. At least read the statement all the way before you lie.

"I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh,"
-Julie Swetnick

I am Saying Julie is not accusing Mark and Kav of assaulting HER. Correct?
i dont see that accusation in her statement. Looks to me she just saw them there.
"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

Her story is that she observed on multiple occasions boys getting girls under the influence of drugs and alcohol, then pulling a train on them. Obviously, those girls wanted it.
Why do you say the girls obviously wanted it?

Did you ever get drunk or high just so men could pull a train on you?

I'm trying to understand the accuser's thought process. When she saw the lines of boys, did she think they were raping the girls? Remember, she said she saw it many times, and did nothing. If she really thought they were being raped, did nothing and kept going back to the parties, she's pretty stupid. Therefore, she had to be thinking the girls wanted it.
She never said he was one. She said he was at parties where such events occurred. He statements were crafted very carefully.
Or maybe she didnt exactly see him do the deed. She did see him in line though.
That's not what she said, she said only that he and Mark was at the same party no mention of being in the line. The word play is in hopes people like you OR THE PERSON WHO YOU GOT THAT SLANT FROM pass the story down the line falsely to make up a more damaging narrative.
They call people like you- "a dupe"/ a pawn.
Sorry dog. Reading is fundamental. You guys are fucking idiots. At least read the statement all the way before you lie.

"I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh,"
-Julie Swetnick

I am Saying Julie is not accusing Mark and Kav of assaulting HER. Correct?
i dont see that accusation in her statement. Looks to me she just saw them there.

We are on the same page. Thank you.
I didn't make that claim. Her own words state that she witnessed boys line up to rape girls who Kavanagh and others caused to become inebriated. Which goes back to Tilly's original point. If she knew girls were being gang raped, why did she not report it? Furthermore, why did she keep going back to those parties?
I dont know all of the reasons people dont report rape but its proven the vast majority of them dont.

How do you know at what point she realized that rapes were occurring?

At the point she said she knew the boys were lined up to take their turn. Multiple times, she said. I know that's supposed to make us really mad because it just kept happening, but it also reveals her lack of concern for the welfare of the girls. Remember, she said she saw boys drugging girls and taking turns with them multiple times. At the very least, I would expect someone with the slightest intellect and integrity to witness it once, then report it or never return. Yet she kept going back and did nothing.
When did she say she figured it out? How do you know she didnt figure it out until after she was herself raped?

She claimed she observed "many" times boys lined up for their turn at a girl, after she also observed boys pushing alcohol and drugs on the same girls. Either she thought they were being raped or they all wanted it. Again, do all women really think underage girls want multiple boys to have sex with them, one after the other? That sounds more like an adolescent boy's fantasy.
Again youre confused. Where does it say when she realized these things were happening? Can someone quote when she came to this realization? Anyone?

According to her own words, she knew what was allegedly going on. In part of her statement, she claims that she was aware of Kavanaugh and others spiking the punch in order to take advantage of girls. Here, read it for yourself:

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Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

Her story is that she observed on multiple occasions boys getting girls under the influence of drugs and alcohol, then pulling a train on them. Obviously, those girls wanted it.
Why do you say the girls obviously wanted it?

Did you ever get drunk or high just so men could pull a train on you?

I'm trying to understand the accuser's thought process. When she saw the lines of boys, did she think they were raping the girls? Remember, she said she saw it many times, and did nothing. If she really thought they were being raped, did nothing and kept going back to the parties, she's pretty stupid. Therefore, she had to be thinking the girls wanted it.
Thats not clear. Boys do stupid shit at the age as any young girl will tell you. You dont have to try very hard. Just use some common sense.
If I'm not mistaken
I dont know all of the reasons people dont report rape but its proven the vast majority of them dont.

How do you know at what point she realized that rapes were occurring?

At the point she said she knew the boys were lined up to take their turn. Multiple times, she said. I know that's supposed to make us really mad because it just kept happening, but it also reveals her lack of concern for the welfare of the girls. Remember, she said she saw boys drugging girls and taking turns with them multiple times. At the very least, I would expect someone with the slightest intellect and integrity to witness it once, then report it or never return. Yet she kept going back and did nothing.
When did she say she figured it out? How do you know she didnt figure it out until after she was herself raped?

She claimed she observed "many" times boys lined up for their turn at a girl, after she also observed boys pushing alcohol and drugs on the same girls. Either she thought they were being raped or they all wanted it. Again, do all women really think underage girls want multiple boys to have sex with them, one after the other? That sounds more like an adolescent boy's fantasy.
Again youre confused. Where does it say when she realized these things were happening? Can someone quote when she came to this realization? Anyone?

According to her own words, she knew what was allegedly going on. In part of her statement, she claims that she was aware of Kavanaugh and others spiking the punch in order to take advantage of girls. Here, read it for yourself:

I told you I already read it. You probably need to read it yourself.

One more time. Where does it say she came to this realization? Before or after she was raped?

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