Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

Only if youre stupid enough to believe she watched someone get raped. How someone got that impression from what she said speaks to their low intelligence.

She said she knew it was going on. Is this not part of her statement?

"I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be “gang raped” in a side room or bedroom by a “train” of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

The girls all just wanted it, right?
Not sure what that question has to do with her saying she saw someone getting raped. Can you show me where she said this?

An underage girl having sex with multiple underage boys, one after the other, while under the influence of drugs and alcohol that were pushed on her either wanted it or is being raped. So, you're claiming she knew they were having sex (boys lived up waiting their turn), but didn't know there was rape going on. Therefore, you're saying the girls wanted to be rendered incapable of defending themselves, then to have sex with boy after boy.
Not sure how you got that out of me asking you where she said she saw someone get raped?
Can you bold the part that says she saw someone getting raped?

"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
"she says that Kavanaugh and Judge participated in efforts to “cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
Feinstein was responsible for the information. To date, no staffer has been thrown under the bus, so it's still on her.

That doesnt prove Feinstein leaked anything thought. Just because they havent offered up a sacrifice like the repubs would do doesnt mean she leaked it.

It came from her office, she's responsible unless she names a person who did it against her wishes. She hasn't even stated she opposed the release.
Being responsible for something has nothing to do with it being leaked. The janitor could have leaked it.

Where did she state that she opposes the leak and vows to prosecute the guilty party once she tracks them down?
Not sure what that has to do with being responsible for the leak?

It goes to her supporting the leak, which means she likely had a hand in it. If she really didn't want it leaked, she would be angry that her staff betrayed her, but she's not. She hasn't indicated anything about it. I believe she either did the leak herself or authorized it.
Unless you are into minors (generally speaking), I guessed you could say that. Lol

Many guys up into their 20's date girls in high school

I graduated from high school in 1989. I attended college in 1994. I never thought about dating any women after I got out of high school. Even when I was in college. There are plenty of beautiful women in college and sometimes, women in high school are still immature. Not all women in high school. But most are.

I prefer older women, so minor "girls" would be a huge turn off.
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
Totally out of context with her affadavit.
I graduated from high school in 1989. I attended college in 1994. I never thought about dating any women after I got out of high school. Even when I was in college. There are plenty of beautiful women in college and sometimes, women in high school are still immature. Not all women in high school. But most are.

I prefer older women, so minor "girls" would be a huge turn off.
Thanks for sharing but not sure how that changes anything I said?
So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
Totally out of context with her affadavit.
Show us where its out of context. This will be interesting to see if you can pull this off.
Where does that say she actually saw the rape occur?

So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.

If she saw them lined up for their turn at a girl at "many" of the parties, she either knew there was rape going on or she thought the girls all wanted it. Does any woman really think multiple drunk minor females really want to have a train pulled in them?
So now suddenly, you DON'T believe the woman ! Lol !
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.

It doesn't matter if she actually saw a rape occur, the point is, she BELIEVED gang rapes were occuring, YET she continued to go to the parties.
How do you know at what point she figured out gang rapes were occurring?

Can you read ? "Many of these partIES". That's plural, understand ? This means she had to attend some of these parties AFTER she believed gang rapes were occuring.

"She says that she has a “firm recollection” of individuals including Kavanaugh and Judge “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room”—
Where does it say she attended parties after she realized this? BTW thanks for providing the statement that proves she said she saw Kav in line.

If she saw them lined up for their turn at a girl at "many" of the parties, she either knew there was rape going on or she thought the girls all wanted it. Does any woman really think multiple drunk minor females really want to have a train pulled in them?
You keep forgetting option 3. She didnt put it all together until after she had been raped.
"Many guys up into their 20's date girls in high school."

I was just saying that when I graduated from high school, I never thought about dating any women (or girls) once I started attending college.
I do believe her. I just dont see where she claimed to have watched someone get raped like you guys are claiming she said.
If she didn't see it how could she confirm it?

You're supposed to believe that she knew they were being raped for the purpose of accusing Kavenaugh, but she didn't know they were being raped for the purpose of avoiding blame for done nothing and going back to the parties. You have to know when to believe what.
No. Youre supposed to use logic and figure out that she didnt know they were being raped until after she herself was raped
I get it! She had no idea why those horny boys were lined up outside a closed door. She musta been a real dead head.
That or she could have just been oblivious since she herself wasnt being raped.
That's what I said. A real unconscious deadhead.
"Many guys up into their 20's date girls in high school."

I was just saying that when I graduated from high school, I never thought about dating any women (or girls) once I started attending college.
Why did you give up women/girls after you started attending college? Did you come out of the closet or something?
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

So serious she isn’t even claiming he raped her. Just that she attended parties where sluts got rammed and Brett was standing around at a party.
Because you know, everyone at a party is guilty if drunk sluts get nailed.

From what her attorney said, she wasn't aware of what went on in the rooms except when she got raped, and yes we do not know if Kavanaugh or Judge raped her , just they were there.
From your own link she clearly says she witnessed Kav and Judge deliberately getting girls inebriated so they could be ‘gang raped’ and that she then saw them queue with others to have their ‘turn’ with the girls in a side room.
Don’t t you read your own links?

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