Zone1 July likely to be warmest month on record, says NASA scientist

No, there is no science. There may be computer derived fiction, but there is no actual science going on.

Thus it is opinion.
Hmmm.....people freaking out because it's hot in the summer.
July likely to be warmest month on record, says NASA scientist

July 2023 will probably be the world's hottest month in "hundreds, if not thousands, of years," top NASA climatologist Gavin Schmidt said Thursday.

Remote : Fri, 21 Jul 2023 01:20:46 GMT
Local : 2023-07-21(Friday) 03 : 20 : 46
Found via NicerApp WebOS


i'm just saying, NASA is known for an unbiased view.
We have to give up every thing so the elite can keep flying around on their private jets and driving their luxury cars so that they can inform us peasants how much more we have to give.
What natural conditions are drastically adding CO2 to the atmosphere?
None that I know of (unless volcano activity is up), but CO2 doesn't cause global warming. Or rather the relation is more complicated than the climate bedwetters let on. Whether CO2 has a warming or cooling effect depends on humidity. As the climate warms the atmosphere holds more moisture. This results in higher humidity causing CO2 to cool the atmosphere. Keep in mind that as the oceans warm they release CO2 into the atmosphere. Of course, this won't cause any sudden changes in atmospheric CO2, but this is why global warming precedes higher CO2 levels. Something Al Gore didn't tell people in his propaganda movie.
None that I know of (unless volcano activity is up), but CO2 doesn't cause global warming. Or rather the relation is more complicated than the climate bedwetters let on. Whether CO2 has a warming or cooling effect depends on humidity. As the climate warms the atmosphere holds more moisture. This results in higher humidity causing CO2 to cool the atmosphere. Keep in mind that as the oceans warm they release CO2 into the atmosphere. Of course, this won't cause any sudden changes in atmospheric CO2, but this is why global warming precedes higher CO2 levels. Something Al Gore didn't tell people in his propaganda movie.
Do you know anything about CO2?
You know nothing about CO2 and it’s affect on our climate.

Can you point to any scientific organization which will disavow a link between CO2 and warming.
Instead of listening to what politicized organization say go look at what the data say.
Whenever you see " NASA scientist " you know that it is somwhere on the BS -- Fake News spectrum.
Now that July is over and done we see NASA Scientist is just another government agency spreading another lie.
They also say that Texas may have daily 130 degree temps by 2050. That is the same temp to cook a steak.
with real and undeniable peer-reviewed science backing this, i don't think one should try to label NASA (who play the necessary bi-partisan alarmist green-energy industry fanboys here) as frauds.
or was that not your intention.
jc456 i'm calling bs on your 'like' with a 'fake news' rating in my OP.

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