Zone1 June 19th is a holiday ,Why?

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Senior Member
May 26, 2022
Why have a holiday celebrating the end of slavery? It didn't' end there. Becuase of John Wilkes booth murdering Abe Lincoln abolitionist Frederick Douglass could not encourage a stronger integration ,especially in the south . When the next president came there was lynching segregation, Neo slavery.This would end under martin Luther King's technique.The post version of this technique is in effective .Jimmy carter followed by Bill and hillray Clinton messed it up.As a result it not effective any more Because of this I won't celebrate June teenth.
Does the OP lack access to search engines?

Hope that is not the case, and just that ignorance of the history of Juneteenth is cause for the ignorance of this OP.
"ignorance = lack of knowledge - being unaware of information

The Smithsonian has the info:

"Juneteenth marks our country’s second independence day. Although it has long celebrated in the African American community, this monumental event remains largely unknown to most Americans."

"The historical legacy of Juneteenth shows the value of never giving up hope in uncertain times. The National Museum of African American History and Culture is a community space where this spirit of hope lives on. A place where historical events like Juneteenth are shared and new stories with equal urgency are told."

Why have a holiday celebrating the end of slavery? It didn't' end there. Becuase of John Wilkes booth murdering Abe Lincoln abolitionist Frederick Douglass could not encourage a stronger integration ,especially in the south . When the next president came there was lynching segregation, Neo slavery.This would end under martin Luther King's technique.The post version of this technique is in effective .Jimmy carter followed by Bill and hillray Clinton messed it up.As a result it not effective any more Because of this I won't celebrate June teenth.
I don't recall yous being invited to da party.
Why have a holiday celebrating the end of slavery? It didn't' end there. Becuase of John Wilkes booth murdering Abe Lincoln abolitionist Frederick Douglass could not encourage a stronger integration ,especially in the south . When the next president came there was lynching segregation, Neo slavery.This would end under martin Luther King's technique.The post version of this technique is in effective .Jimmy carter followed by Bill and hillray Clinton messed it up.As a result it not effective any more Because of this I won't celebrate June teenth.
/---/ Because the chronically unemployed need a day off to rest.
Its a holiday so the dems can divide the people with it... its suppose to be the July 4th for black Americans... if any of you can think of anything more divisive than that I'd like to hear what it is....


Not sure how...

...could upset anyone.


Not sure how...

...could upset anyone.
President Biden signed legislation adding it to the government holiday calendar after both its name and significance rose to the forefront of national conversations the previous year with the resurgence and momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Yes divisive... from Biden... the divider and chief...
President Biden signed legislation adding it to the government holiday calendar after both its name and significance rose to the forefront of national conversations the previous year with the resurgence and momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Yes divisive... from Biden... the divider and chief...
Divider? Biden doesn't stay up late into the night Tweeting angry, nasty, divide shit. He does use holidays like Mother's Day and Memorial Day to attack others.

It's amazing how brazen you Magadonians have become at shamelessly projecting.
It's only divisive if a person wants it to be divisive.
Not in reality.

Whe the former Yugoslavia was devolving, certain peolle started to divide people who had moved on ... they turned people on neighbors, friends, and family - with words.
Its a holiday so the dems can divide the people with it... its suppose to be the July 4th for black Americans... if any of you can think of anything more divisive than that I'd like to hear what it is....

It is supposed to be but the reality is that the 13th amendment didn't end slavery in America. It just made the government the only legal plantation master.
Divider? Biden doesn't stay up late into the night Tweeting angry, nasty, divide shit. He does use holidays like Mother's Day and Memorial Day to attack others.

It's amazing how brazen you Magadonians have become at shamelessly projecting.
Why do Black Americans need their own holidays?... the only reason is so they can feel separated from Anglo Saxons... and the people that want them to feel separate are white democrat politicians....
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