June 2014 Is Earth's Hottest June on Record: NOAA


Darwin was a pastafarian
Jul 24, 2013
Right, but some here think that because it is cool where they live, there is no global warming at all. But then, what do they know, right?

June 2014 Is Earth's Hottest June on Record: NOAA - weather.com

Last month was the hottest June in more than 130 years of recorded weather history, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Monday in its monthly state of the climate report, surpassing the previous record high for the month set in 1998.
June 2014 also marked the third straight month breaking or tying record high global temperatures for the given month.
actually it should read, " Our new and improved adjustments make this appear to be the warmest month on record. Don't look behind that curtain, there's nothing to see here." "Trust us, we're NOAA"
actually it should read, " Our new and improved adjustments make this appear to be the warmest month on record. Don't look behind that curtain, there's nothing to see here." "Trust us, we're NOAA"

Right, Ian. It's all a big global science conspiracy.

Off yer meds again? Did you even read the article?
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actually it should read, " Our new and improved adjustments make this appear to be the warmest month on record. Don't look behind that curtain, there's nothing to see here." "Trust us, we're NOAA"

Right, Ian. It's all a big global science conspiracy.

Off yer meds again? Did you even read the article?

nope, I didnt read it. do you read my articles detailing the problems and inconsitencies that plague the global datasets? didnt think so.
Of course you didn't. You just assumed that there was something wrong, that scientists are too stupid know how to read data and determine that one temperature is higher or lower than another, but you, a, whatever you are, can beat them at their own game. Good luck with that.
Of course you didn't. You just assumed that there was something wrong, that scientists are too stupid know how to read data and determine that one temperature is higher or lower than another, but you, a, whatever you are, can beat them at their own game. Good luck with that.

the records depend on hundredths of a degree difference between the top years. the adjustments are many tenths, and often over a degree. if you think that the record for last month is statistically significant then you are scientifically illiterate.
June 2014 was the coolest June I have ever seen in Texas.
Of course you didn't. You just assumed that there was something wrong, that scientists are too stupid know how to read data and determine that one temperature is higher or lower than another, but you, a, whatever you are, can beat them at their own game. Good luck with that.

the records depend on hundredths of a degree difference between the top years. the adjustments are many tenths, and often over a degree. if you think that the record for last month is statistically significant then you are scientifically illiterate.

If you think that you get a pass, particularly without even reading the report, you really should check your diapers because you've obviously crapped your pants.
Once the mathematicians get a hold of this and the numbers are downgraded the OP will ignore the change as it is a part of the AGW cult mentality..
stop pulling the gay stunts.

What is a "gay stunt"?

A stunt that's gay.

You meatheads spent too long in The University of PCNESS:up:

People hailing from the University of PCNESS get all caught up in "words". In the real world, words don't mean shit.......behavior is everything. I run group homes for disabled kids for just shy of 30 years. In one of my houses, nearly half of the staff members are gay or lesbian......its one of my finest programs. Now ask yourself if these graduates from the University of PCNESS, in the same position as me, would ever hire a tea party member? The answer is zero chance. Make no mistake......the hard core AGW proponents in this forum are also hard core fascists, and, quite obviously, phonies.

LOL....even research released this week confirms the level of phoney in the AGW climate crusader contingent >>> http://reason.com/blog/2014/07/22/socialists-are-cheaters-says-new-study
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Right, so what you are saying is that you have no training and experience whatsoever in any field of natural science. So you ran groups homes for disabled kids. That's just great, but at the risk of being called insensitive, whooptie fucking do. Nobody gives a shit what you did for a living for 30 years. Mentioning it is an intentional and irrelevant distraction from the OP. And whether or not you think that program run by gays is "its one of my finest programs" is irrelevant to the fact that you decided to try to bash gays in this thread. Suppressing your homophobia for profit is, in my opinion, much worse than the open homophobia you present here. Congratulations...
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Right, so what you are saying is that you have no training and experience whatsoever in any field of natural science. So you ran groups homes for disabled kids. That's just great, but at the risk of being called insensitive, whooptie fucking do. Nobody gives a shit what you did for a living for 30 years. Mentioning it is an intentional and irrelevant distraction from the OP. And whether or not you think that program run by gays is "its one of my finest programs" is irrelevant to the fact that you decided to try to bash gays in this thread. Suppressing your homophobia for profit is, in my opinion, much worse than the open homophobia you present here. Congratulations...

And the AGW cult continues to show they don't have anything to support their religion other scriptures written by those who would much rather drive their Bentley's than do actual science.
What is a "gay stunt"?

A stunt that's gay.

You meatheads spent too long in The University of PCNESS:up:

The time I've spent pertinent to this conversation and my opinion of your worth as a human being is in my family as a father of two wonderful children, one of whom is gay, you ignorant, bigoted ass.

Well of course then......you are in PCNESS up to your eyeballs s0n.:itsok:

Every so often, I hear somebody refer to something as "gay" and some gay person hears it and whigs out!!! Sad....bottom line is, if that is your response, God its time to buckle up your chinstrap and laugh that shit off.....or else......or else, and you can write it down......you're looking at somebody who's going to fold like a cheap wallet any time life doesn't quite go as you'd like it to. :up: Out of the almost 50 people I supervise, about 20% are gay. I do all the hiring. My experience is, those people who embrace the PC version of the world all the time have issues. The people who......straight or otherwise.....embrace the whole PC vision of our society.....freaking out over internet words, for example.........need to have their backbone of a Hershey Bar surgically repaired.

c'mon son.....go get some chinstraps and buckle up those mofus.
.15+.075=.225c warmer than 2000 today if we were warming at .15c/decade. Let's say that 2000 was .5c, 2005 was .58c and today is around .60c.

The warming has nearly stalled. We should be .725c on avg this year based on the rate of warming during the 1980-2000 period.

Right, so what you are saying is that you have no training and experience whatsoever in any field of natural science. So you ran groups homes for disabled kids. That's just great, but at the risk of being called insensitive, whooptie fucking do. Nobody gives a shit what you did for a living for 30 years. Mentioning it is an intentional and irrelevant distraction from the OP. And whether or not you think that program run by gays is "its one of my finest programs" is irrelevant to the fact that you decided to try to bash gays in this thread. Suppressing your homophobia for profit is, in my opinion, much worse than the open homophobia you present here. Congratulations...

And the AGW cult continues to show they don't have anything to support their religion other scriptures written by those who would much rather drive their Bentley's than do actual science.

You stupid ass, we only have the support of nearly the whole of the scientific establishment the world over. If you read the articles in scientfic journals of the disciplines involved, meteorology, geology, biology, and oceanography, you will find almost 100% of the articles state that AGW is real, and give the evidence they are seeing for that reality.

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