June 25, 1996 Khobar Towers


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Tomorrow is an anniversary, of sorts. One which we won't celebrate...

Khobar Towers indictments returned
June 22, 2001 Posted: 1:40 PM EDT (1740 GMT)

 Contrary to his public pronouncements, President Clinton would not proceed with these indictments. See 6/25
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Thirteen Saudis and a Lebanese were indicted Thursday on charges of murder and conspiracy for the 1996 bombing that killed 19 American servicemen in Saudi Arabia. The indictment alleges that the suspects were directed by Iranian government officials.
The 46-count indictment alleges that all 14 men were members of the Islamic militant group Hezbollah, which federal officials said received support and inspiration from individuals within the Iranian government.

June 25, 1996 Saudi Hezbollah detonated a 25,000-pound TNT bomb at the dormitory at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 U.S. airmen and injuring hundreds of other Air Force personnel. The terrorists were acting under direct orders from Iranian senior government leaders.

President Clinton declared that “no stone would be left unturned” to find the bombers and bring them to “justice.”

According to Louis J. Freeh, in charge of the FBI and responsible for the case, “It soon became clear that Mr. Clinton and his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, had no interest in confronting the fact that Iran had blown up the towers. This is astounding, considering that the Saudi Security Service had arrested six of the bombers,..who admitted they had been trained by the Iranians in the Beka Valley and received their passports at the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, along with $250,00 for the operation from IRGC General Ahmad Sharifi.”

Freeh: "Unfortunately, the [Clinton] White House was unable or unwilling to help the FBI gain access to these critical witnesses. The only direction from the Clinton administration regarding Iran was to order the FBI to stop photographing and fingerprinting official Iranian delegations entering the U.S. because it was adversely impacting our "relationship" with Tehran. "
Remember Khobar Towers by Louis J. Freeh

According to Snopes.com, the investigation was halted due to lack of cooperation of Saudis.
But Freeh says, "...the FBI's investigation only succeeded because of the real cooperation provided by Prince Bandar and our colleagues in the Mabaheth..."

So, who do you believe?

BTW, Freeh: "I finally turned to the former President Bush, who immediately interceded with Crown Prince Abdullah on the FBI's behalf. Mr. Bush personally asked the Saudis to let the FBI do one-on-one interviews of the detained Khobar bombers. The Saudis immediately acceded."
I use Snopes for a lot of urban legends and chain e-mails, but when it comes to something negative about a Democrat I prefer PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics

You are correct about Snopes, but I am so disappointed when it comes to things like this and can't trust 'em.

But, the same is true of PolitiFact, which is a part of the St. Petersburg Times family.

Generallly, I go to FactCheck.org.
I use Snopes for a lot of urban legends and chain e-mails, but when it comes to something negative about a Democrat I prefer PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics

You are correct about Snopes, but I am so disappointed when it comes to things like this and can't trust 'em.

But, the same is true of PolitiFact, which is a part of the St. Petersburg Times family.

Generallly, I go to FactCheck.org.
I forgot about them, when I replied.

I must admit i was too high to know much about the story you posted, PC.
I enjoyed the read, and I think I'm gonna find more info on it as it seems shady for, even, Clinton
I use Snopes for a lot of urban legends and chain e-mails, but when it comes to something negative about a Democrat I prefer PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics

You are correct about Snopes, but I am so disappointed when it comes to things like this and can't trust 'em.

But, the same is true of PolitiFact, which is a part of the St. Petersburg Times family.

Generallly, I go to FactCheck.org.
I forgot about them, when I replied.

I must admit i was too high to know much about the story you posted, PC.
I enjoyed the read, and I think I'm gonna find more info on it as it seems shady for, even, Clinton

I'd be interested in what you find.

It won't take much to get me to write a monograph about other Democrats who have worked against the interests of this country! Maybe a parking ticket...
Here is the FBI's official press release, following the indictments......almost there

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Press Release

Pretty sterile document.

This article includes "the Clinton administration deliberately looked the other way after the Khobar bombing and made a near-apology to the perpetrator of the attack."
Rich Lowry on Bill Clinton & Khobar Towers on National Review Online

And the Freeh essay:
Khobar Towers-Clinton administration left many stones unturned

And Scheuer, CIA, had this to say about Clinton:
"President Clinton is correct that he got closer than anyone, but, of course, he always refused to pull the trigger. And in addition, we were never authorized, while I was the chief of operations, to kill Osama bin Laden. In fact, Mr. Richard Clarke definitely told us we had no authorization to kill bin Laden."
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Jane Harman, Newt Gingrich, Daniel Benjamin, Michael Scheuer, Lawrence Wright, Roundtable

So far, from what I've read, it appears that Freeh had such a hard-on for Clinton that he allowed himself to be mislead by the Saudis as they deflected any evidence that linked any OBL involvement

Khobar Towers Investigated: How a Saudi Deception Protected Osama bin Laden (P-4):islamdaily.org

Osama Bin Laden had made no secret of his intention to attack the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia. He had been calling for such attacks to drive it from the country since his first fatwa calling for jihad against Western “occupation” of Islamic lands in early 1992.
On Jul. 11, 1995, he had written an “Open Letter” to King Fahd advocating a campaign of guerilla attacks to drive U.S. military forces out of the Kingdom.

Bin Laden’s al Qaeda organization began carrying out that campaign later that same year. On Nov. 13, 1995 a car bomb destroyed the Office of the Program Manager of the Saudi National Guard (OPM SANG) in Riyadh, killing five U.S. airmen and wounding 34.

The confessions of the four jihadists from the Afghan War to the bombing, which were broadcast on Saudi television, said they had been inspired by Osama bin Laden, and one of them referred to a camp in Afghanistan that was associated with bin Laden.

“It was a backhanded reference to bin Laden,” says veteran FBI agent Dan Coleman.
Bin Laden made it more difficult to ignore his role, however, by publicly claiming responsibility for both the Riyadh and Khobar bombings.
So OBL even took credit for it???
The result of Freeh’s blatant pro-Saudi bias was that Osama bin Laden was allowed more years of unhindered freedom in which to plan terrorist actins against the United States. Had Freeh not become an advocate of the interests of the regime whose representative in Washington eventually put him on his payroll, U.S. policy would presumably have been focused like a laser on Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda two years earlier.

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