jury awards black 8.25 million

Is no worse than pony-faced dog soldier, or whatever it was Biden called that person.

how about….you are a pig-faced squirrel pilot! I like that one.
Didn`t Dear Leader suggest raking the forests to prevent forest fires? Did he also suggest that bleach and disinfectant may knock out Covid?
Yes and Yes.
how is saying no to a violation of our rights baiting or provoking??

you leftist are some sick mother fuckers,,
You sure have a habit of calling right-wingers leftists.....why is that?
Not a single "leftist" has disagreed with you yet on this post....only right-wingers

Including the right-winger who made this cry-baby post
my problem is it came from the tax payers when it should have come from the bonds or insurance cops have,, that or their pension funds,,

do that and cops will think twice about violating rights,,
Which is why police and their unions have no real incentive to change......

Kind of like how banks have no incentive to change if they will be bailed out and never face any charges...
What about the white guy the cops put in the freezer and died as a result? Haven’t heard much about it.
Probably because it has come to light that he was not put in the freezer....

the officers at the jail still have some explaining to do and they may very well be culpable....but he wasn't put in a freezer.....

Instead of pretending to care bout a story to deflect from the OP -- you should at least read up on the story you pretend to care about...

"From the evidence we have, is that he wasn’t kept in a freezer,” McNeill said. "His incarceration is captured on video,” McNeill told WBRC. “We have video from the booking area of the jail and we have video of the kitchen area where the freezers are.”

The video needs to be released.....if there is footage that sustains the allegation that he was placed in a freezer -- that is murder.....Now, that is the footage Tucker should be covering, if you right-wingers truly cared about this subject like you claim...

Didn`t Dear Leader suggest raking the forests to prevent forest fires? Did he also suggest that bleach and disinfectant may knock out Covid?
Yes and Yes.
What does that have to do with insults?

Didn't your Dear Leader incentivize a million illegals to swamp the border, sell oil reserves to enemy countries, spend trillions unnecessarily while the Fed is trying to contain inflation, call half of American all voters “threats to democracy,” and allow his druggie son to sell influence to the Communists?
You’ll scream like a little baby when you need a cop and they don’t show up because of the policies you support.
I know I won't. Already written them off years ago. I won't be calling them either, fuck that.

When you only have seconds, the police are just minutes away. This is for everyone: Be prepared to defend yourself because thinking the Law

Enforcement is going to protect you is folly. You're a nail and they're a hammer. They may haul your carcass off without cleaning up the mess

and then halfass try to figure out what kind of horrible death you died and halfass go after who did it.

Or they may not.

You're responsible for your own protection, be so.

Personally, I think one might be better off disposing of the bodies and never involving the police than dealing with the bullshit law

enforcement will put you through if you ever have to defend yourself with deadly violence.
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You sure have a habit of calling right-wingers leftists.....why is that?
Not a single "leftist" has disagreed with you yet on this post....only right-wingers

Including the right-winger who made this cry-baby post
first you have to understand how our system was designed by the founders,,

its a freedom scale not a confusing one based on religion, and status like was done in europe,,

left is anything that calls for more power than allowed by the constitution and both dems and repubes want a big powerful fed government,, so while dems are left and repubes are right doesnt mean they are right wing,, just right of the dems,,
leftist is an authoritarian,, how do you not know this??
I am going to repeat this again...

The only people you are arguing and whining with in the comments are right-wingers

Calling them leftists is just your stupid ass way of avoiding the fact, right wingers are A-OK with police trampling on the rights of citizens -- as long as those citizens do not look like them....this has AAAAAAAALLLLLLWWWWAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSS been a right wing position....

But keep playing dumb about it...
I am going to repeat this again...

The only people you are arguing and whining with in the comments are right-wingers

Calling them leftists is just your stupid ass way of avoiding the fact, right wingers are A-OK with police trampling on the rights of citizens -- as long as those citizens do not look like them....this has AAAAAAAALLLLLLWWWWAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSS been a right wing position....

But keep playing dumb about it...
all of them are left wingers just that the repube ones are not as far left as the dems,,

this specific topic is only divided because race is involved,, any other time the dem faction would be all for over reaching police powers
I am going to repeat this again...

The only people you are arguing and whining with in the comments are right-wingers

Calling them leftists is just your stupid ass way of avoiding the fact, right wingers are A-OK with police trampling on the rights of citizens -- as long as those citizens do not look like them....this has AAAAAAAALLLLLLWWWWAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSS been a right wing position....

But keep playing dumb about it...
your problem is you just have to have someone to point a finger at and hate,,,

at some point you need to grow up and stop acting like an over emotional 12 yr old girl,,

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