jury awards black 8.25 million


What's sad? The cops violated the law, you are aware of that right? In California you have no legal requirement to produce identification at a cop's request and they are not allowed to detain someone to get identification. They certainly do not have a right to search their car or cell phones without a warrant or consent. The question is why on earth would you ever want to grant a government official that type of power?
Showing my ID isn't granting anyone any power. It helping alleviate a problem.
Showing my ID isn't granting anyone any power. It helping alleviate a problem.
Asking for the id isn't the problem. A Police Officer is free to ask you anything they want. You just aren't required to provide them an answer. The detainment based on the refusal to produce an ID is the problem. There's also the illegal search of the car and cell phones. Even if California was a Stop and ID state (which is isn't) the Police Officer has to be able to articulate a reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime, are about to commit a crime or that you are a witness to certain types of criminal acts for you to be required to show them an ID or even tell them who you are. Is it easier to comply with their requests? Sure, I guess. But the police officers don't have the authority to detain someone based on their refusal to provide an ID on request. I most certainly does not give them authorization to conduct a search of a vehicle without a warrant or consent.
Asking for the id isn't the problem. A Police Officer is free to ask you anything they want. You just aren't required to provide them an answer. The detainment based on the refusal to produce an ID is the problem. There's also the illegal search of the car and cell phones. Even if California was a Stop and ID state (which is isn't) the Police Officer has to be able to articulate a reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime, are about to commit a crime or that you are a witness to certain types of criminal acts for you to be required to show them an ID or even tell them who you are. Is it easier to comply with their requests? Sure, I guess. But the police officers don't have the authority to detain someone based on their refusal to provide an ID on request. I most certainly does not give them authorization to conduct a search of a vehicle without a warrant or consent.
sounds like your a cop hater,,,
sounds like your a cop hater,,,
Unlike you I have not spent 20 pages running down Police Officers. I get that you think you're scoring points in some imaginary "win the internet" game you're playing but you arent. Also you're playing that game by yourself or at least Im not playing that game so...
Unlike you I have not spent 20 pages running down Police Officers. I get that you think you're scoring points in some imaginary "win the internet" game you're playing but you arent. Also you're playing that game by yourself or at least Im not playing that game so...
quit lying,, your words make it clear you hate cops,,,
There’s something in the black culture that teaches it’s a GOOD thing to defy the police. Remember the “Traits of Whiteness” display at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History? One of the was “respecting authority.”

The police cannot demand your identification unless they have probable cause for a legal violation.

For instance, if they catch you committing a moving violation, they can ask for your driver's license.

However, THIS woman was parked, she and her daughters had every right to refuse to surrender their ID.

Which criminal statute would you prosecute these cops under? If you throw PO's in jail because they made a mistake, people just wont be cops which will not have the effect you think.

Actually, it will get the racists and bullies to not want to be cops, but we'd all be better off if they weren't.
The police cannot demand your identification unless they have probable cause for a legal violation.

For instance, if they catch you committing a moving violation, they can ask for your driver's license.

However, THIS woman was parked, she and her daughters had every right to refuse to surrender their ID.

Actually, it will get the racists and bullies to not want to be cops, but we'd all be better off if they weren't.
correct to a point cause it varies by state,,
The police cannot demand your identification unless they have probable cause for a legal violation.

For instance, if they catch you committing a moving violation, they can ask for your driver's license.

However, THIS woman was parked, she and her daughters had every right to refuse to surrender their ID.

Actually, it will get the racists and bullies to not want to be cops, but we'd all be better off if they weren't.
Good luck with that. And I know you think that's what will happen but good people will not sign up to be police officers if you prosecute them when they make mistakes. Had there been some violent action by these police officers that was unwarranted I would agree with you but as far as I can tell from the video all that happened was the PO's made an error or didn't understand their authority under the law. It's not a reason to imprison them. Being a PO is a horribly difficult and dangerous job that doesnt pay much. You really think what you're proposing would drive recruitment of good people? That has as much chance of happening as our current political climate has of drawing quality candidates for POTUS.
Asking for the id isn't the problem. A Police Officer is free to ask you anything they want. You just aren't required to provide them an answer. The detainment based on the refusal to produce an ID is the problem. There's also the illegal search of the car and cell phones. Even if California was a Stop and ID state (which is isn't) the Police Officer has to be able to articulate a reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime, are about to commit a crime or that you are a witness to certain types of criminal acts for you to be required to show them an ID or even tell them who you are. Is it easier to comply with their requests? Sure, I guess. But the police officers don't have the authority to detain someone based on their refusal to provide an ID on request. I most certainly does not give them authorization to conduct a search of a vehicle without a warrant or consent.
I agree with you on the over extension of the police authority. My point is simply that by showing your ID, the entire situation may have been avoided.
But then a jury of peer idiots couldn't have made these silly people rich.
I agree with you on the over extension of the police authority. My point is simply that by showing your ID, the entire situation may have been avoided.
But then a jury of peer idiots couldn't have made these silly people rich.
the anti ginners would say why not just give up your guns and the entire situation could be avoided,,,

you never give up your rights to authority ever cause we all know you give up an inch they take a mile,,
There’s something in the black culture that teaches it’s a GOOD thing to defy the police. Remember the “Traits of Whiteness” display at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History? One of the was “respecting authority.”
Wonder why? :dunno:

I agree with you on the over extension of the police authority. My point is simply that by showing your ID, the entire situation may have been avoided.
But then a jury of peer idiots couldn't have made these silly people rich.
It's not the job of the private citizen to "avoid the problem" though is it.
Wonder why? :dunno:

That's irrelevant. That's not the job of current police depts and hasn't been for over 100 years. No one currently alive remembers police depts who's job it was to round up escaped slaves. The entire argument that because something was created to X that that thing can never be used to do Y is ludicrous. Current policing looks nothing like it did at its origins. Some of those changes are good and some are bad, but its roots have zero to do with what it is today. The origin of government itself was to wield power over the people.

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