jury awards black 8.25 million

First of all moron, you don't know what the hell I focus on. WTH is the subject of the thread? You dumbasses love to throw out black on black crime, why don't you talk about white on white crime? That effects you more. Cops are suppose to uphold the Law not break the damn law.
You’re a race centric idiot.

This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time. Just show your id and they will apologize and leave. Why would you not want to show your id ad prove your innocence. Bu blacks just don't get it. They paid her off for inconvenience more then anything. Cops still have their jobs. Just comply with the cops.
Will never award you that. :thup:

This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time. Just show your id and they will apologize and leave. Why would you not want to show your id ad prove your innocence. Bu blacks just don't get it. They paid her off for inconvenience more then anything. Cops still have their jobs. Just comply with the cops.
LEOs should respect that 4th amendment more.

Also should probably ditch the "Us vs. Them" attitude.

No probably about it, they should.
I agree cops shouldnt do these things. The solution isnt to pay people huge sums of money when they do. That doesnt actually solve the problem. And lets be real, these women were not injured 8.5 million dollars worth. People who get crippled up in car accidents get less than that far less. Should they be paid some amount of restitution? Probably. Im not sure what I think is fair but 8.5 million is definitely excessive.

Actually, what will stop this kind of conduct is putting the cops in jail. Paying out damages isn't getting the job done. Chicago pays out 200 million a year to settle police misconduct claims, and the Fascist Order of Pigs (FOP) keeps going to the mattresses every time a thug cop pumps 16 rounds into a stoned kid.

My own solution would be to make the FOP and PBA responsible for these judgements instead of the cities, then maybe they'll get smart and start firing the bad apples.

Agree. They ruined the woman’s afternoon. Period. I’d say $10,000 would be more than enough.

The jury overdid this because they’re trying to make a big statement about how cops are so awful to blacks.

And because they are a little sick of this nonsense, too.

Good on them.
Let’s watch liberals scream if they would be forced to live just 48 hours under their “no cops” environment.

Oh, get real. the only thing the cops are good at is hassling people for minor traffic violations.

The reality is, they don't prevent crime. You want to prevent crime, address the underlying causes - Poverty, racism, mental illness, addiction and gun proliferation. The Europeans have figured this out and they have NOWHERE NEAR our crime rates.

The whole thing is ridiculous. Now everyone who gets mistakenly arrested, which is straightened out within minutes, will expect a Malibu beach house, a ski chalet in Utah, a life of leisure without jobs, endless vacations in Europe, diamond jewelry, and six cars.

The left won’t be satisfied until the police are completely powerless, and criminals walk the streets freely to rob and assault as they please.

Well, if the cops arrest three women (two of them teenagers) when they were looking for two men, they probably kind of suck at their jobs.

This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time. Just show your id and they will apologize and leave. Why would you not want to show your id ad prove your innocence. Bu blacks just don't get it. They paid her off for inconvenience more then anything. Cops still have their jobs. Just comply with the cops.

Just remember kids, when the government tells you to do something, you do it. Unless of course it involves entering the Capitol Building.
What the leftists are doing is rewarding blacks for refusing police instructions.

“Do YOU want a life of leisure? No boss again, ever? A nice little summer house up in the Vineyard where the Obamas live? Or perhaps a winter condo in the Caribbean? First-class jet travel? Fancy cars? Then JUST SAY NO when a cop asks for your ID!”

No black person will ever follow police instructions again.
Oh, get real. the only thing the cops are good at is hassling people for minor traffic violations.

Which criminal statute would you prosecute these cops under? If you throw PO's in jail because they made a mistake, people just wont be cops which will not have the effect you think.
The reality is, they don't prevent crime. You want to prevent crime, address the underlying causes - Poverty, racism, mental illness, addiction and gun proliferation. The Europeans have figured this out and they have NOWHERE NEAR our crime rates.

Europe has far more PO's per capita than the US.
Which criminal statute would you prosecute these cops under? If you throw PO's in jail because they made a mistake, people just wont be cops which will not have the effect you think.

Europe has far more PO's per capita than the US.
Joe's not thinking clearly. Illogical mental zingers that many on his side use, when examined to their logical outcome, fail.

What has happened can lead to precedent where police all across this country will be handcuffed to perform their duty, protect people, and remove criminals.
If police see someone that might be a suspect, they have the right to approach and ask for ID. There is no harm in doing so, none. And no harm in showing your ID.

Instead, the Narrative that police "are bad" and only harass people is illogical nonsense. I've been pulled over a few times for speeding (a minor traffic violation). I gave my identity with no issue. Why can't other comply. Along with my compliance I didn't have drugs in the car, nor was I under the influence of those drugs. I didn't have a suspended license, I didn't steal the car. I didn't lead the police on a chase. I didn't have an unlawful weapon on my person. I didn't shoot at the police. I didn't berate the police, or get out and lead them on a foot chase.

How about this thought: Maybe, if you're doing something criminal, you don't break traffic laws that bring attention to yourself? Why do criminals who have weed, meth, crack, illegal guns on them, also break traffic laws at the same damn time? Why bring unwanted attention to yourself?

Again, this is all about life choices.

Now, this settlement, will help anyone who is being questioned by police, even if they aren't doing anything wrong, the leverage to take their situation to court. The precedence is bad.
Oh, get real. the only thing the cops are good at is hassling people for minor traffic violations.

The reality is, they don't prevent crime. You want to prevent crime, address the underlying causes - Poverty, racism, mental illness, addiction and gun proliferation. The Europeans have figured this out and they have NOWHERE NEAR our crime rates.

Well, if the cops arrest three women (two of them teenagers) when they were looking for two men, they probably kind of suck at their jobs.
You’ll scream like a little baby when you need a cop and they don’t show up because of the policies you support.

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