jury awards black 8.25 million

Who pays for the bond? THE FUCKING CITY you dope. The bonding company isn't going to lose money so the bonds will cost the city (the taxpayer) more than the payouts. We just shouldn't be paying people lottery jackpots for incidents like this. There's really no justification for it.

Then get the cops to start behaving themselves.

Then you will stop making payouts like these.
I'm wondering if the mother refused showing her or her daughters' licenses BECAUSE she was hoping for a big payday.
I understand people saying she was not obliged to do that, but it would have been the nice thing to do.

Shit ... I would let the cops put me in handcuffs in the Starbucks parking lot and toss my truck for $2.7 million.
Wonder if they are taking appointments ... :auiqs.jpg:

Who pays for the bond? THE FUCKING CITY you dope. The bonding company isn't going to lose money so the bonds will cost the city (the taxpayer) more than the payouts. We just shouldn't be paying people lottery jackpots for incidents like this. There's really no justification for it.
the city pays the premium you stupid fuck,, the company pays the bond,,,

what the bond or ins. company will do is cancel their policy if they have to many claims just like your house or car insurance does,,,

how are you this stupid??
I'm wondering if the mother refused showing her or her daughters' licenses BECAUSE she was hoping for a big payday.

I understand people saying she was not obliged to do that, but it would have been the nice thing to do.

Although I admit I wonder how the police could think a mom and two daughters were the men car thieves they were looking for. I'd love an explanation of that! The whole thing stinks ---- on both sides.
the nice thing to do is the cops abide their oaths and not hassle people,,,

This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time. Just show your id and they will apologize and leave. Why would you not want to show your id ad prove your innocence. Bu blacks just don't get it. They paid her off for inconvenience more then anything. Cops still have their jobs. Just comply with the cops.
Blacks are not required to cooperate with simple instructions from law enforcement. Why? You know, systematic racism.
Then get the cops to start behaving themselves.

Then you will stop making payouts like these.
I agree cops shouldnt do these things. The solution isnt to pay people huge sums of money when they do. That doesnt actually solve the problem. And lets be real, these women were not injured 8.5 million dollars worth. People who get crippled up in car accidents get less than that far less. Should they be paid some amount of restitution? Probably. Im not sure what I think is fair but 8.5 million is definitely excessive.
The deputies, who are white, are alleged to have told them they were being investigated for "car burglaries committed by unidentified Black men" in recent months, the plaintiffs said.

Stop and demand ID's of three random women when they suspected a man?

They didn't get enough.
They got it from the wrong source: should come from the police pension fund.
A amount this large will change the way the police operate.
Naah. $8 million for a city is a rounding error. $8 billion might get someone's attention.
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lol go fuck yourelf. You ex-cons think all cops are bad. Grow up, gimp.
All cops are bad. They all cover for the crooks, making them bad cops. The tiny handful of good cops either turn bad or leave law enforcement (willingly or not) quickly.
I'm not a 'leftist', tard; you're just another silly drunk who keeps getting busted for something or other and hates cops is all.
You are a poster child for punishing libel with 50,000 strokes of a scourge, to the face.

What's sad? The cops violated the law, you are aware of that right? In California you have no legal requirement to produce identification at a cop's request and they are not allowed to detain someone to get identification. They certainly do not have a right to search their car or cell phones without a warrant or consent. The question is why on earth would you ever want to grant a government official that type of power?
He's just a copsucker. He will excuse ANYTHING a cop does, because a cop did it.
Still a ridiculous amount of money for minimal disruption. $10k would have been more than worth it,
I agree, $8 million was ridiculous. Punitive damages alone should have been AT LEAST 100x that.
violation of rights should be of the highest,, I don t see a problem with criminal charges on the cops,, at the least they should be fired and never allowed in law enforcement again,,

I may even be more for criminal charges for the cops and no money
The bad cops should probably hang.
Is that why fools like you allow them to murder black folks.
I don’t allow or condone murder you effing idiot. Dumb-asses like you ignore the real problem of black on black violent crime. Instead you focus on something which is very rare, but them you’re just garden variety idiot.
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All cops are bad. They all cover for the crooks, making them bad cops. The tiny handful of good cops either turn bad or leave law enforcement (willingly or not) quickly.

You are a
All cops are bad. They all cover for the crooks, making them bad cops. The tiny handful of good cops either turn bad or leave law enforcement (willingly or not) quickly.

You are a poster child for punishing libel with 50,000 strokes of a scourge, to the face.

He's just a copsucker. He will excuse ANYTHING a cop does, because a cop did it.
Pure idiocy.
You're a moron. The restitution should have been closer to 1/100 of 8 million.
Agree. They ruined the woman’s afternoon. Period. I’d say $10,000 would be more than enough.

The jury overdid this because they’re trying to make a big statement about how cops are so awful to blacks.

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