jury awards black 8.25 million

I know I won't. Already written them off years ago. I won't be calling them either, fuck that.

When you only have seconds, the police are just minutes away. This is for everyone: Be prepared to defend yourself because thinking the Law

Enforcement is going to protect you is folly. You're a nail and they're a hammer. They may haul your carcass off without cleaning up the mess

and then halfass try to figure out what kind of horrible death you died and halfass go after who did it.

Or they may not.

You're responsible for your own protection, be so.

Personally, I think one might be better off disposing of the bodies and never involving the police than dealing with the bullshit law

enforcement will put you through if you ever have to defend yourself with deadly violence.
I didnt say you were missing the point I said you were avoiding it. No one is dumb enough to miss the point being made and not forget to breath regularly.
Whether or not the police have the authority to ask for your ID, why avoid showing it to them? If you comply there then they are really in a bind if they try to get you to comply to other acts they have no authority for.
Simply showing who has the largest pelosi doesnt make any sense to me. If it does to you, then go ahead and show your pelosi.
Whether or not the police have the authority to ask for your ID, why avoid showing it to them? If you comply there then they are really in a bind if they try to get you to comply to other acts they have no authority for.
Simply showing who has the largest pelosi doesnt make any sense to me. If it does to you, then go ahead and show your pelosi.
whether or not the government has authority to take your guns why avoid allowing them??
That's irrelevant. That's not the job of current police depts and hasn't been for over 100 years. No one currently alive remembers police depts who's job it was to round up escaped slaves. The entire argument that because something was created to X that that thing can never be used to do Y is ludicrous. Current policing looks nothing like it did at its origins. Some of those changes are good and some are bad, but its roots have zero to do with what it is today. The origin of government itself was to wield power over the people.
Agree. The excuses these liberals are dredging up are just encouraging more crime.
Showing an ID is such a horrific violation of my human rights! Give me $8 million!
the amount is irrelevant,,

glad to see you have such little concern for our rights,,

are you ever going to tell me why you lied about me not want criminals punished or not??
youre missing the constitutional aspect of it and spinning off to talk about trash,,
I’m more worried about my constitutional right not to be raped….or assaulted….or murdered.

Showing my ID to a cop when asked isn’t such a horrible thing.

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