jury awards black 8.25 million

Nope….I want to empower police, not demonize them as if they’re evil. The result of that is the massive jump in crime.
you know I can accept you disagreeing with the amount,, but to say we should surrender our rights just because we are asked too just makes you a vile and evil person,,
I dont see these women contributing to any crime,, but the cops absolutely violated our highest laws,,,

when we loose decency to over reaching authority is what causes countries to fall,,
What causes countries to fail is to have more contempt for police officers, who spoke very politely to the defiant woman, than violent criminals.
you know I can accept you disagreeing with the amount,, but to say we should surrender our rights just because we are asked too just makes you a vile and evil person,,
Wow. Now I’m vile and evil. You don’t deserve my attention any more. Adios, obnoxious liberal.
What causes countries to fail is to have more contempt for police officers, who spoke very politely to the defiant woman, than violent criminals.
and she was very polite to them until they demanded she surrender her rights,,

standing up for rights isnt being defiant,,

is your view on this the same if the government decided to not allow due process and jail people without trial or if they demanded we surrender our guns??
Mormons sure be stupid.

Good luck with that. And I know you think that's what will happen but good people will not sign up to be police officers if you prosecute them when they make mistakes. Had there been some violent action by these police officers that was unwarranted I would agree with you but as far as I can tell from the video all that happened was the PO's made an error or didn't understand their authority under the law.

Uh, cops who bully black people or the public at large are not "Good people".

They are SUPPOSED To know the law. THat's their job. They had no probable cause to ask these women for their ID's, arrest them or search their car.

Silly Darkies, rights are for white people!

It's not a reason to imprison them.
It should be. Then the rest might get the message about not abusing their badges.

Being a PO is a horribly difficult and dangerous job that doesnt pay much.

Again, bullshit.

Starting salary for a Cop in Chicago is $59K a year.

Nor is the job really that dangerous. There are 700,000 police officers in the US. The number killed in the line of duty - 164 if you are being really generous and including things like vehicle accidents and non-covid illnesses. Your chances of dying on duty as a cop are 0.02%

When I'll believe being a cop is really dangerous... When Police officers finally stand up to the National Rifle Association on how many guns are on the streets.

You really think what you're proposing would drive recruitment of good people?
Uh, yeah, I actually do, WHEN the profession regains the respect of the public, people will want to sign up for it.
That has as much chance of happening as our current political climate has of drawing quality candidates for POTUS.

Except for Trump, most of our candidates are quality. As much as I disagreed with their policies, I had no doubt that Cruz, Rubio, Jeb, Perry, Christie or any of the other "Also Rans" in 2022 would have made fine presidents.

But you guys grabbed the biggest orange turd in the bowl.
as I said before,,

its clear the constitution is only relevant if it fits the political narrative,
we have always expected this from democrats but for republicans to do this is beyond disgusting and and just more proof we live in a duopoly where the two major parties work together to do away with the constitution and end our way of life,,
Wow. Now I’m vile and evil. You don’t deserve my attention any more. Adios, obnoxious liberal.
obnoxious liberal???

I'm the one arguing for constitutionally protected human rights and youre the one arguing against them,,

wouldnt that make you the obnoxious liberal??
That's irrelevant. That's not the job of current police depts and hasn't been for over 100 years. No one currently alive remembers police depts who's job it was to round up escaped slaves. The entire argument that because something was created to X that that thing can never be used to do Y is ludicrous. Current policing looks nothing like it did at its origins. Some of those changes are good and some are bad, but its roots have zero to do with what it is today. The origin of government itself was to wield power over the people.
That's irrelevant.
I have absolutely no doubt that to you it is.
That white privilege keeps white people in the dark about a great many things.
just remember how much youre defending rights on this case and apply that same intensity next time a right is threatened,,

I pick my battles just fine, thanks.

Don't care that much when wingnuts get their rights violated, because they've created this. Kind of like I don't get upset when the asshole who keeps a mean pitbull gets mauled by his own dog.
I pick my battles just fine, thanks.

Don't care that much when wingnuts get their rights violated, because they've created this. Kind of like I don't get upset when the asshole who keeps a mean pitbull gets mauled by his own dog.
so I was right and your outrage is based on ideology and not constitutionally protected rights,,

at least youre honest about it,,

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