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Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million, finding employer violated her BS religious anus rights'

A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.

Here's reality, the maximum she can collect is $300,000. The hotel is appealing, but they lost the case originally. Despite the venom and hate shown by the OP, Americans still have the freedom of religion.
people can't DICTATE/ORDER their employers the hours/pay/etc they want
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.

Here's reality, the maximum she can collect is $300,000. The hotel is appealing, but they lost the case originally. Despite the venom and hate shown by the OP, Americans still have the freedom of religion.

freedom of religion of fake BS. Means weak ignorant losers can just make up shit to sue.
Somthang wrong with that clearly..CHECK DOPer!?
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.

Here's reality, the maximum she can collect is $300,000. The hotel is appealing, but they lost the case originally. Despite the venom and hate shown by the OP, Americans still have the freedom of religion.
people can't DICTATE/ORDER their employers the hours/pay/etc they want

We have laws protecting employees. Butt........... She sued under laws. and won. For a WIN!
If you're on salary, that's how it works to start. So you be DOPer wrong to start.
Brumer said Hilton argued in court that it never knew Pierre was a missionary, or why she always wanted Sundays off. “There were letters in [her personnel] file and her pastor went down there,” Brumer said.

Pierre said she notified her employer at the start of her job in 2006 that she couldn’t work on Sundays due to her religious beliefs, according to the lawsuit. But in 2009, the hotel began scheduling her on Sundays. Pierre told her employer she would have to leave her job. The hotel then accommodated her request to have Sundays off until 2015.

But then late that year, Pierre’s schedule was changed again to include Sundays, and she sought a letter from her pastor.

In 2016, Jean Pierre was fired for alleged misconduct, negligence and “unexcused absences,” according to the lawsuit.

Hotel dishwasher awarded $21 million after boss made her work on Sundays
Good for her!

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

— Exodus 20:8-11
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
I do not agree with this.
I also dont agree with the OPs disingenuous horseshit. If this was a muslim he would be calling trump a racist and saying cons are destroying society.
This is a USA jury award, what does your BS Mulism bigotry have to do with the black females win?
My post was only bigoted towards you, dummy.
WEAK! Keep sucking fake lord/god dicks on the street.
Im not religious you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.
You know im right. Thats why you got desperate :lol:
What utter nonsense. Then my religion says I have to make $10,000/hour. I will inform my employer of this immediately!

If you convince someone to pay you that, then good for you. If you read the link it explains that she always had off Sundays from the beginning of her employment, for many years. One day her employer abruptly demanded she work Sundays, then eventually fired her for not coming in.

So it seems that the matter at hand isn't strictly that she didn't want to work Sundays. It appears that she was hired on a predicated availability from the beginning, and years employment proved that the religiously motivated limitations of her availability did not compromise her ability to be a productive employee. But by suddenly demanding a change to the originally agreed limitations, then firing her when she wouldn't comply, the employer effectively targeted her for her religious beliefs
One day her employer abruptly demanded she work Sundays, then eventually fired her for not coming in.
Tough shit...my employer changed its hours and told me I had to work new hours. So I had a choice of doing that or quitting. Of course, at the time, I didn't know the option was open to me to stick a bone through my nose and claim my sponsor voodoo demons would not allow it , therefore my employer must pay me to retire. That's a good thing to know!
freedom of religion of fake BS. Means weak ignorant losers can just make up shit to sue.
Somthang wrong with that clearly..CHECK DOPer!?

It is right there in the Constitution. It was not made up, if you bothered to read an accountant of the case you'd know. Just like you'd know God if you read the Bible. Seems like you frequently avoid truth.
Good for her!

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Exodus 20:8-11

....and next we get to hear from some Godless heathen "But nobody knows what day the Sabbath falls on...meow meow woof woof..."

What are you, retarded?

If she doesn't want to work Sundays, then the appropriate thing for her to do is to make her acceptance of the job offer contingent on having that day off. If they say they can't meet that requirement, then she should have refused the job and taken another one.

They are not obligated to modify their job to suit her whims, and they certainly don't owe her any money for refusing to do so.

I want to make up a fake lord/god and sue. Be a bigot, racist one etc. To love my fake lord/god
for cover. And get BS pay days.

There's no world in which your abject stupidity is profitable.

Sucks to be you on every level, I guess.

Keep sucking made up godly dicks. Can you describe these events?
As the Fake POS won't show its face. Butt, you seem to service its dick.
If she doesn't want to work Sundays, then the appropriate thing for her to do is to make her acceptance of the job offer contingent on having that day off.

It's sounding like she did. If you'd bother to read before you shoot off your mouth you'd see that she had been working there for six years and always had Sundays off from the very beginning. Then the employer tried to abruptly demand that she become available, firing her when she refused.
freedom of religion of fake BS. Means weak ignorant losers can just make up shit to sue.
Somthang wrong with that clearly..CHECK DOPer!?

It is right there in the Constitution. It was not made up, if you bothered to read an accountant of the case you'd know. Just like you'd know God if you read the Bible. Seems like you frequently avoid truth.
The Constitution needs to be updated. Removing the BS of fake gods being protected.
Good for her!

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

— Exodus 20:8-11
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
You are an idiot.

When will you God Hating tards understand the First Amendment. I am not a Sunday keeper. I am a Sabbatarian, but this was the right decision.
One day her employer abruptly demanded she work Sundays, then eventually fired her for not coming in.
Tough shit...my employer changed its hours and told me I had to work new hours. So I had a choice of doing that or quitting. Of course, at the time, I didn't know the option was open to me to stick a bone through my nose and claim my sponsor voodoo demons would not allow it , therefore my employer must pay me to retire. That's a good thing to know!

She's donating the money to a charity, assuming they pay. Of course the case you laid out for yourself was nothing like the case we are discussing. You are attempting to cheat your employer with after the fact fake religion. Hers was made clear from day one and agreed to by her employer. They also found written proof in the employment file.
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?

So, lemme get this straight?
You get all pissy because a woman
(1) notified her employer at the initiation of her employment that she required Sundays off?
(2) she successfully proceeded via a legal remedy via the courts & prevailed?

What in Hell would you rather she do?
Go in with some fvcking AKs and shoot the place to Hell, killing 35 other employees, and having it all on the 5:30 national news, so you could create another thread and complain about a mass murderer that didn't go to a court to sue her employer?

Got it.
It's sounding like she did. If you'd bother to read before you shoot off your mouth you'd see that she had been working there for six years and always had Sundays off from the very beginning. Then the employer tried to abruptly demand that she become available, firing her when she refused.
That has happened to me. I should have sued.
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?

So, lemme get this straight?
You get all pissy because a woman
(1) notified her employer at the initiation of her employment that she required Sundays off?
(2) she successfully proceeded via a legal remedy via the courts & prevailed?

What in Hell would you rather she do? Go in with some fvcking AKs and shoot the place to Hell, killing 35 other employees, and having it all on the 5:30 national news, so you could create another thread and complain about a mass murderer that didn't go to a court to sue he employer?

Got it.
Wow! We agree!
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.

Here's reality, the maximum she can collect is $300,000. The hotel is appealing, but they lost the case originally. Despite the venom and hate shown by the OP, Americans still have the freedom of religion.

That's a nice chunk of change there. All this time I was fooled into believing the left wants to see them black folks get ahead.

Guess I was wrong. :laughing0301:

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