Jury Duty

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
I was on a local jury. Was told that made it more likely to get called for a federal jury. That would be a long drive. The one I served was the third strike for the defendant.
Done 9 jury duty stints so far, they have me pegged. I just got done with Fed jury - one month service all of January. Just before I started they said I was selected for a 2 week trial starting the last week of January. They asked if I can make it, if not start calling in every night for a month.
Of course I said yes. Some trials in Federal court can go 6 months.
I show up with 200 other people, they call 75 names for 2 trials, the rest of us go home. Call in 4 days then I was done.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Hurry up with your 65th birthday and you wont get called. At least in NC.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Hurry up with your 65th birthday and you wont get called. At least in NC.

I have 30 plus years to go
I was only called to jury duty once, and I did serve on the jury that one time, for a domestic violence case, where we all unanimously found the defendant, not guilty.
I bring rope in case it is a hung jury. Boy Scout here, be prepared.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Done 9 jury duty stints so far, they have me pegged. I just got done with Fed jury - one month service all of January. Just before I started they said I was selected for a 2 week trial starting the last week of January. They asked if I can make it, if not start calling in every night for a month.
Of course I said yes. Some trials in Federal court can go 6 months.
I show up with 200 other people, they call 75 names for 2 trials, the rest of us go home. Call in 4 days then I was done.
They have you pegged...haaa poor guy.

One of the groups I was in got down to 20 of us. I know the one attorney was going to pick me but I got out of it for health reasons...:banana:

It was for a guy that raped a girl..I already felt that his balls need to be nailed to the wall so good thing I got out of it.

The whole thing is a pain in the ass from parking to sitting in a hot smelly room all day.


I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.

My experince similar. Wasted time. Very slow. All those court workers getting rich doing little.

I always wondered, could the Unemployed get called? Pay them to do it? Welfare? Rehabs? I know.

12 Angry men is the first B&W movie my teenager has ever liked.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Done 9 jury duty stints so far, they have me pegged. I just got done with Fed jury - one month service all of January. Just before I started they said I was selected for a 2 week trial starting the last week of January. They asked if I can make it, if not start calling in every night for a month.
Of course I said yes. Some trials in Federal court can go 6 months.
I show up with 200 other people, they call 75 names for 2 trials, the rest of us go home. Call in 4 days then I was done.
They have you pegged...haaa poor guy.

One of the groups I was in got down to 20 of us. I know the one attorney was going to pick me but I got out of it for health reasons...:banana:

It was for a guy that raped a girl..I already felt that his balls need to be nailed to the wall so good thing I got out of it.

The whole thing is a pain in the ass from parking to sitting in a hot smelly room all day.


See, I don't understand, if you knew you had health problems, why were you there in the first place? If you had wrote them a detailed letter with doctor's reports in your summons, I doubt they would have asked you to report in the first place.

I have been summoned as a possible Juror and needed to send in whether I could comply. So I sent them the honest truth. I guess they can't, won't, or don't want to make reasonable accommodations for the disabled. It's funny you know, you never see the disabled or juries work around folks with disabilities.

I KNOW I didn't want to be there. However, I would have helped out if they wanted me to. I sent them everything I would need.

I sent a copy of my neurologist report and the SSI findings, and was never bothered again. Whatever. I guess I was more trouble than the prosecution and defense wanted to mess with. :dunno:
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Done 9 jury duty stints so far, they have me pegged. I just got done with Fed jury - one month service all of January. Just before I started they said I was selected for a 2 week trial starting the last week of January. They asked if I can make it, if not start calling in every night for a month.
Of course I said yes. Some trials in Federal court can go 6 months.
I show up with 200 other people, they call 75 names for 2 trials, the rest of us go home. Call in 4 days then I was done.
They have you pegged...haaa poor guy.

One of the groups I was in got down to 20 of us. I know the one attorney was going to pick me but I got out of it for health reasons...:banana:

It was for a guy that raped a girl..I already felt that his balls need to be nailed to the wall so good thing I got out of it.

The whole thing is a pain in the ass from parking to sitting in a hot smelly room all day.

I served the first time called. It was for a DWI, and for some reason the defendant tried to say they weren't the driver. It was their car & they were the only one in it. and they wanted a jury trial. At least it was easy enough & only took one day.

The second time I was called, was for a very similar case as yours. Only it was a child molester. I didn't want to be a part of it, so during the interview process & when it was my turn to be questioned. I said I hated child molesters & they excused me on the spot. Never have been called since.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Done 9 jury duty stints so far, they have me pegged. I just got done with Fed jury - one month service all of January. Just before I started they said I was selected for a 2 week trial starting the last week of January. They asked if I can make it, if not start calling in every night for a month.
Of course I said yes. Some trials in Federal court can go 6 months.
I show up with 200 other people, they call 75 names for 2 trials, the rest of us go home. Call in 4 days then I was done.
They have you pegged...haaa poor guy.

One of the groups I was in got down to 20 of us. I know the one attorney was going to pick me but I got out of it for health reasons...:banana:

It was for a guy that raped a girl..I already felt that his balls need to be nailed to the wall so good thing I got out of it.

The whole thing is a pain in the ass from parking to sitting in a hot smelly room all day.


See, I don't understand, if you knew you had health problems, why were you there in the first place? If you had wrote them a detailed letter with doctor's reports in your summons, I doubt they would have asked you to report in the first place.

I have been summoned as a possible Juror and needed to send in whether I could comply. So I sent them the honest truth. I guess they can't, won't, or don't want to make reasonable accommodations for the disabled. It's funny you know, you never see the disabled or juries work around folks with disabilities.

I KNOW I didn't want to be there. However, I would have helped out if they wanted me to. I sent them everything I would need.

I sent a copy of my neurologist report and the SSI findings, and was never bothered again. Whatever. I guess I was more trouble than the prosecution and defense wanted to mess with. :dunno:

If I remember correctly it said have you been in treatment in the last year or something.
.I went through cancer treatment and thought I could do it. It was going to be everyday for several weeks..no I wasn't well enough yet for that intense of a trial. Or maybe it was my pride..not sure..lol



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Yeah they had gotten into a wreck with a bridge support. As I said, the trial was short LOL

He must have been saying "the real driver" took off running. Was he found behind the wheel? this is hilarious. What a story. Nice try buddy. Witness'?
I bring rope in case it is a hung jury. Boy Scout here, be prepared.
One interview selection process for a jury Inwas in there were two guys who made it obvious they didn't want to be there. At the end the judge says everyone can go back to the jury room - except you two. Half hour later they came back with their tails between their legs.

Judges are Gods in that room.

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