Jury Duty

I've served jury duty in the state of California at least 6 times. All 6 were a waste of time. I was selected to serve on one jury.

The trial took 3 days - an illegal alien unlicensed driver was claiming she hurt her back when she was driving (without a license) and slammed into another car. This illegal alien loser was suing the other driver's insurance company for a "soft tissue back injury". IOW, an injury that is impossible to prove. After 3 days of nonsensical testimony replete with a state provided translator (the illegal "she no speak english"), they sent the case to the jury. Fortunately they elected me jury foreman. 30 minutes later we rendered our verdict- sorry illegal alien. NO MONEY FOR YOU!

I've done my part.

Now I throw the jury summons right into the trash and I never give it a second thought.
100-200 people parking and waiting 9-2. Calling people up. Judge telling long stories. Maybe flirting with one girl who obviously like attention AND was headed for Foreman (or was that Foreskin?). anyway AFTER long lunch, many breaks, someone walked in around 140,...whispered to Prosecuter, we sent out, called back in 10 min, told to go home around 2PM case settled. All those working Americans sitting there doing nothing for hours.
Throw summons in trash? Ah.......I did not show up once and had to jump thru hoops trying to explain why to avoid Jail time. very painful.
Throw summons in trash? Ah.......I did not show up once and had to jump thru hoops trying to explain why to avoid Jail time. very painful.

I should have said threat of jail time and fine. fine had me worried. Jail........I need a break anyways.
Yeah they had gotten into a wreck with a bridge support. As I said, the trial was short LOL

He must have been saying "the real driver" took off running. Was he found behind the wheel? this is hilarious. What a story. Nice try buddy. Witness'?

yes, they were saying the supposed 'driver' had ran off. But at no time was any evidence to support anyone else in the car. I don't remember if they were in the car or had walked to a house to call for help or what. This all happened like 25-30 years ago.....but some of the details are hard to forget like that others not so much.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Done 9 jury duty stints so far, they have me pegged. I just got done with Fed jury - one month service all of January. Just before I started they said I was selected for a 2 week trial starting the last week of January. They asked if I can make it, if not start calling in every night for a month.
Of course I said yes. Some trials in Federal court can go 6 months.
I show up with 200 other people, they call 75 names for 2 trials, the rest of us go home. Call in 4 days then I was done.
They have you pegged...haaa poor guy.

One of the groups I was in got down to 20 of us. I know the one attorney was going to pick me but I got out of it for health reasons...:banana:

It was for a guy that raped a girl..I already felt that his balls need to be nailed to the wall so good thing I got out of it.

The whole thing is a pain in the ass from parking to sitting in a hot smelly room all day.


Strange jury selection system. Computer picks who sits on the jury and each side can eliminate a few for Calif.

As for Fed court I love San Diego. Park in Horton Plaza mall, brand new courthouse next door. Sit and watch the view then hit the gas lamp district you're in for dinner.
Throw summons in trash? Ah.......I did not show up once and had to jump thru hoops trying to explain why to avoid Jail time. very painful.

I have a very good defense.
I never got the summons! How is is sent? Oh, by the US mail? I never received it. . Did you send it certified? No? You should, because my mailman is not very good. He delivers mail to the wrong address all of the time and he's a drunkard.
Throw summons in trash? Ah.......I did not show up once and had to jump thru hoops trying to explain why to avoid Jail time. very painful.

I got a stupid fix it ticket a couple of years ago for not having a registration card in my car , it was on the counter at home. Jerk cop..
I had to get it signed off between the hour of 12:00 - 1:00 and go wait in a long line to get it filed what a pain in the ass.
UGH I envy no one that is called for jury duty. (Including myself) Especially now days.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.

I'd be willing to sit on a jury, but it's never going to happen. Several members of my family work in law enforcement, and I was once a witness in a case that indirectly led to the defendant being executed. No defense lawyer able to pass the bar would ever let me sit on a jury.

Knowing this, I go to jury duty equipped to get out of there as quickly as possible, in order to not waste my whole day for nothing. I take along a big, hardcover book with some infamous conservative on the cover, Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity or someone, and read it where it can be easily seen. I'm never there longer than an hour or so.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.

Jury Duty is a dirty job but someone has to do it. I had pride when I had to wear a badge that said Juror and even the cops gave me respect.
The day after I wrote my post (see above) I received a jury summons. It went to the circular file!
That could be contempt of court if you are prosecuted for failure to appear for jury duty. You must appear and you may be selected or you may not be selected for Jury Duty. Showing up drunk for jury duty is an automatic ticket to the county jail.
The day after I wrote my post (see above) I received a jury summons. It went to the circular file!
That could be contempt of court if you are prosecuted for failure to appear for jury duty. You must appear and you may be selected or you may not be selected for Jury Duty. Showing up drunk for jury duty is an automatic ticket to the county jail.

I could not care less.
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I never had to go. I got a call the evening before saying I was excused
I get called every year. You have to go. I never get chosen because I always show bias. The police never make a mistake. Plaintiffs always lie. Once, I may have been tired or something but I told the judge that after my years of being in a courtroom I had no faith in a corrupt system. He just told me I could go.

Jury duty should be reserved for those who want to serve. Judges and jury consultants say that no matter how someone doesn't want to be on a jury, once they are impaneled they will take it seriously and do a good job. I wouldn't. I'd do everything possible to sabotage the trial.
After my mother's 18-month saga a few years ago, I am at the point where I would do anything required to get out of jury duty.
I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.

I'd be willing to sit on a jury, but it's never going to happen. Several members of my family work in law enforcement, and I was once a witness in a case that indirectly led to the defendant being executed. No defense lawyer able to pass the bar would ever let me sit on a jury.

Knowing this, I go to jury duty equipped to get out of there as quickly as possible, in order to not waste my whole day for nothing. I take along a big, hardcover book with some infamous conservative on the cover, Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity or someone, and read it where it can be easily seen. I'm never there longer than an hour or so.

If I ever get called, I am considering bringing something to read...this, perhaps...

I had a summons to appear for jury duty tomorrow, but I just got a call saying they won't need me now. Thank God. This is the third time I've been summoned for jury duty. The first time I sat there in the waiting room with like 400 other people for the half the day only to find out I wouldn't be needed. The second time I had a low badge number was called up for a case within like ten minutes with 60 other potential jurors and then I had to sit in a court room for two days while they interviewed most of us only for me to ultimately get struck. In principle, I have no issue with jury duty; it's just so fucking boring.
Hurry up with your 65th birthday and you wont get called. At least in NC.

I have 30 plus years to go
Young pup.............
I've done the Jury thing.........Only advantage............Is that I got dismissed early and didn't go back to work after.......Still got paid..........


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