Just 1yr to Go...10/21/12

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Yup... end of the world as we know it..

Personally... I'm thinking it showed up early...:eusa_eh:
I guess people are to busy to care...:dunno:

I guess many people don't care, if the alternative is to live in serfdom under a dictator who will become even more powerful as he controls their every move as they will have no personal choices left....

If you are thinking of the Mayan Calendar ending and all the hooplah that has brought about, it is December 21, 2012.

Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012

Just think, if that is true, there is only one more Super Bowl to go. Damn! I hope the Niners or Raiders win it! :lol:


If you are thinking of the Mayan Calendar ending and all the hooplah that has brought about, it is December 21, 2012.

Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012

Just think, if that is true, there is only one more Super Bowl to go. Damn! I hope the Niners or Raiders win it! :lol:


What.. Damn ... this is embarrassing...:redface:..

I'll add it to my list...:lol:
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If you are thinking of the Mayan Calendar ending and all the hooplah that has brought about, it is December 21, 2012.

Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012

Just think, if that is true, there is only one more Super Bowl to go. Damn! I hope the Niners or Raiders win it! :lol:


...and one more World's Series.

Come on, Cubbies.

Holy Cow, you need a math lesson. It is 1 and 5/7 of Series... well at least 3/7 if either the Cardinals or the Rangers can win three in a row. ;)


If you are thinking of the Mayan Calendar ending and all the hooplah that has brought about, it is December 21, 2012.

Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012

Just think, if that is true, there is only one more Super Bowl to go. Damn! I hope the Niners or Raiders win it! :lol:


...and one more World's Series.

Come on, Cubbies.

Oh, and if we are lucky there will be zero NBA games... :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, right, wishful thinking.

Yup... end of the world as we know it..

Personally... I'm thinking it showed up early...:eusa_eh:

Are you thinking this one?

"Having Had Mercy, Have Mercy!
We are living in a most unusual time. On May 21, of 2011, mankind entered into the Day of Judgment. This “day” will last for 5 months (153 days) until October 21, 2011. The Bible is teaching us that this period of time is Judgment Day!"

October 21, 2011 Judgment Day and End of the World! Tract - eBible Fellowship

Yup... end of the world as we know it..

Personally... I'm thinking it showed up early...:eusa_eh:

Are you thinking this one?

"Having Had Mercy, Have Mercy!
We are living in a most unusual time. On May 21, of 2011, mankind entered into the Day of Judgment. This “day” will last for 5 months (153 days) until October 21, 2011. The Bible is teaching us that this period of time is Judgment Day!"

October 21, 2011 Judgment Day and End of the World! Tract - eBible Fellowship


Oh crap!! That means we only have 3 hours and 57 minutes... whoops make that 56 minutes left or less! Y'all better make your peace with each other.

I'm sorry for all the terrible things I have said to anyone. Well, except for... you know who.

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Granny says, "Dat's right - Jesus comin' back...
2nd Reference To Mayan Apocalypse Found In Mexico
2011-11-25 : Mexico's archaeology institute downplays theories that the ancient Mayas predicted some sort of apocalypse would occur in 2012, but on Thursday it acknowledged that a second reference to the date exists on a carved fragment found at a southern Mexico ruin site.
Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco. But the National Institute of Anthropology and History said in a statement that there is in fact another apparent reference to the date at the nearby Comalcalco ruin. The inscription is on the carved or molded face of a brick. Comalcalco is unusual among Mayan temples in that it was constructed of bricks. Arturo Mendez, a spokesman for the institute, said the fragment of inscription had been discovered years ago and has been subject to thorough study. It is not on display and is being kept in storage at the institute.

The "Comalcalco Brick," as the second fragment is known, has been discussed by experts in some online forums. Many still doubt that it is a definite reference to Dec. 21, 2012 or Dec. 23, 2012, the dates cited by proponents of the theory as the possible end of the world. "Some have proposed it as another reference to 2012, but I remain rather unconvinced," David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at Austin, said in a message to The Associated Press. Stuart said the date inscribed on the brick "'is a Calendar Round,' a combination of a day and month position that will repeat every 52 years."

The brick date does coincide with the end of the 13th Baktun; Baktuns were roughly 394-year periods and 13 was a significant, sacred number for the Mayas. The Mayan Long Count calendar begins in 3114 B.C., and the 13th Baktun ends around Dec. 21, 2012. But the date on the brick could also correspond to similar dates in the past, Stuart said. "There's no reason it couldn't be also a date in ancient times, describing some important historical event in the Classic period. In fact, the third glyph on the brick seems to read as the verb huli, "he/she/it arrives." "There's no future tense marking (unlike the Tortuguero phrase), which in my mind points more to the Comalcalco date being more historical that prophetic," Stuart wrote.

Both inscriptions — the Tortuguero tablet and the Comalcalco brick — were probably carved about 1,300 years ago and both are cryptic in some ways. The Tortuguero inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation. However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible, though some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying, "He will descend from the sky."

Awww shucks, is just the start of a new calendar...
2012 end of the world? It is not, says Mayan expert
Jan 2, 2012: Contrary to what many believed, year 2012 will not mark the end of the world but will just be a start of a new calendar, according to Mayan timekeeper.
Many consider it a joke although others are scared we might never live to see next year thanks to the Mayan calendar's 'apocalyptic' prediction, the Daily Mail reported. But Mayan expert Leonzo Barreno, of Saskatchewan, Canada, has asserted that the 'apocalypse' concept is a false interpretation of the Long Count calendar. The University of Regina journalism professor said Mayan elders told him that December 21 this year simply marks the beginning of a new calendar.

Barreno, who immigrated to Canada from Guatemala 23 years ago, was trained by Mayan elders to read the calendars. "There are two sides to the story," he told CBC News. "The one that we know is this apocalyptic meaning that has been given to the Long Count." "The other side of the story is the Mayan side, which you rarely see on media articles, because they never interview my own people."

He revealed that Mayan people are featured for just five seconds of the film '2012', starring John Cusack, which is somewhat based on their 'predictions'. "When I grew up during my training I never hear the word "end of the world" from the elders or spiritual leaders." Mr Barreno added. "For them it's a joyous event, not an apocalyptic event. What is coming is the end of a calendar and the beginning of a new one." Barreno said that it is 'cyclical'. "This has happened before. According to the elders it's the fifth time it's happened," he added.

Granny says, "Dat's right - gonna come the end o' the world an' all dem lefty lib'rals gonna get left behind...
2012 will be a year of upheaval: Cuban priests
Wednesday 4th January, 2012 - Christian priests in Cuba who also follow the beliefs and traditions of African slaves have said 2012 will be a year of disturbances, clashes and great social, political and economic changes, which could lead to the present world dying and another being born.
The Santeria priests' prophecies said the year will be governed by the sign of 'Baba Ireti Meyi', which speaks of wars, transition and change, along with losses from old age, earthquakes, soaring temperatures and lethal matrimonial conflicts. The ruling deity during the year will be 'Oya', related to storms, soft breezes and deceased ancestors, and will be accompanied by 'Oggun', known as the patron of the military and blacksmiths. Santeria is a sythesis of Christianity with the beliefs and traditions of African slaves, and every letter and sign is linked to a story of the deities or 'orishas' of people of the Yoruba community in West Africa.

The priests put forward certain recommendations that include taking care of locomotor and digestive ailments, while women are warned of menstrual irregularities and abortions. They also referred to problems of infertility, increased infant mortality and a lower birth rate. Among other recommendations were improved hygiene in hospitals, clean-up campaigns to prevent epidemics and environmental pollution, avoiding promiscuity and slander, as well as taking special care of children.

Some recommendations refer to some very current matters for Cuban society such as housing construction, learning a trade, attention to agriculture and a revision of criminal law. One being asked how many believers and practicing members the Yoruba cult has in present-day Cuba, a priest named Lazaro Cuesta said no one has actually counted those numbers, but he believes that Yoruba priests serve about 80 percent of the Cuban population.

2012 will be a year of upheaval: Cuban priests
Yup... end of the world as we know it..

Personally... I'm thinking it showed up early...:eusa_eh:

Are you thinking this one?

"Having Had Mercy, Have Mercy!
We are living in a most unusual time. On May 21, of 2011, mankind entered into the Day of Judgment. This “day” will last for 5 months (153 days) until October 21, 2011. The Bible is teaching us that this period of time is Judgment Day!"

October 21, 2011 Judgment Day and End of the World! Tract - eBible Fellowship


Well...we're not supposed to know the time it's going to happen...I've never heard of what your saying. But, we ARE supposed to know the 'SEASON'. And with the way this world is going, i think it's VERY CLOSE!
This thread is a tad embarrassing for me.. wrong date and all..
This thread is a tad embarrassing for me.. wrong date and all..

Awww...we all make mistakes! :) Just be glad it wasn't the other way around, you thinking it was in December and it was actually in October...you wouldn't be READY!!!! eeekkkk!
Yup... end of the world as we know it..

Personally... I'm thinking it showed up early...:eusa_eh:

i thought this was about the next election wanting obozo out of office.wont matter if obozo is out if ron paul doesnt get elected since he is the only candidate for the people instead of wall street and the corporations.

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