Just 5% call abortion top concern

The economy is doing just fine. The loud whining from the right because they got their asses handed to them by Joe Biden, isn't fooling anybody. Gas prices are on the way down, and inflation will be cut in half in the last half of the year. Bad news for the America hating cultists.

But I digress. 170 million women, including those suburban housewives you cannot win elections without. Will be voicing a very different opinion at the polls in November. That includes Republican women, who resent self righteous religious zealots, dictating to them how they control their own bodies.

Also, in case you have forgotten, the numbers in the last election cycle represented millions that did not show up to vote. Especially the recent odd year elections. Those millions of voters, especially women, will be turning out in record numbers.

Also bad news for America hating Trump cultists.
None of that is true but that's what we have come to expect from America hating criminals.
The economy is doing just fine. The loud whining from the right because they got their asses handed to them by Joe Biden, isn't fooling anybody. Gas prices are on the way down, and inflation will be cut in half in the last half of the year. Bad news for the America hating cultists.

But I digress. 170 million women, including those suburban housewives you cannot win elections without. Will be voicing a very different opinion at the polls in November. That includes Republican women, who resent self righteous religious zealots, dictating to them how they control their own bodies.

Also, in case you have forgotten, the numbers in the last election cycle represented millions that did not show up to vote. Especially the recent odd year elections. Those millions of voters, especially women, will be turning out in record numbers.

Also bad news for America hating Trump cultists.
The economy is doing just fine.
Who said Leftards are out of touch with reality?
I can only speak for myself and my wife. We don't care about abortion rights. We both said we don't want kids and weve never had them because we take steps to make sure we don't have kids.

And we don't care about roe vs Wade because we know no one lost any rights, no women's civil liberties are being infringed on or any of that other shit.
Fetuses aren't babies.

There are a lot of good reasons to terminate a fetus after 20 weeks. The top one being if it has some kind of horrible deformity that will make its life a living hell.

You mean like you did in 1995 and 2011? It's like you idiots never learn.

Winning a handful of seats in Congress when 63% of Americans can't name their congressman isn't very impressive.
Science denier.
^^^ denial is all they have left. That and outright lies. Inflation is lower in many countries. Dem policies can be tied directly to inflation. Dems are caught on video discussing the intended consequences of their policies. Dems goose is cooked.

It's also higher in many countries, particularly the UK.

Gorebal Warming

Democrats showing how disconnected they are from the American people.

“Abortion, the No. 1 concern in today’s media and politics, ranks nearly dead last among areas voters care about as they struggle with paying daily bills, soaring inflation, and interest rate hikes, according to a just-released survey. While the Supreme Court’s decision overruling the 1973 Roe v. Wade right to abortion has dominated today’s network and cable coverage, the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll said just 5% of voters call it a top concern. Just below abortion, at 1%, is reviewing the 2020 election, over which the media are also obsessing.”

Rape ,incest , and to save a woman's life are all extremely small percentages of abortions .....why do they never mention that ....Humm curious no ....

Not really

Abortion isn't at or near the top of my list at all.

The larger picture -- seeing half of America collapse into ugly authoritarian theocratic states -- is on there, though. What a terrible legacy to leave my kids.

Then you shouldn't have spent so much time trying to appease the racists, homophobes, and misogynists, Vichy Mac.

You spent more time whining about POLITICAL CORRECTNESS than you did worried about what these Plutocratic Shitballs were trying to do.
Americans envy Japans economy now.

We shouldn't.

Japan has for years been fending off deflation, or a spiraling down of prices. Low wage growth and an aging and shrinking population have slowed economic activity and discouraged corporate investment.

Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda apologized Tuesday for recently referring to a “tolerance for higher prices” among Japanese people, a comment interpreted as welcoming higher prices. Kuroda was grilled in parliament, where he told legislators his comment was inappropriate.

Kuroda has championed a policy aimed at boosting near-zero inflation to around 2%, but progress was slow until global prices for oil and other commodities surged in recent months.

Some analysts say Japan has gradually lost its competitive edge because it hasn’t done enough to nurture innovation and free up new sources of growth bridled by old-time bureaucracies.
We shouldn't.

Japan has for years been fending off deflation, or a spiraling down of prices. Low wage growth and an aging and shrinking population have slowed economic activity and discouraged corporate investment.

Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda apologized Tuesday for recently referring to a “tolerance for higher prices” among Japanese people, a comment interpreted as welcoming higher prices. Kuroda was grilled in parliament, where he told legislators his comment was inappropriate.

Kuroda has championed a policy aimed at boosting near-zero inflation to around 2%, but progress was slow until global prices for oil and other commodities surged in recent months.

Some analysts say Japan has gradually lost its competitive edge because it hasn’t done enough to nurture innovation and free up new sources of growth bridled by old-time bureaucracies.
Japanese economy is doing much better than Brandon’s economy

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