Just a friendly heads up. Chipotle has a new Smoked Brisket burrito.

Its a website. A lot of them do that. They try to gather info from people and play games.

Dude, simmer down.

You said you went to the website to see their menu. You said you couldn't see the menu unless you told them where you live.

That's just not true.

You could've entered any random city, and it would've brought up whatever restaurants are in whatever city you entered. There's no reason you have to enter your own city just to see the menu...

I guess you just don't get it. When places do that, I just don't play.

"Play"? It's okay to admit that you just couldn't figure out how to work around their system...

They lose my business.

No they didn't. By your own admission you said you don't eat much fast food and that you don't order online. Hell, you had to guess at what Chipotle even was. So, yeah, they've not lost your business, because your business was never going to be theirs to begin with...

It's a buyer's market. It has nothing to do with me "not being able" to see the menu if I really WANTED to. I don't want to.

Well, see, now you're just lying. You were looking for the menu. How do we know this? Because we know you discovered the roadblocks which you believe kept you from viewing it...
No. I don't buy that liquid smoke crap in a bottle. Too easy to make the good stuff yourself. I attached recipes above.

We make beans and chili over an open fire. You move the lid to the side so smoke gets directed into the pot and stir often.
Makes the best beans or chili you'll ever eat.


brisket tacos are also great
but, just say no to fish tacos

They have to be right as far as fish tacos go.
I hate the ones they just throw in a grilled piece of fish,it has no texture,it's like mush.
Now deep fry that sucker and have a good crunchy exterior and I'm all for em.
Squeeze a bit of lemon on em and some coleslaw and a bit of Good hot sauce and I love em!!!
You could've entered any random city, and it would've brought up whatever restaurants are in whatever city you entered.

Well you see Steve, the whole point of it was to see if there was actually a place around here I MIGHT GO TO. The brisket looks and sounds pretty good! But what the fuck do I care about the prices of some fast food place in another state?

But you always somehow no matter what go out of your way to be the obstinate, obtuse ASS. I'm tired of you. Off to IGNORE you go.

Go jerk somebody else off for a change with your mental retardation.
Well you see Steve, the whole point of it was to see if there was actually a place around here I MIGHT GO TO. The brisket looks and sounds pretty good! But what the fuck do I care about the prices of some fast food place in another state?

Well, Freak, that's an excellent question, and it's one I can't answer.

Only you can answer that, seeing as you were the guy looking for the menu...

But you always somehow no matter what go out of your way to be the obstinate, obtuse ASS. I'm tired of you. Off to IGNORE you go.

Go jerk somebody else off for a change with your mental retardation.

Ah, yes, don't trip on your tail as you cowardly scurry away like a chickenshit little bitch...
Looks and sounds good. Of course, they WANT you to read the article. Moot point for me as there are no stores near to me, and I'd much rather make my own with good fresh ingredients that I know what I'm eating and know it wasn't dropped on the floor or made by a kid who just picked his nose or ass.
They make the food on the grill right in front of you here. Looks pretty fresh to me.
I was meeting a friend outside Atlanta a few months back. Made a stop to grab some gas and a bite to eat. Saw a Chipotle. Got excited. Always wanted to try one.
Didnt impress me a damn bit. I was devastated :206:
I found this.

The company says the brisket is smoked, then charred on the grill and seasoned with a blend of spices that includes fire-roasted jalapenos and chipotle chili peppers. The meat is then hand-chopped and finished with a smoky chili pepper sauce.

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