Just a G-pas comment

Said1 said:

must have been a error in the typo sense...hey I like Mr.P and apologize for this typo! Good Lord dudes and dudettes I am not the greatest typist and neither are any in here...please forgive me... :bow3:
Mr. P said:
I have an alibi your Honor, and I don’t linger near middle schools, nor young girls , I swear! Yes, I like to play Doctor, but only on TV.

maybe I just had ya in mind when I made the typo...I like your stance as a Independent...and am truly sorry for my typo I meant Mr.M...not you ...although you do have a sense of humor too! :beer:
Ok.. I read the opening post, and susequent posts <b>3</b> times..

Shattered said:
Ok.. I read the opening post, and susequent posts <b>3</b> times..


you love to beat me up...so go for it...what can I say...I already aplogized to the offended...if you need one to so be it...I AOLOGIZED ALREADY...get over it already! :wtf:
archangel said:
you love to beat me up...so go for it...what can I say...I already aplogized to the offended...if you need one to so be it...I AOLOGIZED ALREADY...get over it already! :wtf:

Who the hell can be offended? It doesn't make any sense!
Shattered said:
Who the hell can be offended? It doesn't make any sense!

whatever... I did the best I could to resolve it...now I say who gives a shit anyway!...Carry on though....I give up! :crutch:
I think his grand-daughter must have made some witty comeback to her old coach, and Archie is proud of her for being smart enough to outwit the adult?
The ClayTaurus said:
Please, can I have these 5 minutes of my life back? Who do I see about that?

Father Time, of course.

He also goes by the moniker Proud G-pa.
thems fight'n words

Not they isn't. There is many Army dudes that worked at the NSA, it IS on an Army Base....

Ft. George G. Meade.

And the NavSecGruAct at the NSA ROCKS!

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