Just a question about the results of the election.


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
What would you do if Obama is re-elected?

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected?

Do you care?
Who are you going for? And why?

My opinion began that I never liked any of them, even Obama. They all had qualities that I hated, So I decided I wasn't even going to bother to vote. But now, as events continue to unfold, I rather have Obama in office. The reason why I feel this way is because of these guys that are hardcore religious are doing things straight from their religious beliefs, and thats bad for politics. Our founding fathers hated that and wanted to keep the Church and State separate.

Now these right-wingers are attacking healthcare rights and are lying about their claims just to get their way (I'm sure the other side has lied in some ways on this issue or other issues too, but this is just absurd). For example, the A.L.L. (American Life League) made an "Educational" video about Planned Parenthood that was mostly lies.

The A.L.L.'s claims:
-Planned Parenthood has sex contests, sexual themed edible treats and snacks, Sex toys, Sex Costumes, and Sex Balloons. (This was ruled False. They don't even do ANY of that!)
-Planned Parenthood sells kids unrestrained sex. (This was also ruled false. They keep things age appropriate)
-Planned Parenthood's goal is to make sex addicts. (This is REALLY FALSE! Planned parenthood does not promote sex and is only there to assist with contraception and help you plan in the event of a pregnancy)
-Planned Parenthood has a boox about sexual health for 10 year olds called "It's Perfectly Normal". (This probably one of the bigger lies that was claimed. They do have that book, but it's only for age appropriate audiences. If anything, this teaches abstinence. People have sex drives, and you can't make that go away)

All in this video. They explain the issue and discuss it thoroughly. They explain how the A.L.L. lied about most of it and what their motives are. The A.L.L. is a religious organization, or right-winged.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlkt28t3CrY&feature=g-like&context=G279238cALT1F5GQACAA]Hilarious Anti-Planned Parenthood Video (Warning: Vagina Cakes) - YouTube[/ame]

Rush Limbaugh, Another right-winged Politician called Sandra (A law student) a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" for trying to speak out in defense for contraception. Sandra was speaking out for it because women need these contraception's for a variety of reasons, including health reasons. Another issue that Sandra pointed out was the effects of no contraception. She explained how someone she knew had an ovary removed and needed contraception to prevent cysts from forming post-surgery. She was denied contraception and couldn't afford it, so she was left to suffer.

The full issue and discussion:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJXkOgMW3tY&feature=g-like&context=G266242bALT1F5GQAAAA]Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Georgetown Student Sandra Fluke - YouTube[/ame]

The right-wingers as a whole attacked contraception, planned parenthood, and tried to force transvaginal ultrasounds (Basically, forced rape because it is penetration without consent) on women who needed to get an abortion.
Polls were conducted and it was shown that Americans ARE IN FAVOR of Birth Control and Planned Parenthood.

President Obama's plan won 54 to 38 based on the opinions of Men and it won 58 to 34 based on the options of Women. (Women were more in favor of it compared to Men).

Another poll asked who understood the needs of Women more. President Obama got a whopping 64% saying yes and Mitt Romney got a small 34% saying yes.

When asked about Should healthcare insurance plans cover birth control, the vote "yes" was 71-34. Thats called an ass-kicking

Favorable opinion of planned parenthood overall: 55 to 22 (This was a crushing vote)

Should we take away the federal funding of planned parenthood? 60% opposed
This exact question was extended.
When they found out that planned parenthood cannot use that federal money towards abortion, that 60% quickly jumped to 80% in support of planned parenthood.

The Virginia Ultrasound bill was extremely unpopular. One day the supporter was for it, then the next day he had a completely opposite stance against the bill because of such backlash. Now he is trying to get followers again (Which is funny, because he lost his followers because he tried to take the right-wing direction)

The video explaining all of that:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBBiKkYqljw&feature=g-like&context=G248b4b1ALT1F5GQAEAA]Americans Are Pro-Birth Control: Poll - YouTube[/ame]

Thats why right-wingers should NOT be in charge. They are just here to have things run to how they see fit (By their religion, of course) and ruin America.

Look at all of those who say "Oh, not this again" and then look at their behavior. It's nothing but prejudice crap. They want it THEIR WAY and are willing to Take everyone's rights in order to get that.

For Example of a right-winger's Ignorance, I present this:

Look at how others suppot him and have the same mentality. Their mentality is that anyone who wants birth control are sluts, prostitutes who want to be paid to have sex, whores, etc. And thats NOT the reality behind contraception. Theres MANY other health reasons that are other than sex.
And to Clarify, I don't consider myself to be on either side. I just support the majority and the right thing.
I just support the majority and the right thing.
Consider these are often at odds with each other – hence our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

Of course.

But sometimes the majority take up their position is due to lack of knowledge and the government should be here to inform, not to lie and manipulate.

Thats why Information is critical.

But regarding healthcare laws concerned with contraception, thats being attacked by a Minority because it's against "their beliefs". Everyone pays for healthcare and should not be denied something that they payed for because someone else doesn't want it to happen.

I sometimes disagree with the Majority, but it may be for certain reasons such as not everyone knows the truth. I just try to keep a balance and want to make this country a better place.
lol @ Oddball for negative repping, calling it "Hackery"

I showed evidence for my facts and claims.
How about you pull your head out of your ass and stop being a prejudice bastard?
What would you do if Obama is re-elected? Go to work the next day.

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected? Ditto

None of the current people that can be Pres care for the economy more than their horseshit social agendas.

I will be voting against obama.
What would you do if Obama is re-elected? Go to work the next day.

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected? Ditto

None of the current people that can be Pres care for the economy more than their horseshit social agendas.

I will be voting against obama.

You have a point, but it's who will do better in the long run.
Tbh, all of them are bad. But Obama won't fuck everyone's rights over.
What would you do if Obama is re-elected?

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected?

Do you care?
Who are you going for? And why?

My opinion began that I never liked any of them, even Obama. They all had qualities that I hated, So I decided I wasn't even going to bother to vote. But now, as events continue to unfold, I rather have Obama in office. The reason why I feel this way is because of these guys that are hardcore religious are doing things straight from their religious beliefs, and thats bad for politics. Our founding fathers hated that and wanted to keep the Church and State separate.

Now these right-wingers are attacking healthcare rights and are lying about their claims just to get their way (I'm sure the other side has lied in some ways on this issue or other issues too, but this is just absurd). For example, the A.L.L. (American Life League) made an "Educational" video about Planned Parenthood that was mostly lies.

The A.L.L.'s claims:
-Planned Parenthood has sex contests, sexual themed edible treats and snacks, Sex toys, Sex Costumes, and Sex Balloons. (This was ruled False. They don't even do ANY of that!)
-Planned Parenthood sells kids unrestrained sex. (This was also ruled false. They keep things age appropriate)
-Planned Parenthood's goal is to make sex addicts. (This is REALLY FALSE! Planned parenthood does not promote sex and is only there to assist with contraception and help you plan in the event of a pregnancy)
-Planned Parenthood has a boox about sexual health for 10 year olds called "It's Perfectly Normal". (This probably one of the bigger lies that was claimed. They do have that book, but it's only for age appropriate audiences. If anything, this teaches abstinence. People have sex drives, and you can't make that go away)

All in this video. They explain the issue and discuss it thoroughly. They explain how the A.L.L. lied about most of it and what their motives are. The A.L.L. is a religious organization, or right-winged.

Hilarious Anti-Planned Parenthood Video (Warning: Vagina Cakes) - YouTube

Rush Limbaugh, Another right-winged Politician called Sandra (A law student) a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" for trying to speak out in defense for contraception. Sandra was speaking out for it because women need these contraception's for a variety of reasons, including health reasons. Another issue that Sandra pointed out was the effects of no contraception. She explained how someone she knew had an ovary removed and needed contraception to prevent cysts from forming post-surgery. She was denied contraception and couldn't afford it, so she was left to suffer.

The full issue and discussion:
Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Georgetown Student Sandra Fluke - YouTube

The right-wingers as a whole attacked contraception, planned parenthood, and tried to force transvaginal ultrasounds (Basically, forced rape because it is penetration without consent) on women who needed to get an abortion.
Polls were conducted and it was shown that Americans ARE IN FAVOR of Birth Control and Planned Parenthood.

President Obama's plan won 54 to 38 based on the opinions of Men and it won 58 to 34 based on the options of Women. (Women were more in favor of it compared to Men).

Another poll asked who understood the needs of Women more. President Obama got a whopping 64% saying yes and Mitt Romney got a small 34% saying yes.

When asked about Should healthcare insurance plans cover birth control, the vote "yes" was 71-34. Thats called an ass-kicking

Favorable opinion of planned parenthood overall: 55 to 22 (This was a crushing vote)

Should we take away the federal funding of planned parenthood? 60% opposed
This exact question was extended.
When they found out that planned parenthood cannot use that federal money towards abortion, that 60% quickly jumped to 80% in support of planned parenthood.

The Virginia Ultrasound bill was extremely unpopular. One day the supporter was for it, then the next day he had a completely opposite stance against the bill because of such backlash. Now he is trying to get followers again (Which is funny, because he lost his followers because he tried to take the right-wing direction)

The video explaining all of that:
Americans Are Pro-Birth Control: Poll - YouTube

Thats why right-wingers should NOT be in charge. They are just here to have things run to how they see fit (By their religion, of course) and ruin America.

Look at all of those who say "Oh, not this again" and then look at their behavior. It's nothing but prejudice crap. They want it THEIR WAY and are willing to Take everyone's rights in order to get that.

For Example of a right-winger's Ignorance, I present this:

Look at how others suppot him and have the same mentality. Their mentality is that anyone who wants birth control are sluts, prostitutes who want to be paid to have sex, whores, etc. And thats NOT the reality behind contraception. Theres MANY other health reasons that are other than sex.

Examine closely what you are saying...the left wing is doing the same exact thing you are complaining you don't like the right doing.

Forcing their ideals and ideologies on the people regardless of if the people want it or not.....Mandated purchases of health insurance from private companies for one, trying to force religious institutions to do things that goes against their faith for two (the contraception thing, are you ok with the govt telling the church they must pay for it? If you are would you be comfortable with the govt to force muslim businesses to sell and handle pork products?)

Think a little bit nitroz, it seems you have been duped into believing the distortions about the right and the left made by the agenda driven media.
What would you do if Obama is re-elected? Go to work the next day.

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected? Ditto

None of the current people that can be Pres care for the economy more than their horseshit social agendas.

I will be voting against obama.

You have a point, but it's who will do better in the long run.
Tbh, all of them are bad. But Obama won't fuck everyone's rights over.

Just half of us?
What would you do if Obama is re-elected? Go to work the next day.

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected? Ditto

None of the current people that can be Pres care for the economy more than their horseshit social agendas.

I will be voting against obama.

You have a point, but it's who will do better in the long run.
Tbh, all of them are bad. But Obama won't fuck everyone's rights over.

So his second term would be different? Because his first term, he most certainly has 'fucked everyone's rights over'.

What would you do if Obama is re-elected?

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected?

Do you care?
Who are you going for? And why?

My opinion began that I never liked any of them, even Obama. They all had qualities that I hated, So I decided I wasn't even going to bother to vote. But now, as events continue to unfold, I rather have Obama in office. The reason why I feel this way is because of these guys that are hardcore religious are doing things straight from their religious beliefs, and thats bad for politics. Our founding fathers hated that and wanted to keep the Church and State separate.

Now these right-wingers are attacking healthcare rights and are lying about their claims just to get their way (I'm sure the other side has lied in some ways on this issue or other issues too, but this is just absurd). For example, the A.L.L. (American Life League) made an "Educational" video about Planned Parenthood that was mostly lies.

The A.L.L.'s claims:
-Planned Parenthood has sex contests, sexual themed edible treats and snacks, Sex toys, Sex Costumes, and Sex Balloons. (This was ruled False. They don't even do ANY of that!)
-Planned Parenthood sells kids unrestrained sex. (This was also ruled false. They keep things age appropriate)
-Planned Parenthood's goal is to make sex addicts. (This is REALLY FALSE! Planned parenthood does not promote sex and is only there to assist with contraception and help you plan in the event of a pregnancy)
-Planned Parenthood has a boox about sexual health for 10 year olds called "It's Perfectly Normal". (This probably one of the bigger lies that was claimed. They do have that book, but it's only for age appropriate audiences. If anything, this teaches abstinence. People have sex drives, and you can't make that go away)

All in this video. They explain the issue and discuss it thoroughly. They explain how the A.L.L. lied about most of it and what their motives are. The A.L.L. is a religious organization, or right-winged.

Hilarious Anti-Planned Parenthood Video (Warning: Vagina Cakes) - YouTube

Rush Limbaugh, Another right-winged Politician called Sandra (A law student) a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" for trying to speak out in defense for contraception. Sandra was speaking out for it because women need these contraception's for a variety of reasons, including health reasons. Another issue that Sandra pointed out was the effects of no contraception. She explained how someone she knew had an ovary removed and needed contraception to prevent cysts from forming post-surgery. She was denied contraception and couldn't afford it, so she was left to suffer.

The full issue and discussion:
Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Georgetown Student Sandra Fluke - YouTube

The right-wingers as a whole attacked contraception, planned parenthood, and tried to force transvaginal ultrasounds (Basically, forced rape because it is penetration without consent) on women who needed to get an abortion.
Polls were conducted and it was shown that Americans ARE IN FAVOR of Birth Control and Planned Parenthood.

President Obama's plan won 54 to 38 based on the opinions of Men and it won 58 to 34 based on the options of Women. (Women were more in favor of it compared to Men).

Another poll asked who understood the needs of Women more. President Obama got a whopping 64% saying yes and Mitt Romney got a small 34% saying yes.

When asked about Should healthcare insurance plans cover birth control, the vote "yes" was 71-34. Thats called an ass-kicking

Favorable opinion of planned parenthood overall: 55 to 22 (This was a crushing vote)

Should we take away the federal funding of planned parenthood? 60% opposed
This exact question was extended.
When they found out that planned parenthood cannot use that federal money towards abortion, that 60% quickly jumped to 80% in support of planned parenthood.

The Virginia Ultrasound bill was extremely unpopular. One day the supporter was for it, then the next day he had a completely opposite stance against the bill because of such backlash. Now he is trying to get followers again (Which is funny, because he lost his followers because he tried to take the right-wing direction)

The video explaining all of that:
Americans Are Pro-Birth Control: Poll - YouTube

Thats why right-wingers should NOT be in charge. They are just here to have things run to how they see fit (By their religion, of course) and ruin America.

Look at all of those who say "Oh, not this again" and then look at their behavior. It's nothing but prejudice crap. They want it THEIR WAY and are willing to Take everyone's rights in order to get that.

For Example of a right-winger's Ignorance, I present this:

Look at how others suppot him and have the same mentality. Their mentality is that anyone who wants birth control are sluts, prostitutes who want to be paid to have sex, whores, etc. And thats NOT the reality behind contraception. Theres MANY other health reasons that are other than sex.

Examine closely what you are saying...the left wing is doing the same exact thing you are complaining you don't like the right doing.

Forcing their ideals and ideologies on the people regardless of if the people want it or not.....Mandated purchases of health insurance from private companies for one, trying to force religious institutions to do things that goes against their faith for two (the contraception thing, are you ok with the govt telling the church they must pay for it? If you are would you be comfortable with the govt to force muslim businesses to sell and handle pork products?)

Think a little bit nitroz, it seems you have been duped into believing the distortions about the right and the left made by the agenda driven media.

That about sums it up.
What would you do if Obama is re-elected? Go to work the next day.

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected? Ditto

None of the current people that can be Pres care for the economy more than their horseshit social agendas.

I will be voting against obama.

You have a point, but it's who will do better in the long run.
Tbh, all of them are bad. But Obama won't fuck everyone's rights over.

So his second term would be different? Because his first term, he most certainly has 'fucked everyone's rights over'.


You don't even live here Sandy... and you haven't for a very long time. How has anything Obama has or has not done "fucked over your rights"? Shouldn't you be a little more concerned with what goes on ..at 10 Downing Street when it comes to YOUR rights?
What would you do if Obama is re-elected? Go to work the next day.

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected? Ditto

None of the current people that can be Pres care for the economy more than their horseshit social agendas.

I will be voting against obama.

You have a point, but it's who will do better in the long run.
Tbh, all of them are bad. But Obama won't fuck everyone's rights over.

Language, please.

None of the Candidates will take away people's rights. All of them will pretty much do the same things. Obama criticized all of the Bush policies on almost everything and has continued all of the Bush policies on almost everything.

The difference is that he is doing it with a Trillion and half additional borrowed dollars on an annual basis and trying to make decisions on things he does not and will never understand.

Your argument is empty and the device of a partisan.

None of the prostitutes who sell their souls for votes will make much of a difference. I just want the guy who's lying to me to do it a lower price.

ANY Republican will reduce the growth of spending under that of the Big 0.

Reducing spending is the only measure of our leader that I care about.

If you think the Big 0 is a good President, the future weeps for our country.
You have a point, but it's who will do better in the long run.
Tbh, all of them are bad. But Obama won't fuck everyone's rights over.

So his second term would be different? Because his first term, he most certainly has 'fucked everyone's rights over'.


You don't even live here Sandy... and you haven't for a very long time. How has anything Obama has or has not done "fucked over your rights"? Shouldn't you be a little more concerned with what goes on ..at 10 Downing Street when it comes to YOUR rights?

I do live here and am concerned that our government is running without a plan and racking up the biggest deficits in the history of the Republic and our leader is clueless, careless and promising more of the same if he gets the green light to continue.

Part of my rights are the right to not have an idiot pick my pocket to finance the programs that I disagree with and never wanted in the first place.

Stealing my money is stealing my rights and he is doing this.
Ill do the same thing Im doing now:

Try to Keep the Commandments of God.
Stand up for whats right even when it's not popular.
Teach people good principles so that they can govern themselves.
So his second term would be different? Because his first term, he most certainly has 'fucked everyone's rights over'.


You don't even live here Sandy... and you haven't for a very long time. How has anything Obama has or has not done "fucked over your rights"? Shouldn't you be a little more concerned with what goes on ..at 10 Downing Street when it comes to YOUR rights?

I do live here and am concerned that our government is running without a plan and racking up the biggest deficits in the history of the Republic and our leader is clueless, careless and promising more of the same if he gets the green light to continue.

Part of my rights are the right to not have an idiot pick my pocket to finance the programs that I disagree with and never wanted in the first place.

Stealing my money is stealing my rights and he is doing this.

The "plan" was stated clearly by the GOP leadership upon Obama's innauguration that they would do everything and more importantly NOTHING to ensure Obama fails..co-incidentally it is working that way on the country as a whole.

The house has wasted it's time on religious based crap that would never be law under any circumstance and the Senate CONZ have blocked EVERY Obama appointment. The public spoke when they elected Obama and congress instead of respecting that has been running it's usual hysterical smear campaign because they care more about their personal power than the good of the country and the majority that elected Obama.

Many of the new republicans should be tried for treason ...line up against a wall and shot.
What if Obama is re-elected????? I won't like it very much but at least I'd know he could only fuck us for 4 more years.
You don't even live here Sandy... and you haven't for a very long time. How has anything Obama has or has not done "fucked over your rights"? Shouldn't you be a little more concerned with what goes on ..at 10 Downing Street when it comes to YOUR rights?

I do live here and am concerned that our government is running without a plan and racking up the biggest deficits in the history of the Republic and our leader is clueless, careless and promising more of the same if he gets the green light to continue.

Part of my rights are the right to not have an idiot pick my pocket to finance the programs that I disagree with and never wanted in the first place.

Stealing my money is stealing my rights and he is doing this.

The "plan" was stated clearly by the GOP leadership upon Obama's innauguration that they would do everything and more importantly NOTHING to ensure Obama fails..co-incidentally it is working that way on the country as a whole.

The house has wasted it's time on religious based crap that would never be law under any circumstance and the Senate CONZ have blocked EVERY Obama appointment. The public spoke when they elected Obama and congress instead of respecting that has been running it's usual hysterical smear campaign because they care more about their personal power than the good of the country and the majority that elected Obama.

Many of the new republicans should be tried for treason ...line up against a wall and shot.
And the public spoke again when they elected a GOP House and severely reduced the Democrat majority in the Senate, or didn't you hear that one?

What would you do if Obama is re-elected?

What will you do if a right-winger is re-elected?

Do you care?
Who are you going for? And why?

My opinion began that I never liked any of them, even Obama. They all had qualities that I hated, So I decided I wasn't even going to bother to vote. But now, as events continue to unfold, I rather have Obama in office. The reason why I feel this way is because of these guys that are hardcore religious are doing things straight from their religious beliefs, and thats bad for politics. Our founding fathers hated that and wanted to keep the Church and State separate.

Now these right-wingers are attacking healthcare rights and are lying about their claims just to get their way (I'm sure the other side has lied in some ways on this issue or other issues too, but this is just absurd). For example, the A.L.L. (American Life League) made an "Educational" video about Planned Parenthood that was mostly lies.

The A.L.L.'s claims:
-Planned Parenthood has sex contests, sexual themed edible treats and snacks, Sex toys, Sex Costumes, and Sex Balloons. (This was ruled False. They don't even do ANY of that!)
-Planned Parenthood sells kids unrestrained sex. (This was also ruled false. They keep things age appropriate)
-Planned Parenthood's goal is to make sex addicts. (This is REALLY FALSE! Planned parenthood does not promote sex and is only there to assist with contraception and help you plan in the event of a pregnancy)
-Planned Parenthood has a boox about sexual health for 10 year olds called "It's Perfectly Normal". (This probably one of the bigger lies that was claimed. They do have that book, but it's only for age appropriate audiences. If anything, this teaches abstinence. People have sex drives, and you can't make that go away)

All in this video. They explain the issue and discuss it thoroughly. They explain how the A.L.L. lied about most of it and what their motives are. The A.L.L. is a religious organization, or right-winged.

Hilarious Anti-Planned Parenthood Video (Warning: Vagina Cakes) - YouTube

Rush Limbaugh, Another right-winged Politician called Sandra (A law student) a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" for trying to speak out in defense for contraception. Sandra was speaking out for it because women need these contraception's for a variety of reasons, including health reasons. Another issue that Sandra pointed out was the effects of no contraception. She explained how someone she knew had an ovary removed and needed contraception to prevent cysts from forming post-surgery. She was denied contraception and couldn't afford it, so she was left to suffer.

The full issue and discussion:
Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Georgetown Student Sandra Fluke - YouTube

The right-wingers as a whole attacked contraception, planned parenthood, and tried to force transvaginal ultrasounds (Basically, forced rape because it is penetration without consent) on women who needed to get an abortion.
Polls were conducted and it was shown that Americans ARE IN FAVOR of Birth Control and Planned Parenthood.

President Obama's plan won 54 to 38 based on the opinions of Men and it won 58 to 34 based on the options of Women. (Women were more in favor of it compared to Men).

Another poll asked who understood the needs of Women more. President Obama got a whopping 64% saying yes and Mitt Romney got a small 34% saying yes.

When asked about Should healthcare insurance plans cover birth control, the vote "yes" was 71-34. Thats called an ass-kicking

Favorable opinion of planned parenthood overall: 55 to 22 (This was a crushing vote)

Should we take away the federal funding of planned parenthood? 60% opposed
This exact question was extended.
When they found out that planned parenthood cannot use that federal money towards abortion, that 60% quickly jumped to 80% in support of planned parenthood.

The Virginia Ultrasound bill was extremely unpopular. One day the supporter was for it, then the next day he had a completely opposite stance against the bill because of such backlash. Now he is trying to get followers again (Which is funny, because he lost his followers because he tried to take the right-wing direction)

The video explaining all of that:
Americans Are Pro-Birth Control: Poll - YouTube

Thats why right-wingers should NOT be in charge. They are just here to have things run to how they see fit (By their religion, of course) and ruin America.

Look at all of those who say "Oh, not this again" and then look at their behavior. It's nothing but prejudice crap. They want it THEIR WAY and are willing to Take everyone's rights in order to get that.

For Example of a right-winger's Ignorance, I present this:

Look at how others suppot him and have the same mentality. Their mentality is that anyone who wants birth control are sluts, prostitutes who want to be paid to have sex, whores, etc. And thats NOT the reality behind contraception. Theres MANY other health reasons that are other than sex.

Examine closely what you are saying...the left wing is doing the same exact thing you are complaining you don't like the right doing.

Forcing their ideals and ideologies on the people regardless of if the people want it or not.....Mandated purchases of health insurance from private companies for one, trying to force religious institutions to do things that goes against their faith for two (the contraception thing, are you ok with the govt telling the church they must pay for it? If you are would you be comfortable with the govt to force muslim businesses to sell and handle pork products?)

Think a little bit nitroz, it seems you have been duped into believing the distortions about the right and the left made by the agenda driven media.

Yeah, I see where you are coming from.

The muslim thing with the pork, you are right about. (Although it would be funny xD)
But with the contraception thing, the religious right is trying to stop the distribution of contraception when the majority is for it. (And the majority is paying for it through healthcare)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlkt28t3CrY&list=LLgzHR4gPYVpt3fxQsvyVyVw&index=4&feature=plpp_video]Hilarious Anti-Planned Parenthood Video (Warning: Vagina Cakes) - YouTube[/ame]

Planned parenthood gets federal funding.
Federal funding comes from everyone (even including the majority)
The small minority is trying to get rid of it, saying it's against their beliefs (and will even lie about it)

So if they got their way, planned parenthood would go away even though the majority who are for it are contributing to it through taxes.

That goes for contraception, etc.
It's not forcing our ideologies on them, it's telling them they can't have their way on the issue when the majority have a different goal/viewpoint.

I personally think that someone religious shouldn't deny someone healthcare when it's required by law to provide to their employees. (if it is)
The healthcare is there to spend less and do their job. And it turns out that contraception is cheaper.
Now if the insurance accepted a different plan against contraception at a higher rate, there should be no problem with contraception being denied.
I do live here and am concerned that our government is running without a plan and racking up the biggest deficits in the history of the Republic and our leader is clueless, careless and promising more of the same if he gets the green light to continue.

Part of my rights are the right to not have an idiot pick my pocket to finance the programs that I disagree with and never wanted in the first place.

Stealing my money is stealing my rights and he is doing this.

The "plan" was stated clearly by the GOP leadership upon Obama's innauguration that they would do everything and more importantly NOTHING to ensure Obama fails..co-incidentally it is working that way on the country as a whole.

The house has wasted it's time on religious based crap that would never be law under any circumstance and the Senate CONZ have blocked EVERY Obama appointment. The public spoke when they elected Obama and congress instead of respecting that has been running it's usual hysterical smear campaign because they care more about their personal power than the good of the country and the majority that elected Obama.

Many of the new republicans should be tried for treason ...line up against a wall and shot.
And the public spoke again when they elected a GOP House and severely reduced the Democrat majority in the Senate, or didn't you hear that one?


That was not a general election for president. That was a few pockets of over reacting and over reaching conz in a handfull of red voting localities that managed to get enough tea baggers elected to swing the house. It just showed how gulible some people were being convinced that the economy and the deficits were all Obama's fault. We that follow politics more closely know that is a lie..even if you continue to use that lie for political gain.

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