Just A Thought About Ebola


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2014
Ok this Thomas Duncan vomited on the sidewalk, and nobody cleaned it up for at least one day? So flies and bugs can't carry the disease? I heard that it can remain on a door handle for an hour or more. So a fly landing on the vomit lands on someone's food or hand and the person eats or wipes their eye. Sounds like this is a possibility, or a dog or cat could lick it, can they become carriers? Or hell even rodents could consume it if it was out in the parking lot that long. I saw a picture of a man hosing down what I thought was the vomit.. So now the vomit is in the gutters with raccoons and rodents....or hell even a bird could have landed on it and consumed some of that. Has the cdc begun collecting animals to sample rodents and even flies from the area? The photographer that got infected in Liberia said he was not near any bodies... Could a fly land on a infected body then land on the person to spread it? If you can get it from a door handle then I would have to say yes. Seems to me the cdc is just handling things as they come and not being proactive and determining if this thing is really under control. Infected rodents could spread this thing all over Dallas in a few months...
And if it is so hard to transmit, how did the photographer become infected? The media and CDC seem so consumed with telling us that there is nothing to worry about that the hard questions are not being answered. All the liberals are lining up to say the right wing is just looking to blame Obama. I'm just so tired of this never ending "redirect the narrative" we get from this administration and govt agencies. What has happened to journalists? They are so invested in protecting this incompetent administration it makes me sick

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And if it is so hard to transmit, how did the photographer become infected? The media and CDC seem so consumed with telling us that there is nothing to worry about that the hard questions are not being answered. All the liberals are lining up to say the right wing is just looking to blame Obama. I'm just so tired of this never ending "redirect the narrative" we get from this administration and govt agencies. What has happened to journalists? They are so invested in protecting this incompetent administration it makes me sick

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we all can thank presidunce Obola. :up:

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