Just a thought to cheer people up......

I don't think 2020 has been all that bad. In fact I think that all the carnage created by democrook political whores and the horde of vacuous drones have been a blessing. Trump is going to crush them in November and drag republicrats along with him.

This is not the same scenario as 2008 between Bush and the Meat Puppet Faggot.

In 2008 people were tired of the wars, McLame was a bigger douche than anyone else in DC, the economic crash was partly due to Bush's reluctance to roll back the regressive loan regulations established by democrook sociopaths and the media was able to build a cult of personality beneath an unaccomplished empty suit with no record. They can't do that with Biden.

Every cognizant person knows the bed wetting leftwing media over hyped the Kung Fu Cold and destroyed the economy, and all this mask bullshit. We're sick of it and we're going to be at the polls early on Nov 3rd to vote against democrooks like in 2010.

Then again I could be wrong. I expected the meat puppet faggot to lose in a landslide in 2012. So if Biden does somehow win, well then fuck it. I'll go on welfare and help sink the ship.

Hey...you think 2020 is bad...what if 2021 is worse?
Just another reason to vote Biden. It's about time the hate, lies and violence of Trump's America ended. Even top Republicans love him.

Senator Lindsey Graham Loves Joe Biden
Let me repeat....

2021 could be worse....

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