Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

I fully support the people's right to own a gun BUT we have no idea the facts here. As noted above, it's possible they had a gun and a family member used it against the rest of the family members.

Is that a reason to not allow others to own a gun? No, but as of right now, there are no valid points to be made as far as this case is concerned.
Then why are running your holster about it then?
I'm reminded of a faintly-remembered political advertisement, some years back. It was in support of some gun-control-related cause.

The ad showed a women hiding in her home, as a man in an obviously violent state of mind was breaking down her door. We were meant to think how bad it would be if that man had a gun. We were not meant to think about the woman having a gun, and being able to use it to defend herself, but that is exactly what I was thinking as I watched it.

Except a gun in the home increases the probability that a domestic incident will turn into a fatality. How many women have been shot with their own guns in suicides, domestic disputes or dumb accidents.

Tell that to the people stabbed to death every year.


We have far fewer stabbing murders than gun murders... Durr...

The issue is not what happened there. It is you Progs. Defending oneself from Progs destructive inclinations is another right that is eing attacked. Many examples in many ways. Australia and New Zealand citizens are neutered with gun laws. We have a good agreement with them and Japan now however China's influence is expanding. Extreme Feminist leaders will end up making those two white English-speaking areas Chinese colonies as a better solution than Earth ending up in nuclear conflagration.
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?
Keep spewing the same lie over and over. You want the guns? Come get them traitor.

Sure, I'm happy to let the ATF go Waco on you Whackos

Or if there was no gun in the house, then no one would have been killed.

If someone is deranged enough to start shooting family members, not sure why you don't think they aren't deranged enough to trap them in a room and set the house on fire or hit them with a baseball bat or kill them with a large kitchen knife(Idaho ring any bells?) or drive the family car over a cliff(in the news recently). The list goes on and on. The gun is not the problem, the deranged person is the problem.
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No clue what you are rambling about but that's about par for the course.
Funny that, you seem to know everything about everything else. But then that's the lying leftist way, to pretend. Pretend, spew lies, blather rinse and repeat.
Except a gun in the home increases the probability that a domestic incident will turn into a fatality. How many women have been shot with their own guns in suicides, domestic disputes or dumb accidents.

We have far fewer stabbing murders than gun murders... Durr...

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?
My threads are on the end game. You see not end to murders in Prog areas. Even with more and more money spent. It is not guns. Guns are the excuse and will look good in the initial stages when eliminated. Then not so much.

"A family of eight - including five children - have been found shot dead inside a rural home in Enoch City, in the US state of Utah."

Well, I guess after Sandy Hook, we know nothing will be done about this.
It appears that your complaint has to fo with the way they died

I guess you think someone noticed s gun in the closet and decided to kill people with it on a whim

The problem is that weak people are being driven crazy by the liberal culture they grew up in

If the killer had no gin there are other ways
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The WACO people just wanted to be left alone.

They were fundamentally peaceful. You start trying to take the guns and there are 50 million Americans who WON'T be peaceful one iota.

Forget that at your peril, traitor.
Uh, yeah, they were so peaceful they shot 4 ATF agents, molested children and sold illegally modified guns

If someone is deranged enough to start shooting family members, not sure why you don't think they aren't deranged enough to trap them in a room and set the house on fire or hit them with a baseball bat or kill them with a large kitchen knife(Idaho ring any bells?) or drive the family car over a cliff(in the news recently). The list goes on and on. The gun is not the problem, the deranged person is the problem.
No, Cleetus, a deranged person with a gun is going to be able to kill people a lot easier than one with a baseball bat.

Oh, by the way, was confirmed that this was a murder suicide by a family annihilator


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