Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious left

Did the congressman think he was going to win the lotto drinking from that cup?

or to get eternal salvation or something?

frankly.... a grown man doing that nonsense....tst tst ts....:rolleyes:

Yes, he is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.
I'm convinced, however, there are others likeminded in the Repub Party who hide it, which is a good thing in this case.

Yes, but we are talking about this particular congressman now.:dunno:

You have literally hundreds of Republicans serving who are religiously butthurt over gay marriage. The fact that this guy is drinking the pope's backwash is about as relevant as chomping on Christ's body in the form of a cracker. It amounts to nothing.

Nothing to do with gays or race ...etc........please a break from that for a second or two ok?

I guess it was the fervor with which he grabbed the cup and started making his relatives drink from it.....there is something actually very sick and disturbing about it!

meh...what do I know
That was a bit disturbing if not just slightly odd but think about this.
Here is someone thats job is to work for the citizens, and yet when he thinks that something left behind can give him salvation or whatever good he thought it could bring, he takes it for himself and his family, the hell with the rest of the world, its all about saving him and his family first.
Do you think that when he writes a bill, or he votes on a bill that his objective is any different? whats best for him and his family and the hell with everyone else.
I think this whole thing speaks more about his character than we are looking at.

Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
Anyone who worships an invisible "God" and its alleged "prophet" and/or preacher is "nutty", in my opinion.
I understand the "right" has a lot of god/hero worshippers too, no?

The alleged numbers on each side is irrelevant, Mr. Moron.

Of course it's relevant otherwise "Democratic Congressmen" wouldn't have been the first two words you typed after copying and pasting the link in your OP. Be serious, you're not fooling anyone, just own it.

EDIT: I mean, Jesus Christ, look at your thread title "Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious left", that's begging for a comparison with Conservatives but I'd guess you know you aren't going to fair that well and are trying to quelch that argument before it starts.

Remember that conservative asshat who thought god has a way of "shutting that down" when it came to rape? Wow, talk about crazy wingnut religious conservatives, amiright?

Having a good cry, little girl? That's Democrats putting this guy in office. Clearly, your party has plenty of religious nutters. Don't worry though; he worships Obama like you do, still.

Sorry, I don't see how this guy represents the religious beliefs of a big tent party. Kim Davis on the other hand or Michelle Bachmann or Mike Huckabee would love for the rest of us to drink from their godly chalice. But let's ignore all of that, we have a religious southerner who is drinking out of the pope's glass. if you think this means anything then you're pretty shallow.

Then again, look who I'm talking to, somebody who has to remind everyone else in every post that they "burn" people and whatnot.

My hell. The religious left refers to a faction, not the entire party, genius.

it doesn't really matter anymore. The right by far has more religious zealots. So much so that in order to balance the playing field you point to a guy drinking out of his souvenir cup.
Yes, he is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.
I'm convinced, however, there are others likeminded in the Repub Party who hide it, which is a good thing in this case.

Yes, but we are talking about this particular congressman now.:dunno:

You have literally hundreds of Republicans serving who are religiously butthurt over gay marriage. The fact that this guy is drinking the pope's backwash is about as relevant as chomping on Christ's body in the form of a cracker. It amounts to nothing.

Nothing to do with gays or race ...etc........please a break from that for a second or two ok?

I guess it was the fervor with which he grabbed the cup and started making his relatives drink from it.....there is something actually very sick and disturbing about it!

meh...what do I know
That was a bit disturbing if not just slightly odd but think about this.
Here is someone thats job is to work for the citizens, and yet when he thinks that something left behind can give him salvation or whatever good he thought it could bring, he takes it for himself and his family, the hell with the rest of the world, its all about saving him and his family first.
Do you think that when he writes a bill, or he votes on a bill that his objective is any different? whats best for him and his family and the hell with everyone else.
I think this whole thing speaks more about his character than we are looking at.

Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.
The alleged numbers on each side is irrelevant, Mr. Moron.

Of course it's relevant otherwise "Democratic Congressmen" wouldn't have been the first two words you typed after copying and pasting the link in your OP. Be serious, you're not fooling anyone, just own it.

EDIT: I mean, Jesus Christ, look at your thread title "Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious left", that's begging for a comparison with Conservatives but I'd guess you know you aren't going to fair that well and are trying to quelch that argument before it starts.

Remember that conservative asshat who thought god has a way of "shutting that down" when it came to rape? Wow, talk about crazy wingnut religious conservatives, amiright?

Having a good cry, little girl? That's Democrats putting this guy in office. Clearly, your party has plenty of religious nutters. Don't worry though; he worships Obama like you do, still.

Sorry, I don't see how this guy represents the religious beliefs of a big tent party. Kim Davis on the other hand or Michelle Bachmann or Mike Huckabee would love for the rest of us to drink from their godly chalice. But let's ignore all of that, we have a religious southerner who is drinking out of the pope's glass. if you think this means anything then you're pretty shallow.

Then again, look who I'm talking to, somebody who has to remind everyone else in every post that they "burn" people and whatnot.

My hell. The religious left refers to a faction, not the entire party, genius.

it doesn't really matter anymore. The right by far has more religious zealots. So much so that in order to balance the playing field you point to a guy drinking out of his souvenir cup.

If Brady were a Republican, this would have been a national scandal with the left wing media, blogs etc having a fit. For the record Bob Brady has been in Congress 30 plus years and Chairman of the Philadelphia Democrat city committee.
The alleged numbers on each side is irrelevant, Mr. Moron.

Of course it's relevant otherwise "Democratic Congressmen" wouldn't have been the first two words you typed after copying and pasting the link in your OP. Be serious, you're not fooling anyone, just own it.

EDIT: I mean, Jesus Christ, look at your thread title "Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious left", that's begging for a comparison with Conservatives but I'd guess you know you aren't going to fair that well and are trying to quelch that argument before it starts.

Remember that conservative asshat who thought god has a way of "shutting that down" when it came to rape? Wow, talk about crazy wingnut religious conservatives, amiright?

Having a good cry, little girl? That's Democrats putting this guy in office. Clearly, your party has plenty of religious nutters. Don't worry though; he worships Obama like you do, still.

Sorry, I don't see how this guy represents the religious beliefs of a big tent party. Kim Davis on the other hand or Michelle Bachmann or Mike Huckabee would love for the rest of us to drink from their godly chalice. But let's ignore all of that, we have a religious southerner who is drinking out of the pope's glass. if you think this means anything then you're pretty shallow.

Then again, look who I'm talking to, somebody who has to remind everyone else in every post that they "burn" people and whatnot.

My hell. The religious left refers to a faction, not the entire party, genius.

it doesn't really matter anymore. The right by far has more religious zealots. So much so that in order to balance the playing field you point to a guy drinking out of his souvenir cup.

Please. The left has bent over and spread their cheeks for Muslims. You guys worship at Obama's altar all damn day long.
Yes, but we are talking about this particular congressman now.:dunno:

You have literally hundreds of Republicans serving who are religiously butthurt over gay marriage. The fact that this guy is drinking the pope's backwash is about as relevant as chomping on Christ's body in the form of a cracker. It amounts to nothing.

Nothing to do with gays or race ...etc........please a break from that for a second or two ok?

I guess it was the fervor with which he grabbed the cup and started making his relatives drink from it.....there is something actually very sick and disturbing about it!

meh...what do I know
That was a bit disturbing if not just slightly odd but think about this.
Here is someone thats job is to work for the citizens, and yet when he thinks that something left behind can give him salvation or whatever good he thought it could bring, he takes it for himself and his family, the hell with the rest of the world, its all about saving him and his family first.
Do you think that when he writes a bill, or he votes on a bill that his objective is any different? whats best for him and his family and the hell with everyone else.
I think this whole thing speaks more about his character than we are looking at.

Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.

That reflects more on you than him.
You have literally hundreds of Republicans serving who are religiously butthurt over gay marriage. The fact that this guy is drinking the pope's backwash is about as relevant as chomping on Christ's body in the form of a cracker. It amounts to nothing.

Nothing to do with gays or race ...etc........please a break from that for a second or two ok?

I guess it was the fervor with which he grabbed the cup and started making his relatives drink from it.....there is something actually very sick and disturbing about it!

meh...what do I know
That was a bit disturbing if not just slightly odd but think about this.
Here is someone thats job is to work for the citizens, and yet when he thinks that something left behind can give him salvation or whatever good he thought it could bring, he takes it for himself and his family, the hell with the rest of the world, its all about saving him and his family first.
Do you think that when he writes a bill, or he votes on a bill that his objective is any different? whats best for him and his family and the hell with everyone else.
I think this whole thing speaks more about his character than we are looking at.

Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.

That reflects more on you than him.
in your mind of course it does.
great thing about that is that, Im not supposed to be impressing anyone, he is.
The fact that you fail to see the deeper implications in this speak volumes about your own identity.
Nothing to do with gays or race ...etc........please a break from that for a second or two ok?

I guess it was the fervor with which he grabbed the cup and started making his relatives drink from it.....there is something actually very sick and disturbing about it!

meh...what do I know
That was a bit disturbing if not just slightly odd but think about this.
Here is someone thats job is to work for the citizens, and yet when he thinks that something left behind can give him salvation or whatever good he thought it could bring, he takes it for himself and his family, the hell with the rest of the world, its all about saving him and his family first.
Do you think that when he writes a bill, or he votes on a bill that his objective is any different? whats best for him and his family and the hell with everyone else.
I think this whole thing speaks more about his character than we are looking at.

Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.

That reflects more on you than him.
in your mind of course it does.
great thing about that is that, Im not supposed to be impressing anyone, he is.
The fact that you fail to see the deeper implications in this speak volumes about your own identity.

The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

I bet if he dyed chicken eggs pastel shades of green, blue, yellow and red and told his children they were delivered by a rodent you wouldn't blink.
That was a bit disturbing if not just slightly odd but think about this.
Here is someone thats job is to work for the citizens, and yet when he thinks that something left behind can give him salvation or whatever good he thought it could bring, he takes it for himself and his family, the hell with the rest of the world, its all about saving him and his family first.
Do you think that when he writes a bill, or he votes on a bill that his objective is any different? whats best for him and his family and the hell with everyone else.
I think this whole thing speaks more about his character than we are looking at.

Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.

That reflects more on you than him.
in your mind of course it does.
great thing about that is that, Im not supposed to be impressing anyone, he is.
The fact that you fail to see the deeper implications in this speak volumes about your own identity.

The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

I bet if he dyed chicken eggs pastel shades of green, blue, yellow and red and told his children they were delivered by a rodent you wouldn't blink.
CAUTION!!!!!! potential misfire in A6, potential misfire in A6.
Why don't you do some research and find out what this guy has been up to? I'm sure the right wing blogs have pulled an entire narrative around him by now, why are you so lazy?
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.

That reflects more on you than him.
in your mind of course it does.
great thing about that is that, Im not supposed to be impressing anyone, he is.
The fact that you fail to see the deeper implications in this speak volumes about your own identity.

The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

I bet if he dyed chicken eggs pastel shades of green, blue, yellow and red and told his children they were delivered by a rodent you wouldn't blink.
CAUTION!!!!!! potential misfire in A6, potential misfire in A6.

Oh, I see you don't like your make believe Christian fairy tales brought out into the light no matter how ridiculous they are, that's off the table. Gottcha', you won't allow yourself the thought.
hes a democrat, I dont have to research to know he is a piece of crap. thats what the "D" stands for, Dung.

That reflects more on you than him.
in your mind of course it does.
great thing about that is that, Im not supposed to be impressing anyone, he is.
The fact that you fail to see the deeper implications in this speak volumes about your own identity.

The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

I bet if he dyed chicken eggs pastel shades of green, blue, yellow and red and told his children they were delivered by a rodent you wouldn't blink.
CAUTION!!!!!! potential misfire in A6, potential misfire in A6.

Oh, I see you don't like your make believe Christian fairy tales brought out into the light no matter how ridiculous they are, that's off the table. Gottcha', you won't allow yourself the thought.
You might not be as bright as you think you are.
Just saying, nothing wrong with that, we need people that can learn to take the fries out when the fryer beeps.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.

Let me know if that actually happens, in the meantime you have Republicans who want to circumvent the law because gay sex makes them cringe.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.
I'm betting that my faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ gives me a better shot at Heaven than his faith and acceptance of the pope will give him.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.

Let me know if that actually happens, in the meantime you have Republicans who want to circumvent the law because gay sex makes them cringe.
typical lefty deflection. Realizes he is losing an argument so he tries to completely change the subject to something totally unrelated.
there is already a thread on the republicans trying to circumvent the now constitutional right for gays to marry.
please post in that thread.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.
I'm betting that my faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ gives me a better shot at Heaven than his faith and acceptance of the pope will give him.

Somehow i bet the Congressman doesn't give a fuck if you don't like Catholics. You have Republicans (many of them) who do not have a basic understanding of how our government works but we hold this loony Congressman up as an example of left wing religiosity. It's kind of ridiculous.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.

Let me know if that actually happens, in the meantime you have Republicans who want to circumvent the law because gay sex makes them cringe.
typical lefty deflection. Realizes he is losing an argument so he tries to completely change the subject to something totally unrelated.
there is already a thread on the republicans trying to circumvent the now constitutional right for gays to marry.
please post in that thread.

Not changing the subject, putting it into perspective.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.
I'm betting that my faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ gives me a better shot at Heaven than his faith and acceptance of the pope will give him.

Somehow i bet the Congressman doesn't give a fuck if you don't like Catholics.
Don't think that was my point.
You don't catch on without crayon colored pictures do you.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.

Let me know if that actually happens, in the meantime you have Republicans who want to circumvent the law because gay sex makes them cringe.
typical lefty deflection. Realizes he is losing an argument so he tries to completely change the subject to something totally unrelated.
there is already a thread on the republicans trying to circumvent the now constitutional right for gays to marry.
please post in that thread.

Not changing the subject, putting it into perspective.
republicans and or gays have nothing to do with this.
you were trying to change the subject.
Now, back to the OPs thread.
The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.

Let me know if that actually happens, in the meantime you have Republicans who want to circumvent the law because gay sex makes them cringe.

More like you circumvent the law because you think that based on what a man does with his dick affords him special treatment via the law.

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