Just as we thought, obama behind the Hillary email leaks. LOL at the LIEberal conundrum.

Nothing is better than when the dems eat their own.

They are so stupid they do not know Clintons and obamas hate each other. What the fuck are they being fed on those fucking left wing networks?

Notice who says they hate each other?

HINT: The same guy who's looking to sell his book but has no verifiable sources.



By definition, there are no "left wing networks". OTOH, we all know that lying fox, controlled by foreign interests, including a Muslim Arab prince is indeed a radical right wing propaganda machine.

If they didn't hate other, Obama would've chose Hillary to be vice president. Instead of blabber mouth Biden. He would've been unstoppable. His administration would've been more historic than any in history. Instead of the nothing but failures it has become.
Ed Klein is a rightwing propagandist. There's no good reason to take his word for anything.

And that's all it is.

His "word".

As usual, the rabid right makes it up as they go along and expect everyone to be as gullible as they are.

They treat every baseless story as gospel, and then when the 1 in 10 of those tales turns out to be true, they lay on the 'we told you so'.

Same kind of blind obedience we see with the way they deny global climate change but went all to pieces over Ebola.

They're simply unable to intelligently question a source and can't tell the difference between an op/ed and a factual article.
Seriously, all the GOP needs to do is step back and let the Dems shoot themselves in a circular firing squad.

I'd love to see Walker vs. Clinton. It would be sublime!
Ed Klein is a rightwing propagandist. There's no good reason to take his word for anything.

And that's all it is.

His "word".

As usual, the rabid right makes it up as they go along and expect everyone to be as gullible as they are.

They treat every baseless story as gospel, and then when the 1 in 10 of those tales turns out to be true, they lay on the 'we told you so'.

Same kind of blind obedience we see with the way they deny global climate change but went all to pieces over Ebola.

They're simply unable to intelligently question a source and can't tell the difference between an op/ed and a factual article.

Diagnosis: A Severe Case of Projection.
Oh what the lefties have to be going through. On one hand their messiah is trying to take out the hildabeast. On the other they can't go against Obama to save her. Lol it's 2008 all over again. Poor ole Hillary. Lol, you can't make this stuff up.

Sure you can.

The RWs do it every day.

Including this thread.
So, who are you gonna choose to support?


There is never a day when you don't post something utterly stupid and incorrect as well as being un-American and un-Constitutional.

Now, here you are, blindly believing a non-factual, op/ed designed to make you buy a book.

Clearly, you are not an intelligent person.

Like I said, I'll wait for verifiable facts.
You can tell they don't like each other, but keep on sticking up for the liar in chief.
Nothing is better than when the dems eat their own.

They are so stupid they do not know Clintons and obamas hate each other. What the fuck are they being fed on those fucking left wing networks?

Notice who says they hate each other?

HINT: The same guy who's looking to sell his book but has no verifiable sources.



By definition, there are no "left wing networks". OTOH, we all know that lying fox, controlled by foreign interests, including a Muslim Arab prince is indeed a radical right wing propaganda machine.


I don't believe the article itself, but I do think they probably don't like each other very much. I don't think a person can brutally campaign against another person for so long and ever go back to having a genuinely friendly relationship. The same goes for Republicans. Of course they play nice after the election, because they don't want to damage the party as a whole. One exception I can think of is Bill Clinton and George HW Bush. Their friendship does seem genuine.
Well, the one thing that would keep them from exposing the half black commander in chief is if they exposed all of the things he did, they will be swept away in the vortex it would create. Remember, she was the secretary of state. Plus, I am willing to bet there is a lot of dirt the half black in chief has on Bill.


Consider what we have not been told in regards to his connections to that Epstein pervert. Who, is reportedly to have so much stuff out in the open as far as naked little girls all over his mansion that it would have been impossible to associate with him and not know fully what he is all about.

Clintons are basically screwed. Unless they want all of that stuff coming out.

If Jarret did indeed leak her dirty laundry to the NYTimes, the Clintons will retaliate. Any woman who throws a lamp at the president of the Untied States can be counted on to react viscerally to being attacked. The blindside I mentioned is the Clinturd way of doing this....they'll leak, deny they had anything to do with it. and then retreat to watch the venom do it's job. Obozo would be too busy covering his tracks for a counter-attack....in such a scenario, he gets his ass handed to him.
Ed Klein is a rightwing propagandist. There's no good reason to take his word for anything.

And that's all it is.

His "word".

As usual, the rabid right makes it up as they go along and expect everyone to be as gullible as they are.

They treat every baseless story as gospel, and then when the 1 in 10 of those tales turns out to be true, they lay on the 'we told you so'.

Same kind of blind obedience we see with the way they deny global climate change but went all to pieces over Ebola.

They're simply unable to intelligently question a source and can't tell the difference between an op/ed and a factual article.
Well lets see, global cooling, warming, or climate change is bullshit. Ebola was a real thing that killed people. You talk about other people's intelligence? You support someone that lies to you on a daily basis and you question other people's intelligence? Only in looney liberal land. Lol
Nothing is better than when the dems eat their own.

They are so stupid they do not know Clintons and obamas hate each other. What the fuck are they being fed on those fucking left wing networks?

Notice who says they hate each other?

HINT: The same guy who's looking to sell his book but has no verifiable sources.



By definition, there are no "left wing networks". OTOH, we all know that lying fox, controlled by foreign interests, including a Muslim Arab prince is indeed a radical right wing propaganda machine.


I don't believe the article itself, but I do think they probably don't like each other very much. I don't think a person can brutally campaign against another person for so long and ever go back to having a genuinely friendly relationship. The same goes for Republicans. Of course they play nice after the election, because they don't want to damage the party as a whole. One exception I can think of is Bill Clinton and George HW Bush. Their friendship does seem genuine.

Very possibly true.

I've always wondered at that - fighting viciously but good friends later. Same with the Rs. Same with our justice system.

My point is that this op/ed does not contain even one fact.

Not one fact.

Not even close.

There's a segment of our society who knows they're being lied to by such as fox, limbaugh, dredge, brietbart and like it. Instead of demanding facts, they actually demand more lies.

Gullible and obedient fools.
Obozo best be careful because when Hildabeast realizes she'll never be president, she and Willy will unload on the Kenyan. Nobody does blindsides like them, and don't be surprised if they can prove Barry was born in Kenya....what a GLORIOUS turn of events that would be.
That's exactly right. It's a well known fact in Washington that obama is a fraud and illegally holding the office of president, but it's hands off because he's the first mulatto president, and for the sake of history they don't want to soil America's reputation with having to arrest him and throw him in prison. But they all know obama forged damn near every document he's ever released, and Hitlery could certainly unleash the dogs on it. I'm sure she knows where the Achilles heal is. So obama better hope and pray she doesn't.
Obozo best be careful because when Hildabeast realizes she'll never be president, she and Willy will unload on the Kenyan. Nobody does blindsides like them, and don't be surprised if they can prove Barry was born in Kenya....what a GLORIOUS turn of events that would be.
That's exactly right. It's a well known fact in Washington that obama is a fraud and illegally holding the office of president, but it's hands off because he's the first mulatto president, and for the sake of history they don't want to soil America's reputation with having to arrest him and throw him in prison. But they all know obama forged damn near every document he's ever released, and Hitlery could certainly unleash the dogs on it. I'm sure she knows where the Achilles heal is. So obama better hope and pray she doesn't.

Like I said, she will not do that cause she will be dragged down with everything. She does not come across as the Kamikaze types, who actually had a little bit of honor.
I think Obama and Hillary have been enemies since the primaries. Hillary is the one who dug up dirt on Obama. Then she hushed up when he got the nod and promised to appoint her Sec of State.

The reason the Dems are throwing Hillary under the bus has nothing to do with them wanting the truth. They have another candidate in mind and want Hillary gone. The lapdog press will report only on what they are instructed to cover by the administration. Next election is less than two years away, so already time for the spin machine to gear up and start chewing up some candidate while protecting others. Hillary should take the hint that her party has already rejected her, maybe in favor of Fauxahontos.
Obozo best be careful because when Hildabeast realizes she'll never be president, she and Willy will unload on the Kenyan. Nobody does blindsides like them, and don't be surprised if they can prove Barry was born in Kenya....what a GLORIOUS turn of events that would be.
That's exactly right. It's a well known fact in Washington that obama is a fraud and illegally holding the office of president, but it's hands off because he's the first mulatto president, and for the sake of history they don't want to soil America's reputation with having to arrest him and throw him in prison. But they all know obama forged damn near every document he's ever released, and Hitlery could certainly unleash the dogs on it. I'm sure she knows where the Achilles heal is. So obama better hope and pray she doesn't.

Like I said, she will not do that cause she will be dragged down with everything. She does not come across as the Kamikaze types, who actually had a little bit of honor.
Are you kidding? The Clintons are capable of anything. They've got one of the longest lists of DEAD PEOPLE they have dealt with and that crossed them of any couple in politics.

I wouldn't put ANYTHING past those two. Exposing obama would be childs play to them.
That's exactly right. It's a well known fact in Washington that obama is a fraud and illegally holding the office of president, but it's hands off because he's the first mulatto president, and for the sake of history they don't want to soil America's reputation with having to arrest him and throw him in prison. But they all know obama forged damn near every document he's ever released, and Hitlery could certainly unleash the dogs on it. I'm sure she knows where the Achilles heal is. So obama better hope and pray she doesn't.
Are you kidding? The Clintons are capable of anything. They've got one of the longest lists of DEAD PEOPLE they have dealt with and that crossed them of any couple in politics.

I wouldn't put ANYTHING past those two. Exposing obama would be childs play to them.
stop "making stuff up" Pole Rider :eusa_hand:
Hillary has enough shit archived on her "fellow Democrats" that they will not dare deny her their nomination this time.
Nothing is better than when the dems eat their own.

They are so stupid they do not know Clintons and obamas hate each other. What the fuck are they being fed on those fucking left wing networks?

Notice who says they hate each other?

HINT: The same guy who's looking to sell his book but has no verifiable sources.



By definition, there are no "left wing networks". OTOH, we all know that lying fox, controlled by foreign interests, including a Muslim Arab prince is indeed a radical right wing propaganda machine.


I don't believe the article itself, but I do think they probably don't like each other very much. I don't think a person can brutally campaign against another person for so long and ever go back to having a genuinely friendly relationship. The same goes for Republicans. Of course they play nice after the election, because they don't want to damage the party as a whole. One exception I can think of is Bill Clinton and George HW Bush. Their friendship does seem genuine.

Very possibly true.

I've always wondered at that - fighting viciously but good friends later. Same with the Rs. Same with our justice system.

My point is that this op/ed does not contain even one fact.

Not one fact.

Not even close.

There's a segment of our society who knows they're being lied to by such as fox, limbaugh, dredge, brietbart and like it. Instead of demanding facts, they actually demand more lies.

Gullible and obedient fools.

How cute :)

I find it difficult to take someone seriously who awaits the very next words out of the mouths of people like Maddow, Maher, Wasserman-Schultz, Pelosi and Harry Reid....seriously you have no room to talk.

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