Just before the election, regular unleaded was $1.99 in my area...today it is $2.85


Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.
All part of the plan...

Bombing the post in Syria had nothing to do with starting a Middle East war, which is ongoing as we speak. Fracking has not been banned and will always be with us along with other forms of energy. We get nothing from the pipeline except some part-time jobs which are short-lived. Infrastructure repair will solve that problem big time.
Youn didn't know? The poor are hurt more by higher fuel prices, and you should contact the Saudis who are responsible for the increase since they have kept their production low.
Instead of flapping in the breeze, do some research. Go back to school and get an education. The President is doing stuff for you and me. Trump sat on his ass.
EFF anyone who voted for that idiot who watched tv and tweeted all day and didn't run the country but did run his mouth.
You are misinformed.

Trump negotiated and received an oil deal with Saudi Arabia and Russia to rescue the American oil.

Why can't China Joe do the same?

Because like the border, the pipeline, pretty much every single thing China Joe has touched...it's gone to shit...

So perhaps you should re-educate yourself...because what you "know" ain't so.
I am hardly misinformed. Any oil deal was short-lived.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?
Democrats own this 100%, when energy prices go up everything else does also. Like I said Obama brought us Trump the first time, and Biden is going to give us Trump a second time!

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.
You've already been told how not a drop of XL oil will be used here. We take the environmental risk. We refine it in Texas, and then we put all of it in ships and send it over seas. Every drop.
Biden wants to end the use of fossil fuels in a few years. You own this.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?
You were told before the election this was going to happen. It costs three times more to transport the oil by rail then pipeline. And the amount also varies now.
Let's not forget the pipeline is carbon neutral. Using trucks and railroads is like putting one million vehicles on the road. Liberals don't care about the environment.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.
Gas up 60 cents here, liberals own it 100%. You own it all with no one to blame this time.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?
Um, yes, the Keystone Pipeline is shut down thanks to Xiden's EO...see section 6: Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | The White House
you idiot. Keystone has been pumping their sludge to Texas since 2012, where it is all refined and shipped out to other countries. We don't get a single advantage in spite of us taking all the environmental risk.
View attachment 466924
Keystone is carbon neutral, transporting it the other way is compared to putting an additional million cars on the road. I see you really don't care about the environment. Wonder how much money Biden got from Buffet to shut the pipeline down.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?
You were told before the election this was going to happen. It costs three times more to transport the oil by rail then pipeline. And the amount also varies now.
Let's not forget the pipeline is carbon neutral. Using trucks and railroads is like putting one million vehicles on the road. Liberals don't care about the environment.

This is a great fucking point. What about all thecarbon emmissions from vehicle transport of oil?

Liberals dont care about the environment and they dont actually believe in Golobal Warming. OBAMA BOUGHT A HOUSE ON THE OCEAN. If he actually believed the seas were going to rise and kill everyone on the coast, why did he buy there?


Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?
Democrats own this 100%, when energy prices go up everything else does also. Like I said Obama brought us Trump the first time, and Biden is going to give us Trump a second time!
Actually, Hillary gave you Trump, and it would be a miracle if Trump got elected again.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.

Bullshit. You can review something without halting it. Shit or get off the pot. The Keystone XL is full of debate. I advocate that Keystone XL represents a step towards independence from global oil cartel markets.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.
Gas up 60 cents here, liberals own it 100%. You own it all with no one to blame this time.

Liberals do own the higher energy prices. They tout the environment yet have no viable energy alternative that sustains the economy at the current level that oil does.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.
Gas up 60 cents here, liberals own it 100%. You own it all with no one to blame this time.

Liberals do own the higher energy prices. They tout the environment yet have no viable energy alternative that sustains the economy at the current level that oil does.

Yes. They think high gas prices will push their green agenda.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.

Bullshit. You can review something without halting it. Shit or get off the pot. The Keystone XL is full of debate. I advocate that Keystone XL represents a step towards independence from global oil cartel markets.
Independence for Canada, yes? Environmental problems for us.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.
You've already been told how not a drop of XL oil will be used here. We take the environmental risk. We refine it in Texas, and then we put all of it in ships and send it over seas. Every drop.
Biden wants to end the use of fossil fuels in a few years. You own this.

That will be 60-70 years from now.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.

Bullshit. You can review something without halting it. Shit or get off the pot. The Keystone XL is full of debate. I advocate that Keystone XL represents a step towards independence from global oil cartel markets.
Independence for Canada, yes? Environmental problems for us.
  • The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were
  • Canada 49%
  • Mexico 7%
  • Saudi Arabia 6%
  • Russia 6%
  • Colombia 4%
Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (E…
View attachment 446855

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Clutch them imaginary pearls.

The is no fracking ban.

The Keystone pipeline is not shut down.

The attack on Erbil Iraq, the oil capitol of Kurdistan, came from Syrian territory. If Syria can't control the area, we have every right to protect our people, and our allies in the region. Or do you think we should allow attacks on our people from Syria?

How and why is the Keystone Pipeline not shut down? Why the layoffs?
The building of Keystones XL pipeline, was put on hold by Biden for review.

Just this XL portion under construction.

The regular Keystone pipeline is up and running, as usual.

Bullshit. You can review something without halting it. Shit or get off the pot. The Keystone XL is full of debate. I advocate that Keystone XL represents a step towards independence from global oil cartel markets.
Independence for Canada, yes? Environmental problems for us.

China is a major owner in Canadian tarsands.
O'Biden is for the middle class working man? That's what this worthless old fool will tell you! And you idiots say thank you - can I have another?
O'Biden is for the middle class working man? That's what this worthless old fool will tell you! And you idiots say thank you - can I have another?
The worthless old fool is the blob. Biden is definitely for the working class whereas
the blob was for the wealthy while conning you into believing that he was for the working class.

Banning fracking
Killing the XL pipeline
Bombing Syria and paving the way to a new war in the middle east.

Eff everyone who voted in these idiots now running the country,

Say hello to inflation...

It amazes me that people will shoot themselves in the face because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Who gets hurt more by higher fuel prices, the rich or the poor?

Way to go libs...you are fucking the poor.

Leave it to know nothing morons to complain about $2.85 gas.

I mean what the fuck did you THINK was going to happen to prices a year after oil prices collapsed from Covid?

You are basically blaming Biden for recovery going too well :rolleyes-41:
Last edited:
WTF guys???
Trump is not President!!
We don't need to talk about anything bad that is happening anymore!!!!

It's all gooood now.

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