Just Contacted My Representatives In Congress

s our human responsibility to save the life of a child when in endanger of being murdered.

However, it is not our responsibility to raise the child or provide for its welfare. It is the responsibility of the parents.

Is that concept too difficult for you to understand?

The mothers that can't afford it, won't be able to take care of them. So you have no problem forcing the birth, and the ensuing poverty. And if the child starves to death, or dies from lack of care, not your problem right?

You're losing this argument badly son. Want to try to come off as not being a moron?
The mothers that can't afford it, won't be able to take care of them. So you have no problem forcing the birth, and the ensuing poverty. And if the child starves to death, or dies from lack of care, not your problem right?

You're losing this argument badly son. Want to try to come off as not being a moron?

You think you're leading but actually you're two laps down
Have outlined a complete new slate of very generous federal welfare benefits, for all of the women who will be forced to give birth to children they cannot afford.

Surely all of our Republican representatives and Senators, that support the recent Supreme Court decision taking away womens rights, will be very excited about giving many new welfare benefits to these children whom they so passionately defend, right?

Pro-lifers don't oppose welfare. You made that up, lying schmuck
Have outlined a complete new slate of very generous federal welfare benefits, for all of the women who will be forced to give birth to children they cannot afford.

Surely all of our Republican representatives and Senators, that support the recent Supreme Court decision taking away womens rights, will be very excited about giving many new welfare benefits to these children whom they so passionately defend, right?
Well that would be the Christian thing to do...
Pro-lifers don't oppose welfare. You made that up, lying schmuck

It's a worn out leftist talking point.

Welfare has it's place but with conditions and restrictions... it's not meant to be a life long thing
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The mothers that can't afford it, won't be able to take care of them. So you have no problem forcing the birth, and the ensuing poverty. And if the child starves to death, or dies from lack of care, not your problem right?

You're losing this argument badly son. Want to try to come off as not being a moron?
Do you have a single example of a child starving to death in America because there was no potential aid available? You folks keep telling doom and gloom stories, back them up. Or is this just another liberal drama queen moment that will further diminish the already low opinion folks have of you?
The mothers that can't afford it, won't be able to take care of them. So you have no problem forcing the birth, and the ensuing poverty. And if the child starves to death, or dies from lack of care, not your problem right?

You're losing this argument badly son. Want to try to come off as not being a moron?

No one is losing to your unsupported OP. You can't support it because it's lie that Republicans oppose welfare. One of the many reasons I am a libertarian, not a Republican. You're just flat out lying
The mothers that can't afford it, won't be able to take care of them. So you have no problem forcing the birth, and the ensuing poverty. And if the child starves to death, or dies from lack of care, not your problem right?

You're losing this argument badly son. Want to try to come off as not being a moron?
If the mothers can't afford it and the father is unwilling to provide support then she should have never got knocked up in the first place.

It is humanity's responsibility to save the life of a child about to be murdered. That is basic Human instinct.

It is the parent's responsibility to provide for the welfare of the child that they conceived, not the government's.

Understanding personal responsibility is not one of your strong suits, is it?
Do you have a single example of a child starving to death in America because there was no potential aid available? You folks keep telling doom and gloom stories, back them up. Or is this just another liberal drama queen moment that will further diminish the already low opinion folks have of you?

Ding, ding, ding! We are a welfare country and pro-lifers are fine with the babies being on welfare. skews13 is losing this one badly. He knew he was lying when he created the thread, which is why he couldn't provide a link in the OP
No one is losing to your unsupported OP. You can't support it because it's lie that Republicans oppose welfare. One of the many reasons I am a libertarian, not a Republican. You're just flat out lying

Great. Glad to have your support. So we can count on you to contact your representative, and ask them to support a bill, providing support for children that will not get it otherwise, due to a bad decision from the court?
So you're just a troll, that had no interest in the actual issue.

Just a troll. Got it.

The creator of this troll thread is now calling people trolls. You're a total loser of a human being and a raging racist, whic is why you're a Democrat, the party who's history is of racism
Great. Glad to have your support. So we can count on you to contact your representative, and ask them to support a bill, providing support for children that will not get it otherwise, due to a bad decision from the court?

First of all you're an eight year old. And show who is starving in this country because they can't get welfare, loser. Rogue AI already nailed your ass to the wall on this one
If the mothers can't afford it and the father is unwilling to provide support then she should have never got knocked up in the first place.
It is humanity's responsibility to save the life of a child about to be murdered. That is basic Human instinct.

It is the parent's responsibility to provide for the welfare of the child that they conceived, not the government's.

Understanding personal responsibility is not one of your strong suits, is it?

The majority of abortions are either carried out in the first trimester, or are done because of the life of the mother, or serious complication with the pregnancy.

Your response surely echoes your lifestyle, and those of whom you are surrounded. It takes a total piece of shit to assume what you believe is the cause for most abortions, and i'm sure there is no doubt in your case, that is probably the situation with some you know that had one.
The creator of this troll thread is now calling people trolls. You're a total loser of a human being and a raging racist, whic is why you're a Democrat, the party who's history is of racism

You people are so easy to expose.
No, I support the life of the child. I do not support irresponsible behavior. In the adult world actions have consequences, but we do not punish the innocent for the actions of others. Your childish worldview has no place in this country.
So you support increased fed and state support for infants and children?
60% of the women seeking abortions, used birth control and weren't having unprotected sex in the first place.

Why do you clowns never want consequences for the MEN who have unprotected sex? Maybe we should fine men $10,000 for getting a woman pregnant to cover the costs of her pregnancy and childbirth.
Mandatory vasectomies.

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