Just face the truth republicans

Yet O did much worse but being black and protected by the media, deep state, and the bureaucracy, he was untouchable.

Hey Gipper, notice how rightwingers like you need bigger and bigger and bigger conspiracies to make sense of the world?

Maybe O with his fancy law degree simply happen to know right from wrong. NUUUH! Thats insane! World falling apar...

Time for some of those cold, hard facts:


You are so dumb if you think the Judicial System is not political, or does not, indeed, have an agenda.


Both parties are corporations, and if a judge wants to get appointed, they need to patronize one or the other.

There is no such thing as an independent Judiciary, it is a myth. As such, this is a meaningless statistic.

I know, I know, when hard facts on bottom line contradict your thesis there is always a grand conspiracy to run to.

And thats excatly why conservatives keep getting deeper and deeper into conspiratorial nonsense - without that they can't marry up to reality all the bullshit they uncritically buy into.

The Courts.
The Intelligence
The Enforcement.
The Government.
The Republicans.
The Media.

Everyone is IN ON IT.
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You've seen their tax returns ? They wrote books they gave speeches ,things the moron in our WH will be hard pressed to do

If President Donald Trump did the same thing, you'd be whining and crying that he is taking BRIBES!

Yep blaming Hill for Benghazi and then the bs about her E mails were just more republican BS trying to get the countries eye off the real problem Just like now, they attack a hero who will testify against King Trump
You've seen their tax returns ? They wrote books they gave speeches ,things the moron in our WH will be hard pressed to do

If President Donald Trump did the same thing, you'd be whining and crying that he is taking BRIBES!

BUT they didn't have to pay a TWO MILLION Dollar fine from stealing from their charity like your Mafia president Trump
The only time you'd put up with the shit Trump is smearing on America is when a republican is in office Obama did the same you'd have ridden him out of the WH on a rail
By "smearing on America" do you mean record low minority unemployment, rapidly rising wages for minorities, record stock markets, and a booming economy?

A "booming" economy based on declining manufacturing, skyrocketing deficits, needing the Fed to bail it out, below average job gains, and never ending trade wars,
The attempt Blues is while doomed to failure it certainly will put the reasons for impeachment in front of millions of voters faces.

What the heck is that supposed to mean? Maybe lock up your keyboard BEFORE you start drinking or getting stoned.
Not my fault an imbecile like you can't understand English.


Your utter desperation to defend the indefensible is not at all surprising. Sober up!
Yet O did much worse but being black and protected by the media, deep state, and the bureaucracy, he was untouchable.

Hey Gipper, notice how rightwingers like you need bigger and bigger and bigger conspiracies to make sense of the world?

Maybe O with his fancy law degree simply happen to know right from wrong. NUUUH! Thats insane! World falling apar...
So it is right for a Man with Tits to go into a little girls room? O condoned it.
It is ok for a pussy like you to use the men's room?
Yet O did much worse but being black and protected by the media, deep state, and the bureaucracy, he was untouchable.

Hey Gipper, notice how rightwingers like you need bigger and bigger and bigger conspiracies to make sense of the world?

Maybe O with his fancy law degree simply happen to know right from wrong. NUUUH! Thats insane! World falling apar...

Time for some of those cold, hard facts:


You are so dumb if you think the Judicial System is not political, or does not, indeed, have an agenda.


Both parties are corporations, and if a judge wants to get appointed, they need to patronize one or the other.

There is no such thing as an independent Judiciary, it is a myth. As such, this is a meaningless statistic.

I know, I know, when hard facts on bottom line contradict your thesis there is always a grand conspiracy to run to.
If you believe all that, you're too fucking stupid to have a vote.
Hey Gipper, notice how rightwingers like you need bigger and bigger and bigger conspiracies to make sense of the world?

Maybe O with his fancy law degree simply happen to know right from wrong. NUUUH! Thats insane! World falling apar...

Time for some of those cold, hard facts:


You are so dumb if you think the Judicial System is not political, or does not, indeed, have an agenda.


Both parties are corporations, and if a judge wants to get appointed, they need to patronize one or the other.

There is no such thing as an independent Judiciary, it is a myth. As such, this is a meaningless statistic.

I know, I know, when hard facts on bottom line contradict your thesis there is always a grand conspiracy to run to.
If you believe all that, you're too fucking stupid to have a vote.

...wow moron, you don't even understand how our voting system works.
The only time you'd put up with the shit Trump is smearing on America is when a republican is in office Obama did the same you'd have ridden him out of the WH on a rail
These tools couldn't recognize the truth if you wrapped it around a bat and smacked them with it.
Speaking of bats Seems most of them are bat shit crazy
Yet O did much worse but being black and protected by the media, deep state, and the bureaucracy, he was untouchable.

Hey Gipper, notice how rightwingers like you need bigger and bigger and bigger conspiracies to make sense of the world?

Maybe O with his fancy law degree simply happen to know right from wrong. NUUUH! Thats insane! World falling apar...
So it is right for a Man with Tits to go into a little girls room? O condoned it.

You and your ilk condone lecherous Donnie going into the Miss Universe and teen Universe pageant dressing rooms.

This exemplifies the problem with most Democratic voters. They don't vote pragmatically. e.g. they vote whether or not the like the guy, not on his policies. Obama was a good speaker. The non-pragmatic, non-thinkers all liked him because of his orator style and the fact that he was 1/2 minority. What he actually did didn't matter. Lemmings...all of them.

Clue phone, I didn't vote for Obama in 2012. Try again.
Yet O did much worse but being black and protected by the media, deep state, and the bureaucracy, he was untouchable.

Hey Gipper, notice how rightwingers like you need bigger and bigger and bigger conspiracies to make sense of the world?

Maybe O with his fancy law degree simply happen to know right from wrong. NUUUH! Thats insane! World falling apar...

Time for some of those cold, hard facts:


You are so dumb if you think the Judicial System is not political, or does not, indeed, have an agenda.


Both parties are corporations, and if a judge wants to get appointed, they need to patronize one or the other.

There is no such thing as an independent Judiciary, it is a myth. As such, this is a meaningless statistic.

I know, I know, when hard facts on bottom line contradict your thesis there is always a grand conspiracy to run to.

And thats excatly why conservatives keep getting deeper and deeper into conspiratorial nonsense - without that they can't marry up to reality all the bullshit they uncritically buy into.

The Courts.
The Intelligence
The Enforcement.
The Government.
The Republicans.
The Media.

Everyone is IN ON IT.

It has nothing to do with liberal or conservatives.

It has to do with process and the system.

It is corrupt.

O.K. Watch this whole two and half hour video, address it, and tell me why my analysis of the party system and the courts is wrong. Bear in mind, these are all liberals and Democrats explaining to you corruption inherent in the system!

CN LIVE! Episode 17: DNC Corruption

Consortium News

Our guests tonight are radio host and political analyst, Niko House; politician and professor of law, Tim Canova; and lawyers for the plaintiffs in the DNC Fraud lawsuit, Jared Beck and Elizabeth Lee Beck.


Time for some of those cold, hard facts:


You are so dumb if you think the Judicial System is not political, or does not, indeed, have an agenda.


Both parties are corporations, and if a judge wants to get appointed, they need to patronize one or the other.

There is no such thing as an independent Judiciary, it is a myth. As such, this is a meaningless statistic.

I know, I know, when hard facts on bottom line contradict your thesis there is always a grand conspiracy to run to.
If you believe all that, you're too fucking stupid to have a vote.

...wow moron, you don't even understand how our voting system works.

. . and you are so naive to believe that the way the corporate propaganda and the government schools tell you that it works, actually work that way!

FOOL! They have sold you on a big fat lie.

The only time you'd put up with the shit Trump is smearing on America is when a republican is in office Obama did the same you'd have ridden him out of the WH on a rail
I'm not sure I totally agree. Imo the Tea Party origins actually came from dissatisfaction with W. God knows I was dissatisfied, LOL, so I might be projecting, but I don't think I am. Yes the Tea Party was corrupted by the .1% from being an anti-deficit movement to being an anti-anything one, but the gop was pretty demoralized after Iraq and W's spendthrift ways that include more federal intrusion in education and Medicare. More principled people, like David Frum, were literally thrown from the party. Bill Buckley wouldn't have recognized his own magazine by the time Trump rolled around.

Trump is a conman who sells his base that he's actually something different. His tariffs have not actually done anything but kill American producers, and his fiscal policy is W on steroids. He has delivered a Supreme Court dedicated to increasing the power of the .1% and reducing the power of women and corporate shareholders. So he has succeeded there where W failed. But we exchanged a bubble real estate market for a bubble bond market. On immigration there's no shortage of low skilled illegal workers, which was a W signature issue, and now Trump is increasing foreign workers to compete with American college grads.

But the Trump base curiously at the same time in virulently anti-Bush, while McConnell passes legislation he'd have loved, and Trump signs every piece.
The only time you'd put up with the shit Trump is smearing on America is when a republican is in office Obama did the same you'd have ridden him out of the WH on a rail
I'm not sure I totally agree. Imo the Tea Party origins actually came from dissatisfaction with W. God knows I was dissatisfied, LOL, so I might be projecting, but I don't think I am. Yes the Tea Party was corrupted by the .1% from being an anti-deficit movement to being an anti-anything one, but the gop was pretty demoralized after Iraq and W's spendthrift ways that include more federal intrusion in education and Medicare. More principled people, like David Frum, were literally thrown from the party. Bill Buckley wouldn't have recognized his own magazine by the time Trump rolled around.

Trump is a conman who sells his base that he's actually something different. His tariffs have not actually done anything but kill American producers, and his fiscal policy is W on steroids. He has delivered a Supreme Court dedicated to increasing the power of the .1% and reducing the power of women and corporate shareholders. So he has succeeded there where W failed. But we exchanged a bubble real estate market for a bubble bond market. On immigration there's no shortage of low skilled illegal workers, which was a W signature issue, and now Trump is increasing foreign workers to compete with American college grads.

But the Trump base curiously at the same time in virulently anti-Bush, while McConnell passes legislation he'd have loved, and Trump signs every piece.
When you have your head up Uranus, it is easy to be duped by the greatest idiots of our time, like Pelosi, Shiff, Schumer and such.

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