Just got a text from POTUS

I got a text: defend trump! in the tiny writing said the Republican party. no money for the vultures
I am a donor and one of the 75 million voters the Democrats disenfranchised. I just received this text from PRESIDENT TRUMP:

Statement from the President:

"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You."

You were not "disenfranchised." Your candidate just got beaten at the polls for the second time. How do you think that I felt in 2016, when I was part of the majority of voters who voted for Clinton and actually was disenfranchised by the electoral college? Nobody attacked the Capitol in January 2017.
A day late and a dollar short.

Bet you got nothing like that from dem politicians who actually supported the lefist riots.

There was a lot of that. Democrats decrying the violence, and pleading for calm. It didn't stop the violence from police, or the killing of unarmed people.

The difference here is the violence from the right is over the lie that the election was "stolen". That Trump won the election. There's also the lie that the country will be destroyed by a Democrat in the White House, and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories coming from people who should know better.
I am a donor and one of the 75 million voters the Democrats disenfranchised. I just received this text from PRESIDENT TRUMP:

Statement from the President:

"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You."
Money badly spent. You sir contributed to expedite to the fall of the US.
Tensions have to be high in order to take back our country----saying pretty please isn't working.

Use some common sense out there people------remember that the dems and establishments are looking to make all trump people look bad.
Remember what side you are on, people. Don't betray fellow conservatives. That's extremely important now.
What do you call two loons backing each other up?
A quorum of crackers....
A day late and a dollar short.

Bet you got nothing like that from dem politicians who actually supported the lefist riots.

There was a lot of that. Democrats decrying the violence, and pleading for calm. It didn't stop the violence from police, or the killing of unarmed people.

The difference here is the violence from the right is over the lie that the election was "stolen". That Trump won the election. There's also the lie that the country will be destroyed by a Democrat in the White House, and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories coming from people who should know better.

no, no, no, no, no. They don't know better - and that is the problem. Almost exclusively these numbnuts are white males. Mostly over the age of 40. Their world is falling around them. They are no longer in charge. Their white privilege is going up in smoke.

And I agree. They somehow see some moral equivalency between the BLM protests and the riot on Capitol Hill. I want both parties charged for any crimes incurred. The difference is, the BLM guys - depending on the crime - should be arrested and charged with assault, burglary, intentional damage, whatever. The rioters on capitol hill need to be charged with the same, but with the added charge of Treason, too.
A day late and a dollar short.

Bet you got nothing like that from dem politicians who actually supported the lefist riots.

There was a lot of that. Democrats decrying the violence, and pleading for calm. It didn't stop the violence from police, or the killing of unarmed people.

The difference here is the violence from the right is over the lie that the election was "stolen". That Trump won the election. There's also the lie that the country will be destroyed by a Democrat in the White House, and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories coming from people who should know better.

Another comedian...
They were calling for violence and bailing the rioters out of jail.
This is why it's a waste of time having a conversation with lefist,they wantonly forget everything that they were involved with.
But rest assured,we haven't forgotten.
Another comedian...
They were calling for violence and bailing the rioters out of jail.
This is why it's a waste of time having a conversation with lefist,they wantonly forget everything that they were involved with.
But rest assured,we haven't forgotten.

Links please.

Like it's not a waste of time having conversations with conspiracy theory whackos who think the election was stolen. I'm only on here at the moment so the Google algorithms don't aggregate your hyperbole and empty rhetoric as being the norm....
Another comedian...
They were calling for violence and bailing the rioters out of jail.
This is why it's a waste of time having a conversation with lefist,they wantonly forget everything that they were involved with.
But rest assured,we haven't forgotten.

Links please.

Like it's not a waste of time having conversations with conspiracy theory whackos who think the election was stolen. I'm only on here at the moment so the Google algorithms don't aggregate your hyperbole and empty rhetoric as being the norm....

Maybe you should read more on USMB.
I'm not here to educate you.
I am a donor and one of the 75 million voters the Democrats disenfranchised. I just received this text from PRESIDENT TRUMP:

Statement from the President:

"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You."
What came over Donny Boy????
I am a donor and one of the 75 million voters the Democrats disenfranchised. I just received this text from PRESIDENT TRUMP:

Statement from the President:

"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You."
Having a temper is not a bad thing--------even breaking laws isn't always a bad thing-------attacking innocent people and property is.

Tensions have to be high in order to take back our country----saying pretty please isn't working.

Use some common sense out there people------remember that the dems and establishments are looking to make all trump people look bad. I suggest attacking those small groups who have their faces covered who are breaking windows and attacking cops from behind and then quickly walking off------go after them, get their photos, their license plates and don't turn over the video to the FBI who will hide the truth.

Take back your country from who? The congress?

Well yes for starters. Congress IS pretty evil.
Remember it was not just Bush lying about WMD in Iraq.
Then there is murdering Qaddafi, putting a dictatorship in Egypt, trying to kill Assad, illegal economic sanctions against civilians in Iran, Russia, etc. the war on drugs, 3 strikes, no public health care, gun control, etc.
When a nation or other entity undertakes war with the intent of winning there can be no rules. There can be no quarter. There can be no prisoners. What seems most lacking in this 21st Century is the intent to win.

That is a strange thing to say, because if a cause is right, the opposition will cave, so there is no reason to ever go all out with no quarter. All that does is prevent surrender, which kills more of your own people for no reason.
When a nation or other entity undertakes war with the intent of winning there can be no rules. There can be no quarter. There can be no prisoners. What seems most lacking in this 21st Century is the intent to win.

Yes. We are becoming aware of just how much the right wants to overthrow our government.

And the left should even more.
The government has been right wing for half a century, ever since Kennedy was assassinated.
LBJ was no liberal. Vietnam for example. Civil rights was to get Black democrats, not principle.
Cinton was no liberal either. The War on Drugs, 3 strikes, ending Glass-Steagall, etc.

We need to end this lying government.
It was not just Bush claiming WMD in Iraq, it was Congress as well.
Tensions have to be high in order to take back our country----saying pretty please isn't working.

Use some common sense out there people------remember that the dems and establishments are looking to make all trump people look bad.
Remember what side you are on, people. Don't betray fellow conservatives. That's extremely important now.
What do you call two loons backing each other up?
A quorum of crackers....
You and Dragonlady would certainly know what a quorum of crackers are.
I am a donor and one of the 75 million voters the Democrats disenfranchised. I just received this text from PRESIDENT TRUMP:

Statement from the President:

"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind.

That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You."
Send him all your money. It's the right thing to do.
Another comedian...
They were calling for violence and bailing the rioters out of jail.
This is why it's a waste of time having a conversation with lefist,they wantonly forget everything that they were involved with.
But rest assured,we haven't forgotten.

Links please.

Like it's not a waste of time having conversations with conspiracy theory whackos who think the election was stolen. I'm only on here at the moment so the Google algorithms don't aggregate your hyperbole and empty rhetoric as being the norm....

Maybe you should read more on USMB.
I'm not here to educate you.
Nor should you be. You shouldn't be within a five mile radius of anybody who shows an iota of intelligence. They'd just get dumber by being in the same room as you.
Another comedian...
They were calling for violence and bailing the rioters out of jail.
This is why it's a waste of time having a conversation with lefist,they wantonly forget everything that they were involved with.
But rest assured,we haven't forgotten.

Links please.

Like it's not a waste of time having conversations with conspiracy theory whackos who think the election was stolen. I'm only on here at the moment so the Google algorithms don't aggregate your hyperbole and empty rhetoric as being the norm....

Maybe you should read more on USMB.
I'm not here to educate you.
Nor should you be. You shouldn't be within a five mile radius of anybody who shows an iota of intelligence. They'd just get dumber by being in the same room as you.

So yes,you need to be educated.

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