Just Got an Email From John Adams about this election.....

I think it's awesome Trump is not a politician, he is not in this for politics or personal gain....it's a libertarian dream.....

Trump does not know WHAT he is from day to day. And neither do you. He is an arrogant meglomaniac that will pour gasoline on the fire and take this country further into (perhaps violent) division.

These are BOTH highly damaged and polarizing candidates. And if either wins, it will INCREASE the juvenile concentration on POWER and control...

Folks need to imagine an Admin that appoints folks who DESERVE to be an A.General or Head of EPA. And NOT just put political pawns into those positions to protect their asses. SupCt appointees would be made on the sole basis of LOVING the Constitution. NOT over partisan allegiances and issues. They need to realize that the LParty is NOT concerned with gaining and maintaining power OVER the real work of fixing problems and sending the rabid partisans to their corners for a time-out.
Oh, it will be violent brother, there are simply no exits remaining on the road that is America....

It trump wins, the plantation will riot and burn America down..,

If Hitlery wins, America will revolt...

I no longer fear my government...you best prepare and I will see you on the front lines....soon.....

There you go.. Exhibit A --- we can see the bottom and YET -- you rabid party animals want to take us further down. Need to stop it NOW..
At 20 trillion dollars in debt, the game is already over my friend......

So ----- did you miss the statement from your Dear Future Leader last week where he said the "US should assume A LOT MORE debt right now" ?????? Or does any actual position he takes even matter to your deep-fried brain?
I think it's awesome Trump is not a politician, he is not in this for politics or personal gain....it's a libertarian dream.....

LOL- Trump is certainly a politician and he is in this purely for his own personal gain.

Remember- he is only running as a Republican- what he is is a Trump.
America needs a Centrist Party...

One that borrows some of its platform from the Left, and some of its platform from the Right...

One that appeals to most of the middle ground between the two polar extremes...

America will not get such a Party, until it experiences sufficient duress and outrage to spawn something fresh, out of thin air...

Neither the Libertarian Party nor the Green Party is the answer to that quandry...

Meanwhile, Americans continue to vote for the perceived Lesser of Two Evils...

This will probably not change until the Republic has broken the back of the Mainstream Media...

Ala Teddy Roosevelt Trust-Busting style...
Good letter, but naive. History has shown those sentiments, while shared by all, are not practical in a democratic society. Sad, but true.

Simple fact is there are opposing views. John Adams actually passed the first sedition act where it was against the law to criticize the president. Jefferson set him straight, but that was the path he wanted to go down.
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.
I think it's awesome Trump is not a politician, he is not in this for politics or personal gain....it's a libertarian dream.....

LOL- Trump is certainly a politician and he is in this purely for his own personal gain.

Remember- he is only running as a Republican- what he is is a Trump.

What he is -- is a man who knows how to use every tool available to roll over his opposition. He pummels opponents into submission. Used to BUY politicians. So he probably doesn't respect ANY of the them. Can't keep the best and the brightest around him -- like he's promised his "followers". He's on his 3rd or 4th campaign manager. He's got a bunch cranks as advisors. NO ONE with any real abilities or cred wants to work for a guy who's most famous for a phony reality show and the phrase "You're Fired"...

He's a meglomaniac. And there are MILLIONS that want to arm him with the IRS, SEC, DOJ, HHS, BATF, OSHA and all the other Minions of Morons that will help him CRUSH opposition to his deals.

Predicted early -- he wouldn't get qualified folks to help him out. .
Good letter, but naive. History has shown those sentiments, while shared by all, are not practical in a democratic society. Sad, but true.

Simple fact is there are opposing views. John Adams actually passed the first sedition act where it was against the law to criticize the president. Jefferson set him straight, but that was the path he wanted to go down.

What is occurring is the parties have gained STRICT CONTROL of politicians and the public. Their 4 leaders in Congress make the other 531 members totally impotent and irrelevant. And the parties are ONLY CONCERNED with obtaining and maintaining power. NOT in representing the interests of the people.

John Adams saw that tyranny coming way back when. Where POWER would be institutionalized instead of shared and bestowed on Public Servants. They are now coronated or BUY THEIR way into the process.

It is a tyranny. Just not the type we were on the look-out for..
Free Market Libertarian...screw him.

The only one getting screwed will be you, me, and the rest of this country if Dump or Hilliary win...

Belieeeve me, it'll be uuuge...
So,mare you voting for Trump? Of hitlery?

You couldn't pay me to vote for either of them, I prefer to sleep well at night.

Once again Gary Johnson will be getting my vote. Best candidate for the job always does.
Hitlery appreciates your support....I want to go down fighting......
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.

That's exactly why only 4 folks run the Congress. "concerting measures in opposition to each other" --- with the principle of goal of RETAINING power. The JFK example was great. NEW public consensus is FORCED to mold itself to EXISTING parties, rather than produce their OWN platforms and constitutencies. That's why Bernie got fucked over on his principles. And why the Donald was able to buy his way in for cheap..

Because there are only 2 Brand Name corporations in politics. And they collude to screw YOU and their candidates.
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.

That's exactly why only 4 folks run the Congress. "concerting measures in opposition to each other" --- with the principle of goal of RETAINING power. The JFK example was great. NEW public consensus is FORCED to mold itself to EXISTING parties, rather than produce their OWN platforms and constitutencies. That's why Bernie got fucked over on his principles. And why the Donald was able to buy his way in for cheap..

Because there are only 2 Brand Name corporations in politics. And they collude to screw YOU and their candidates.
Every candidate knows what they're getting into WAY before anyone knows their name.
Good letter, but naive. History has shown those sentiments, while shared by all, are not practical in a democratic society. Sad, but true.

Simple fact is there are opposing views. John Adams actually passed the first sedition act where it was against the law to criticize the president. Jefferson set him straight, but that was the path he wanted to go down.

What is occurring is the parties have gained STRICT CONTROL of politicians and the public. Their 4 leaders in Congress make the other 531 members totally impotent and irrelevant. And the parties are ONLY CONCERNED with obtaining and maintaining power. NOT in representing the interests of the people.

John Adams saw that tyranny coming way back when. Where POWER would be institutionalized instead of shared and bestowed on Public Servants. They are now coronated or BUY THEIR way into the process.

It is a tyranny. Just not the type we were on the look-out for..
Oh, that is true enough. However, it is not that they oppose each other. That is for the media and the naive. We have been a one party system for a while. That is the simple fact.

If we stated quotes from the last 4 or 5 presidents, you would not be able to distinguish who said it unless we told you who actually said it.

We see this in regards to Iraq etc etc etc.

The problem is our representative government has not represented we the people, for who knows how long.

There is no accountability. We are all duped and what we don't know is what makes us the public. Hence the true reason why someone like a Trump cannot win. It will never happen.
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.

That's exactly why only 4 folks run the Congress. "concerting measures in opposition to each other" --- with the principle of goal of RETAINING power. The JFK example was great. NEW public consensus is FORCED to mold itself to EXISTING parties, rather than produce their OWN platforms and constitutencies. That's why Bernie got fucked over on his principles. And why the Donald was able to buy his way in for cheap..

Because there are only 2 Brand Name corporations in politics. And they collude to screw YOU and their candidates.
Every candidate knows what they're getting into WAY before anyone knows their name.

Or the good ones --- don't even try. Dems have hunted Blue Dogs into extinction. And both parties set their sights on the Tea Party. Politicians that SPEAK out get "primaried out" in their next contest. You get a closet on the Hill for an office. THEY have no refuge for speaking their minds.
I think it's awesome Trump is not a politician, he is not in this for politics or personal gain....it's a libertarian dream.....

Trump does not know WHAT he is from day to day. And neither do you. He is an arrogant meglomaniac that will pour gasoline on the fire and take this country further into (perhaps violent) division.

These are BOTH highly damaged and polarizing candidates. And if either wins, it will INCREASE the juvenile concentration on POWER and control...

Folks need to imagine an Admin that appoints folks who DESERVE to be an A.General or Head of EPA. And NOT just put political pawns into those positions to protect their asses. SupCt appointees would be made on the sole basis of LOVING the Constitution. NOT over partisan allegiances and issues. They need to realize that the LParty is NOT concerned with gaining and maintaining power OVER the real work of fixing problems and sending the rabid partisans to their corners for a time-out.

SO wish that were the truth.

It's just not.

Libertarians’ Pick for VP Is a NWO Globalist Liberal Elitest CFR Chair Weld
Libertarians’ Pick for VP Is a NWO Globalist Liberal Elitest CFR Chair Weld

The 2004 panel, the Independent Task Force on North America — a project of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), of which Weld is a long-time member — was co-chaired by former Liberal Party Deputy Prime Minister John Manley of Canada; Pedro Aspe, a former Mexican finance minister; and former Massachusetts Governor William Weld.

Other panel members included Canadian Finance Minister Michael Wilson and Nelson Cunningham, the latter an associate of the (Henry) Kissinger-McLarty consulting firm.

WorldNetDaily labeled the plan “NAFTA on steroids.”

As one would suspect, the Libertarian Party has long claimed to be the party of liberty; however, its selection of William Weld to run for vice president should certainly throw that idea into question.

Weld supports continued U.S. membership in the United Nations. Noteworthy is that Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson dodged that very question (should the United States withdraw from the UN?) during the presidential debate. The Liberty Conservative website noted that Weld was a “vocal proponent of the Iraq War,” and signed a letter in support of the PATRIOT Act in 2005.

Weld even backed Democrat Barack Obama for president in 2008, although he supported fellow Republican Mitt Romney in 2012. In the Republican primaries this year, Weld backed Ohio Governor John Kasich. Matt Welch, editor of the libertarian magazineReason, expressed amazement, calling Kasich’s foreign policy views an “interventionist nightmare.”

While Weld’s willingness to discuss the integration of the United States into a proposed North American Union, functionally eliminating American national sovereignty in the process, is of concern enough for Americans who believe in limited government and individual liberty, surely the Libertarian Party could cite some pro-liberty positions of Weld?


Weld is a supporter of expansive environmental regulations — a stance that fits well with Johnson, who has called the draconian Environmental Protection Agency an example of good government.
I think it's awesome Trump is not a politician, he is not in this for politics or personal gain....it's a libertarian dream.....

LOL- Trump is certainly a politician and he is in this purely for his own personal gain.

Remember- he is only running as a Republican- what he is is a Trump.

In retrospect, it makes sense that the republican party would spiral out from the pocket of a single, dynamic oligarch who is trying to hijack it to push an extreme political agenda.

Same as the inevitably of the Clinton machine latching on to the populist movement inspired by Obama and using it to redirect the democrats towards her agenda. The last American political dynasty....

If she had cared about America more than winning the office, she would have quit before it started and turned the primary contest over to the next generation, becoming the revered matriarch bitch of the party.
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.

That's exactly why only 4 folks run the Congress. "concerting measures in opposition to each other" --- with the principle of goal of RETAINING power. The JFK example was great. NEW public consensus is FORCED to mold itself to EXISTING parties, rather than produce their OWN platforms and constitutencies. That's why Bernie got fucked over on his principles. And why the Donald was able to buy his way in for cheap..

Because there are only 2 Brand Name corporations in politics. And they collude to screw YOU and their candidates.
Every candidate knows what they're getting into WAY before anyone knows their name.

Or the good ones --- don't even try. Dems have hunted Blue Dogs into extinction. And both parties set their sights on the Tea Party. Politicians that SPEAK out get "primaried out" in their next contest. You get a closet on the Hill for an office. THEY have no refuge for speaking their minds.

A Blue Dog is the ONLY kind of Democrat candidate I will vote for.
I will NOT vote for ANY Neo-Conservative on a National level.
Good letter, but naive. History has shown those sentiments, while shared by all, are not practical in a democratic society. Sad, but true.

Simple fact is there are opposing views. John Adams actually passed the first sedition act where it was against the law to criticize the president. Jefferson set him straight, but that was the path he wanted to go down.

What is occurring is the parties have gained STRICT CONTROL of politicians and the public. Their 4 leaders in Congress make the other 531 members totally impotent and irrelevant. And the parties are ONLY CONCERNED with obtaining and maintaining power. NOT in representing the interests of the people.

John Adams saw that tyranny coming way back when. Where POWER would be institutionalized instead of shared and bestowed on Public Servants. They are now coronated or BUY THEIR way into the process.

It is a tyranny. Just not the type we were on the look-out for..
Oh, that is true enough. However, it is not that they oppose each other. That is for the media and the naive. We have been a one party system for a while. That is the simple fact.

If we stated quotes from the last 4 or 5 presidents, you would not be able to distinguish who said it unless we told you who actually said it.

We see this in regards to Iraq etc etc etc.

The problem is our representative government has not represented we the people, for who knows how long.

There is no accountability. We are all duped and what we don't know is what makes us the public. Hence the true reason why someone like a Trump cannot win. It will never happen.

Well all that makes the situation more desperate. Because of the parties -- and their focus on winning rather governing -- they HAVE COLLUDED on dividing up power. They cut the South completely loose and STRANDED all those loyal Blue Dogs. (who WERE in fact --- small "l" libertarians) They have perfected the art of cross-blaming so that nobody ever gets indicted because "the other side did it to". They regularly ABANDON losing districts and refuse to run Congressional candidates. Thus "disenfranchising" all of their voters there. They BLOCK access to the ballot so that their duopoly is preserved. J. Adams NAILED it.

It's all become about "winning". And damn the country. Pander and buy constituents and demonize the other.
I'm listening right now to a local Conservative Talk host who has for a week --- been whining about voting for Trump -- "because he's NOT Hillary". That's where we are.

And Gary Johnson is right. 4 years of mediation would not HARM America as much as continuing this race to the bottom.
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.

That's exactly why only 4 folks run the Congress. "concerting measures in opposition to each other" --- with the principle of goal of RETAINING power. The JFK example was great. NEW public consensus is FORCED to mold itself to EXISTING parties, rather than produce their OWN platforms and constitutencies. That's why Bernie got fucked over on his principles. And why the Donald was able to buy his way in for cheap..

Because there are only 2 Brand Name corporations in politics. And they collude to screw YOU and their candidates.
Every candidate knows what they're getting into WAY before anyone knows their name.

Or the good ones --- don't even try. Dems have hunted Blue Dogs into extinction. And both parties set their sights on the Tea Party. Politicians that SPEAK out get "primaried out" in their next contest. You get a closet on the Hill for an office. THEY have no refuge for speaking their minds.

A Blue Dog is the ONLY kind of Democrat candidate I will vote for.
I will NOT vote for ANY Neo-Conservative on a National level.

You can hardly find any. Bill Clinton was the last of the breed. And HE contributed to offing them. The Congress has been purged of them. They WERE libertarians. Socially liberal and Fiscally Conservative and very fond of a FUNDAMENTAL interpretation of the Constitution. You would not last a WEEK in that Progressive Dem caucus as a Blue Dog Dem today.

The parties STIFLE honest opinion and contributions to fixing problems.
Actually the two political parties don't have to be "concerting measures in opposition to each other", it just worked out that way. It's hard to imagine that JFK was a democrat considering that the democrat party has drifted to the left so far in 50 years that it's off the freaking charts. Who would have ever thought that democrats would have a socialist running in their primary in the 21st century? My apologies to John Adams but the parties aren't "arranged" under a leader, the leaders are elected by voters or representatives. Actually the greatest political evil under the Constitution is the mainstream media becoming a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the greatest Constitutional political benefit to having two parties is that they compete against each other for votes and people have a choice. Isn't a 3rd party acting in concerted opposition to the other two parties? Leave it to pot head Gary Johnson to cherry pick a quote from a President who died two hundred years ago and wrap an idiotic campaign around it.

That's exactly why only 4 folks run the Congress. "concerting measures in opposition to each other" --- with the principle of goal of RETAINING power. The JFK example was great. NEW public consensus is FORCED to mold itself to EXISTING parties, rather than produce their OWN platforms and constitutencies. That's why Bernie got fucked over on his principles. And why the Donald was able to buy his way in for cheap..

Because there are only 2 Brand Name corporations in politics. And they collude to screw YOU and their candidates.
Every candidate knows what they're getting into WAY before anyone knows their name.

Or the good ones --- don't even try. Dems have hunted Blue Dogs into extinction. And both parties set their sights on the Tea Party. Politicians that SPEAK out get "primaried out" in their next contest. You get a closet on the Hill for an office. THEY have no refuge for speaking their minds.

A Blue Dog is the ONLY kind of Democrat candidate I will vote for.
I will NOT vote for ANY Neo-Conservative on a National level.

You can hardly find any. Bill Clinton was the last of the breed. And HE contributed to offing them. The Congress has been purged of them. They WERE libertarians. Socially liberal and Fiscally Conservative and very fond of a FUNDAMENTAL interpretation of the Constitution. You would not last a WEEK in that Progressive Dem caucus as a Blue Dog Dem today.

The parties STIFLE honest opinion and contributions to fixing problems.
That's what is so great about Trump......

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