Just got my shot #2

1. I neither urge anyone to get the vaccine nor do I urge anyone to stay unvaccinated.

2. Every human being is different. This is my experience.

3. After I got my first shot three weeks ago, I did not notice any side effects.

a. Of course, there may have been some serious side effects, of which I am not yet aware.

4. I got my second shot yesterday at 9:30 a.m., PST. It is now 10:30 a.m. the next day. I do feel a little more tired than usual. I do not know whether it is due to the vaccine.

5. I understand that any noticeable side effects will appear within three days and resolve themselves in one to three days.

6. I decided to finally get the vaccine because (a) I did not want to unwittingly infect others, (b) I did not want to end up hospitalized (although this can happen to even the vaccinated), and (c) I wanted my vaccine passport.

Best wishes to anyone who is still thinking about getting or rejecting the vaccine.

Rest In Peace . . .
I have no problem wearing one indoors when required, but I don't see any need to wear one outside. I'd never judge anyone who chooses to do so, but when I see it, I want to ask the person if he or she knows there's no legal requirement for outdoor masking.
Actually, here in the Los Angeles area, the health department has ordered all unvaccinated people to wear masks.

Before I got vaccinated, I became very bold and wore my mask below my mouth until I saw an approaching person and would then immediately pull it over my mouth and nose.
There you go....making up shit by twisting what's been posted. I HAVE BEEN SPIKED TWICE.
You are the one showing your ignorance
Oh, I thought you were saying that you couldn't get a third booster shot on medical grounds.

If I get the booster, more than likely, I'm going to go on dialysis, yes, I'm that close.
The cure is worse than the disease in this case.
That's the idea. I still believe the booster shots have more to do with boosting profits than boosting immunity.
I don't really believe that's the case. If it is indeed identical to shots 1 and 2, they're making so much of it to send around the world I don't think they are paying by the barrel. I think they have a basic deal worked out for a combo of payments and tax breaks, partnered with corporate goodwill. Remember, this has been a PR goldmine for Pfizer, and a name-making event for Moderna.
Keep your mask on Syndi, you look better.
I'll take MY chances and keep MY freedom.
Of all the people dying of Covid in hospital beds on TV, I've never heard one say they wish they didn't get the vaccine or wear a mask. They're all saying they wish they had taken these precautions. But, yes you have the freedom to get very ill or die from the disease, until martial law is declared, you will have that freedom. No matter what happens this isn't going to end well because too many people are being unreasonable about protecting themselves from a virus and too many in third world nation's don't even have the opportunity to even make a ridiculous choice like that. Ensuring this virus will go on and on until a super killer variant has it's way with those of us that are left.
Of all the people dying of Covid in hospital beds on TV, I've never heard one say they wish they didn't get the vaccine or wear a mask. They're all saying they wish they had taken these precautions. But, yes you have the freedom to get very ill or die from the disease, until martial law is declared, you will have that freedom. No matter what happens this isn't going to end well because too many people are being unreasonable about protecting themselves from a virus and too many in third world nation's don't even have the opportunity to even make a ridiculous choice like that. Ensuring this virus will go on and on until a super killer variant has it's way with those of us that are left.
Stann, read POST #2 in this thread. I'm a booster shot away from dialysis, Dude. The cure is worse than the virus TO ME.
Also, prove with definitive facts that masks actually work like you think they do.
Also, where are your posts complaining about democrat politicians gatherings not wearing any masks, Mr. Hypocrite.
Don't go to northern Idaho, very few wear masks and the cases are on the decline. Imagine that
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It doesn’t affect strangers in her vicinity. She's not going to alter in any way the lives she interacts with daily. By breathing near them, by brushing past them...

Your imagined "liberty" does not take precedence over public, or my, heath.
Do you always talk in absolutes with the virus? :rolleyes-41:
You can't with the asian flu, but you certainly can with an abortion.

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