Just How Bad Has Obama Devastated the Middle Class?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I'm only going to list the first of the list of 27. It hits the nail on the head.

#1 American families in the middle 20 percent of the income scale now earn less money than they did on the day when Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Okay, so it comes from a conservative blog. Instead of attacking the messenger, why don't you liberals trying refuting the statements?

Read more @ Doug Ross Journal 27 Facts That Prove Just How Badly Barack Obama s Presidency Has Devastated the Middle Class
I'm only going to list the first of the list of 27. It hits the nail on the head.

#1 American families in the middle 20 percent of the income scale now earn less money than they did on the day when Barack Obama first entered the White House.

Okay, so it comes from a conservative blog. Instead of attacking the messenger, why don't you liberals trying refuting the statements?

Read more @ Doug Ross Journal 27 Facts That Prove Just How Badly Barack Obama s Presidency Has Devastated the Middle Class
You know why this is so ridiculous? Republicans blow the bottom out of a ship and it starts sinking. They say to Democrats, "Here, this is yours now" Then after millions of jobs are gone and tens of thousands of factories closed, they say, "But it was above water when we gave it to you. It must be all your fault".

What a bunch of skunks.
And then those people who couldn't afford the houses they were handed defaulted, trashed 'em and moved into public housing. But it's OK, your taxes (if you work) are paying for all of that.
And then those people who couldn't afford the houses they were handed defaulted, trashed 'em and moved into public housing. But it's OK, your taxes (if you work) are paying for all of that.

You said: And then those people who couldn't afford the houses they were handed defaulted, trashed 'em and moved into public housing.

What is wrong with you idiot right wingernuts. It was recent history. Republicans deregulated banks. THEY (banks) sold the houses to people who couldn't afford them under Bush moron. They bundled the mortgages together and sold them overseas as securities. When they defaulted, they collected from insurance companies. Look up the meaning of derivatives.

Poor people were victimized by GOP policies. The country wasn't victimized by poor people. If you don't know that, you might possibly have some tard issues. It happened not all that long ago.
Here's what has gone down since Obama took office...

He printed $58 billion/month, pushed interest rates to zero, made Wall Street the only investment haven in this country, and then forced tens of millions of Americans into SNAP, housing vouchers, and Medicaid rolls.

Obama has effectively eliminated the middle class by creating the super-rich and the uber-poor. This was a necessary part of his plan in order to initiate Class Warfare. Pit the classes against each other, and the country degenerates into chaos.

This unvetted non-documented Muslim semi-Negro has the plan, and the plan is unfolding.
Here's what has gone down since Obama took office...

He printed $58 billion/month, pushed interest rates to zero, made Wall Street the only investment haven in this country, and then forced tens of millions of Americans into SNAP, housing vouchers, and Medicaid rolls.

Obama has effectively eliminated the middle class by creating the super-rich and the uber-poor. This was a necessary part of his plan in order to initiate Class Warfare. Pit the classes against each other, and the country degenerates into chaos.

This unvetted non-documented Muslim semi-Negro has the plan, and the plan is unfolding.


And Republicans insist they aren't racist.

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