Just How Useless & Dangerous Is Hashtag Diplomacy

Anyone with any common sense realizes that Michelle Obama's hashtag was pretty vacant.
We get it. You guys dont think Social Networks work. Go tell your friends at Redstate that spreading the word is bad. Dont forget the Limbaugh message board...and this one.

Social Networks are a nice way to exchange ideas, but now they have become the cause of turmoil all around the world. The Arab Spring used Social Networks to foment unrest. Also Social Networks spread the idea that some silly video was reason enough to riot.

Yes the world is in turmoil because of FB and twitter but social networks dont work.

...Figure that out :lol:


the point was your idiotic statement that the children of rich people dont serve

you were proved wrong about that
so you resorted to spewing hatred at your boogeyen; the Palins
young adults know the possiblity of war; only a loser like you would make a pandering statement; as if they just wanted to go to college and never thought they might have to go off to war

isnt it typical your you pathetic ilk to pander to the very people you claim to be in the corner of?

you're a douchbag and a loser

The whole 11 years I was in, I met one rich person and he was an officer. (Because no matter the fact the troops snickered at him, the rich always have to remind you they are more important than you are.")

Fact is, the volunteer army works on teasing poor people with the possibility of a college education. And a lot of them don't think war is going to happen. You should have seen the collective panic in my unit when the Gulf War broke out.

You were in the Russian Army? Nice work


the point was your idiotic statement that the children of rich people dont serve

you were proved wrong about that
so you resorted to spewing hatred at your boogeyen; the Palins
young adults know the possiblity of war; only a loser like you would make a pandering statement; as if they just wanted to go to college and never thought they might have to go off to war

isnt it typical your you pathetic ilk to pander to the very people you claim to be in the corner of?

you're a douchbag and a loser

The whole 11 years I was in, I met one rich person and he was an officer. (Because no matter the fact the troops snickered at him, the rich always have to remind you they are more important than you are.")

Fact is, the volunteer army works on teasing poor people with the possibility of a college education. And a lot of them don't think war is going to happen. You should have seen the collective panic in my unit when the Gulf War broke out.

i have many more years than you in; and i'm still in. i dont know anybody, no matter how young; that isnt aware he or she may have to be deployed.

you're a dinosaur

Really? So the Army is letting illiterates in now?

The reason those people were starving is why those 300 girls were kidnapped. Religious crazies running around stealing and murdering because they think Allah told them to.

In Somalia people were starving because a bunch of punks with guns decided to get rich off of farmers and they set up road-blocks going into the cities, stopping them from delivering their produce to the markets. We go in and try to right the wrongs and save people, but instead become the targets of the very people we saved.

Aideed was not president of Somalia. He was simply one of several war lords who were profiting off of stealing from farmers and eventually profited off of the UN.

The cause of the trouble in Somalia is this strange habit of Somali men getting married and getting their wives pregnant and then running off and leaving their families to be raised by women. The children run the streets at all hours of the night with no direction. The boys are inducted into militias at an early age and taught to kill or steal before they develop a decent sense of right and wrong.

Mogadishu was a total welfare state relying on their tribal leaders to feed them and keep them informed. The only thing keeping them halfway civilized was their religious beliefs. This same religion that keeps them practically unable to produce anything of value other than children. The only people that live decently in the country are the farmers, living off of their livestock and their produce.

It's like two different worlds, farmers and the city dwellers. The farmers live in peace and the city folks put up with constant tribal wars. Drug use is rampant. They call it Khat. It's a leafy plant that they chew which gives them a high.

So a popular movement sent us into this shithole and many of us died trying to keep the peace. The problem is, not only couldn't Aideed be trusted, but neither could most of UNISOM. The same thing applies to any operation that we do not lead. Since we have a president that chooses to campaign rather than lead, it makes no sense to get into anything because the only thing Obama seems to believe in is fighting Global Warming, not terrorism.

So I'm not seeing what you guys are complaining about, exactly.

Somalia is a right wingers dream. No Government, everyone has a gun, lots of crazy-ass religion. It'd be fucking paradise if it weren't for all the Negroes.

Anyway, be that as it may, I hope Obama decides what he's going to do so you know what you are going to be mad about.

The reason those people were starving is why those 300 girls were kidnapped. Religious crazies running around stealing and murdering because they think Allah told them to.

In Somalia people were starving because a bunch of punks with guns decided to get rich off of farmers and they set up road-blocks going into the cities, stopping them from delivering their produce to the markets. We go in and try to right the wrongs and save people, but instead become the targets of the very people we saved.

Aideed was not president of Somalia. He was simply one of several war lords who were profiting off of stealing from farmers and eventually profited off of the UN.

The cause of the trouble in Somalia is this strange habit of Somali men getting married and getting their wives pregnant and then running off and leaving their families to be raised by women. The children run the streets at all hours of the night with no direction. The boys are inducted into militias at an early age and taught to kill or steal before they develop a decent sense of right and wrong.

Mogadishu was a total welfare state relying on their tribal leaders to feed them and keep them informed. The only thing keeping them halfway civilized was their religious beliefs. This same religion that keeps them practically unable to produce anything of value other than children. The only people that live decently in the country are the farmers, living off of their livestock and their produce.

It's like two different worlds, farmers and the city dwellers. The farmers live in peace and the city folks put up with constant tribal wars. Drug use is rampant. They call it Khat. It's a leafy plant that they chew which gives them a high.

So a popular movement sent us into this shithole and many of us died trying to keep the peace. The problem is, not only couldn't Aideed be trusted, but neither could most of UNISOM. The same thing applies to any operation that we do not lead. Since we have a president that chooses to campaign rather than lead, it makes no sense to get into anything because the only thing Obama seems to believe in is fighting Global Warming, not terrorism.

So I'm not seeing what you guys are complaining about, exactly.

Somalia is a right wingers dream. No Government, everyone has a gun, lots of crazy-ass religion. It'd be fucking paradise if it weren't for all the Negroes.

Anyway, be that as it may, I hope Obama decides what he's going to do so you know what you are going to be mad about.


Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
We get it. You guys dont think Social Networks work. Go tell your friends at Redstate that spreading the word is bad. Dont forget the Limbaugh message board...and this one.

Social Networks are a nice way to exchange ideas, but now they have become the cause of turmoil all around the world. The Arab Spring used Social Networks to foment unrest. Also Social Networks spread the idea that some silly video was reason enough to riot.

Which is utterly ridiculous seeing the Benghazi affair in that no that many people saw it before it was ever mentioned as an excuse for Obama's failure.

The reason those people were starving is why those 300 girls were kidnapped. Religious crazies running around stealing and murdering because they think Allah told them to.

In Somalia people were starving because a bunch of punks with guns decided to get rich off of farmers and they set up road-blocks going into the cities, stopping them from delivering their produce to the markets. We go in and try to right the wrongs and save people, but instead become the targets of the very people we saved.

Aideed was not president of Somalia. He was simply one of several war lords who were profiting off of stealing from farmers and eventually profited off of the UN.

The cause of the trouble in Somalia is this strange habit of Somali men getting married and getting their wives pregnant and then running off and leaving their families to be raised by women. The children run the streets at all hours of the night with no direction. The boys are inducted into militias at an early age and taught to kill or steal before they develop a decent sense of right and wrong.

Mogadishu was a total welfare state relying on their tribal leaders to feed them and keep them informed. The only thing keeping them halfway civilized was their religious beliefs. This same religion that keeps them practically unable to produce anything of value other than children. The only people that live decently in the country are the farmers, living off of their livestock and their produce.

It's like two different worlds, farmers and the city dwellers. The farmers live in peace and the city folks put up with constant tribal wars. Drug use is rampant. They call it Khat. It's a leafy plant that they chew which gives them a high.

So a popular movement sent us into this shithole and many of us died trying to keep the peace. The problem is, not only couldn't Aideed be trusted, but neither could most of UNISOM. The same thing applies to any operation that we do not lead. Since we have a president that chooses to campaign rather than lead, it makes no sense to get into anything because the only thing Obama seems to believe in is fighting Global Warming, not terrorism.

So I'm not seeing what you guys are complaining about, exactly.

Somalia is a right wingers dream. No Government, everyone has a gun, lots of crazy-ass religion. It'd be fucking paradise if it weren't for all the Negroes.

Anyway, be that as it may, I hope Obama decides what he's going to do so you know what you are going to be mad about.

Go fuck yourself twink.....:D

You spend so much time with your lips on his tool, none of his boyfriends get a chance to have any.
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So I'm not seeing what you guys are complaining about, exactly.

Somalia is a right wingers dream. No Government, everyone has a gun, lots of crazy-ass religion. It'd be fucking paradise if it weren't for all the Negroes.

Anyway, be that as it may, I hope Obama decides what he's going to do so you know what you are going to be mad about.

Go fuck yourself twink.....:D

You spend so much time with your lips on his tool, none of his boyfriends get a chance to have any.

Wow, guy, you spend an awful lot of time thinking about Obama's sex life.

I think I'll just leave that comment where it is, as anything I might say will just detract from the hilarity.
So I'm not seeing what you guys are complaining about, exactly.

Somalia is a right wingers dream. No Government, everyone has a gun, lots of crazy-ass religion. It'd be fucking paradise if it weren't for all the Negroes.

Anyway, be that as it may, I hope Obama decides what he's going to do so you know what you are going to be mad about.

Go fuck yourself twink.....:D

You spend so much time with your lips on his tool, none of his boyfriends get a chance to have any.

Wow, guy, you spend an awful lot of time thinking about Obama's sex life.

I think I'll just leave that comment where it is, as anything I might say will just detract from the hilarity.

In other words, the truth hurts and you're speechless..:eusa_silenced:

Boko Haram and the dangers of hashtag diplomacy
Read more at Boko Haram and the dangers of hashtag diplomacy | Communities Digital News

WASHINGTON, May 15, 2014 — The World holds its breath and prays for the return of over 300 Nigerian girls taken from their homes. They were taken by Islamist terrorist organization Boko Haram, a group that has been operating in the area for some time now. The group is responsible for many atrocities.

Awareness of this tragedy has been heightened by the introduction of hashtag diplomacy in the form of #bringbackourgirls. Everyone from Pakistani equal rights activists to Michelle Obama has tweeted support for the #bringbackourgirls movement. It is about time, they argue, that the girls come home.

A question, though, born of simple curiosity: Where have all of these people been?

Where was hashtag diplomacy when Boko Haram massacred 59 school boys at a boarding school in February? According to the Police Commissioner, Boko Haram burned 24 buildings and set the students on fire after they shot them.

Where was hashtag diplomacy when Boko Haram decimated a fishing village in Izghe? One-hundred six people were killed in that attack, the vast majority of them males.

Where was hashtag diplomacy when Boko Haram went on a shooting spree and killed 60 people in the Nigerian state of Borno? According to Al-Jazeera, the group hurled explosives into homes, and poisoned water supplies.

Where was hashtag diplomacy when the death toll from Boko Haram attacks reached 1500?

The failure of the Obama administration to recognize the danger that Boko Haram poses to African security is symptomatic of their failure to recognize the dangers of radical Islamic movements World-wide. Year after year, we have watched as African and Middle-Eastern government descend into chaos and civil war, only to be exploited handily and deftly by the veteran fighters and experienced organizers of the various radical Islamist militia groups.

All over Africa and the Middle-East, radical Islam is slowly eroding weak and vulnerable governments to sew destabilization. All over Africa and the Middle-East, radical Islam exploits troubled rulers, civil unrest, social disturbance, and unstable governments in order to incite civil war. They incite civil war for the sole purpose of toppling the government, and replacing it with a hard line Islamic state adherent to Sharia law.

Yet we were lead to believe al-Qaeda was decimated. We were told that they were no longer a threat, and that the United States and her allies had relegated them to the footnotes of history. Those who argued their destruction pointed to the lack of terrorist attacks, using safety to justify increased security measures and surveillance. They said, look it worked, al-Qaeda is gone. The witch is dead.

The witch is not dead; the witch reorganized.

Instead of concentrating on dealing blows to the Great Satan and the West, radical Islamist groups such as al-Qaeda have gone from launching suicide attacks to creating franchises.

How they intend to do that is another story, and leads us to the meat and potatoes of a very serious problem. The State Department and the Nigerian government are considering the offer by Boko Haram to swap their three hundred prisoners, for their captured comrades currently incarcerated by the US.

This is a mistake.

For those of you who have not been paying attention to the situation in Africa, radical Islam has managed to take advantage of a multitude of unstable governments, they have even staked out territory, and if had not been for the intervention of French forces, Mali would now be under the control of al-Qaeda.

While President Obama arms radical Islamists in Syria, radical Islamists are undermining the security of nations across Africa, in particular Northern Africa, the Maghreb, and Sub-Saharan regions. And the United States has had a direct hand in contributing to that undermined level of security. Through their actions in Syria, Libya, and Egypt, the United States and the West have created ample opportunity for radical Islamist groups such as al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda on the Islamic Maghreb, Al-Shabaab, and Boko Haram to exploit the power vacuums in a given area, and gain territory.

In Iraq, the power vacuum left behind by the United States, unable to be filled by a faltering Iraqi government, has allowed for al-Qaeda in the form of The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to seize control of the western half of the country. These are the same people that President Obama is arming in Syria. With money and weapons from the United States, al-Qaeda is launching offensives against our troops in Iraq. With the inclusion of Afghanistan, the collective foreign and defense policies of the last two administrations have provided militant Islamic organization with battle grounds to send fresh fighters to gain experience.

It is no wonder that Boko Haram kidnapped three hundred girls, and is holding them ransom. It is a wonder, however, that anyone thinks this administration is going to do anything substantial about it.

But thanks to hashtag diplomacy, actions will now be taken.

But it’s too little too late.

The very same people who are now decrying the abduction of three hundred girls in Nigeria, through hashtag diplomacy, at the hands of radical Islamists were silent when Syrian Opposition militants that the US currently supports kidnapped six Red Cross workers.

Hashtag diplomacy was silent when militants, supported by US guns and money, from the Al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant kidnapped over 100 ethnic Kurdish villagers from their homes in Aleppo.

Hashtag diplomacy was silent when Opposition militants kidnapped twelve Greek Orthodox nuns north of Damascus.

This is not to say that the kidnapping of 300 Nigerian girls is not tragic. This is not to say that we as a nation, and as a free world, should not endeavor to assist those nations in fighting radical Islam wherever it may rear its head. But the idea that now we should be paying attention to radical Islam, that now we are coming to the conclusion that al-Qaeda is not dead, that they have multiplied and that they have reorganized.

Read more at Boko Haram and the dangers of hashtag diplomacy | Communities Digital News
In defense of all the decent black people out there, I want to say that dingbats like Michelle Obachmann and Winfrey Oprah DO NOT represent black community, they are merely stooges put on the MSM to make society look stupid, like Jerry Springer show, they do not accurately describe the percentage of ass holes in the world or the country. As for the intelligent people here who disagree with me, all you have to do is lift your ass off your chair and step into the real world more often.
Go fuck yourself twink.....:D

You spend so much time with your lips on his tool, none of his boyfriends get a chance to have any.

Wow, guy, you spend an awful lot of time thinking about Obama's sex life.

I think I'll just leave that comment where it is, as anything I might say will just detract from the hilarity.

In other words, the truth hurts and you're speechless..:eusa_silenced:

Naw, guy, I just find it hilarious that Obama is occupying so much space in your head rent free.

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