Just How Useless & Dangerous Is Hashtag Diplomacy


A similar movement back in the 90s sent us to Somalia.

I personally ended up going.

Remember BlackHawk Down?

It's fine when you're safe here in America talking about something that ended up sending some of our Special Ops operators in harms' way, but it's a different story when your life is being risked for a popularity campaign, just so famous folks can act caring.

Besides, I kind of think you're just commenting on the title of the thread without reading the OP.

Perhaps going back and reading it might help. What has led us to this point might be different from your world view. I question why we always have to be world police. The left constantly criticized Bush for this very same thing. It's not a very good feeling to be separated from your family just so some folks can say they care, and once you get there you discover that you have zero support from your Commander In Chief. Obama feels Climate Change is a more pressing need than fighting terrorism. This is what he essentially said yesterday at West Point. If this is the case why go? What's the point when the president doesn't even believe in the mission?

Okay, more important doesn't mean "not worth fighting".

If Global Warming is real, it could mean "THE EXTINCTION OF THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE". Do you kind of get this? On some level.

Yeah, terrorism is bad, but frankly, it doesn't kill as many people as even a conventional war does.

I question why we always have to be world police.

Well, I'm glad you ask the question. I doubt you'll understand the answer even if I explain it to you.

Okay. Here it is. Rich people want us to be the world police. They've found a country where they can legally buy the government, and gosh darn it, they are going to make sure that the oil flows and they can open markets to sell cheap junk.

And since there kids will never see the inside of a uniform, they can happily send kids off to war after promising them scholarships that never happen.

It wasn't the 'popularity" campaign of bringing relief to starving kids in SOmalia. It was when the policy makers decided that we need to prop up a government friendly to us. So at first we thought Adeed or whatever his name was might be a good candidate. Then he turned on us. Then we started getting involved in their politics.

A similar movement back in the 90s sent us to Somalia.

I personally ended up going.

Remember BlackHawk Down?

It's fine when you're safe here in America talking about something that ended up sending some of our Special Ops operators in harms' way, but it's a different story when your life is being risked for a popularity campaign, just so famous folks can act caring.

Besides, I kind of think you're just commenting on the title of the thread without reading the OP.

Perhaps going back and reading it might help. What has led us to this point might be different from your world view. I question why we always have to be world police. The left constantly criticized Bush for this very same thing. It's not a very good feeling to be separated from your family just so some folks can say they care, and once you get there you discover that you have zero support from your Commander In Chief. Obama feels Climate Change is a more pressing need than fighting terrorism. This is what he essentially said yesterday at West Point. If this is the case why go? What's the point when the president doesn't even believe in the mission?

Okay, more important doesn't mean "not worth fighting".

If Global Warming is real, it could mean "THE EXTINCTION OF THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE". Do you kind of get this? On some level.

Yeah, terrorism is bad, but frankly, it doesn't kill as many people as even a conventional war does.

I question why we always have to be world police.

Well, I'm glad you ask the question. I doubt you'll understand the answer even if I explain it to you.

Okay. Here it is. Rich people want us to be the world police. They've found a country where they can legally buy the government, and gosh darn it, they are going to make sure that the oil flows and they can open markets to sell cheap junk.

And since there kids will never see the inside of a uniform, they can happily send kids off to war after promising them scholarships that never happen.

It wasn't the 'popularity" campaign of bringing relief to starving kids in SOmalia. It was when the policy makers decided that we need to prop up a government friendly to us. So at first we thought Adeed or whatever his name was might be a good candidate. Then he turned on us. Then we started getting involved in their politics.


you're an idiot; but you speak stupidity with authority.

i bet you're proud of that
how do "rich people want us to be the world's police force"?

any less than rich people want obama to send in an army to find those girls leftard?

the government can be legally bought? does that refer to the Jackass Party too?

the kids of rich peopel dont serve?

you mean like sarah palin's son?

how do "rich people want us to be the world's police force"?

any less than rich people want obama to send in an army to find those girls leftard?

the government can be legally bought? does that refer to the Jackass Party too?

the kids of rich peopel dont serve?

you mean like sarah palin's son?


The Palins are trailer trash. We need a new show about them, "The Wasilla Chillbillies".

Yes, I think both parties are corrupted by the huge amount of money that we allow big corporations to throw around. Any other country would call what the Koch Brothers and Soros do as "Bribery" and put them in prison.

But when you look at places where we are sticking our noses, it's usually about the money.

Do you think we are concerned about 300 Nigerian girls, or about the fact Nigeria is the worlds 6th largest producer of petroleum?
how do "rich people want us to be the world's police force"?

any less than rich people want obama to send in an army to find those girls leftard?

the government can be legally bought? does that refer to the Jackass Party too?

the kids of rich peopel dont serve?

you mean like sarah palin's son?


The Palins are trailer trash. We need a new show about them, "The Wasilla Chillbillies".

Yes, I think both parties are corrupted by the huge amount of money that we allow big corporations to throw around. Any other country would call what the Koch Brothers and Soros do as "Bribery" and put them in prison.

But when you look at places where we are sticking our noses, it's usually about the money.

Do you think we are concerned about 300 Nigerian girls, or about the fact Nigeria is the worlds 6th largest producer of petroleum?

see what a loser you are?

now you're here calling veterans who served in our wars trailer trash

you're an idiot; but you speak idiot with authority

but thanx for revealing your true self here; douchebag
how do "rich people want us to be the world's police force"?

any less than rich people want obama to send in an army to find those girls leftard?

the government can be legally bought? does that refer to the Jackass Party too?

the kids of rich peopel dont serve?

you mean like sarah palin's son?


The Palins are trailer trash. We need a new show about them, "The Wasilla Chillbillies".

Yes, I think both parties are corrupted by the huge amount of money that we allow big corporations to throw around. Any other country would call what the Koch Brothers and Soros do as "Bribery" and put them in prison.

But when you look at places where we are sticking our noses, it's usually about the money.

Do you think we are concerned about 300 Nigerian girls, or about the fact Nigeria is the worlds 6th largest producer of petroleum?

see what a loser you are?

now you're here calling veterans who served in our wars trailer trash

you're an idiot; but you speak idiot with authority

but thanx for revealing your true self here; douchebag

Guy, I was in the military for 11 years.

It was a great scheme. You promise poor kids a college education and send them off to war.

I mean, if you aren't going to give them the college, you need to at least make sure they get decent medical care.

But the GOP can't even meet that low standard.
NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.

Sigh, all roads lead back to hero worship and blaming Bush for the lunatic left.
The Palins are trailer trash. We need a new show about them, "The Wasilla Chillbillies".

Yes, I think both parties are corrupted by the huge amount of money that we allow big corporations to throw around. Any other country would call what the Koch Brothers and Soros do as "Bribery" and put them in prison.

But when you look at places where we are sticking our noses, it's usually about the money.

Do you think we are concerned about 300 Nigerian girls, or about the fact Nigeria is the worlds 6th largest producer of petroleum?

see what a loser you are?

now you're here calling veterans who served in our wars trailer trash

you're an idiot; but you speak idiot with authority

but thanx for revealing your true self here; douchebag

Guy, I was in the military for 11 years.

It was a great scheme. You promise poor kids a college education and send them off to war.

I mean, if you aren't going to give them the college, you need to at least make sure they get decent medical care.

But the GOP can't even meet that low standard.


the point was your idiotic statement that the children of rich people dont serve

you were proved wrong about that
so you resorted to spewing hatred at your boogeyen; the Palins
young adults know the possiblity of war; only a loser like you would make a pandering statement; as if they just wanted to go to college and never thought they might have to go off to war

isnt it typical your you pathetic ilk to pander to the very people you claim to be in the corner of?

you're a douchbag and a loser


the point was your idiotic statement that the children of rich people dont serve

you were proved wrong about that
so you resorted to spewing hatred at your boogeyen; the Palins
young adults know the possiblity of war; only a loser like you would make a pandering statement; as if they just wanted to go to college and never thought they might have to go off to war

isnt it typical your you pathetic ilk to pander to the very people you claim to be in the corner of?

you're a douchbag and a loser

The whole 11 years I was in, I met one rich person and he was an officer. (Because no matter the fact the troops snickered at him, the rich always have to remind you they are more important than you are.")

Fact is, the volunteer army works on teasing poor people with the possibility of a college education. And a lot of them don't think war is going to happen. You should have seen the collective panic in my unit when the Gulf War broke out.


the point was your idiotic statement that the children of rich people dont serve

you were proved wrong about that
so you resorted to spewing hatred at your boogeyen; the Palins
young adults know the possiblity of war; only a loser like you would make a pandering statement; as if they just wanted to go to college and never thought they might have to go off to war

isnt it typical your you pathetic ilk to pander to the very people you claim to be in the corner of?

you're a douchbag and a loser

The whole 11 years I was in, I met one rich person and he was an officer. (Because no matter the fact the troops snickered at him, the rich always have to remind you they are more important than you are.")

Fact is, the volunteer army works on teasing poor people with the possibility of a college education. And a lot of them don't think war is going to happen. You should have seen the collective panic in my unit when the Gulf War broke out.

i have many more years than you in; and i'm still in. i dont know anybody, no matter how young; that isnt aware he or she may have to be deployed.

you're a dinosaur

A similar movement back in the 90s sent us to Somalia.

I personally ended up going.

Remember BlackHawk Down?

It's fine when you're safe here in America talking about something that ended up sending some of our Special Ops operators in harms' way, but it's a different story when your life is being risked for a popularity campaign, just so famous folks can act caring.

Besides, I kind of think you're just commenting on the title of the thread without reading the OP.

Perhaps going back and reading it might help. What has led us to this point might be different from your world view. I question why we always have to be world police. The left constantly criticized Bush for this very same thing. It's not a very good feeling to be separated from your family just so some folks can say they care, and once you get there you discover that you have zero support from your Commander In Chief. Obama feels Climate Change is a more pressing need than fighting terrorism. This is what he essentially said yesterday at West Point. If this is the case why go? What's the point when the president doesn't even believe in the mission?

Okay, more important doesn't mean "not worth fighting".

If Global Warming is real, it could mean "THE EXTINCTION OF THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE". Do you kind of get this? On some level.

Yeah, terrorism is bad, but frankly, it doesn't kill as many people as even a conventional war does.

I question why we always have to be world police.

Well, I'm glad you ask the question. I doubt you'll understand the answer even if I explain it to you.

Okay. Here it is. Rich people want us to be the world police. They've found a country where they can legally buy the government, and gosh darn it, they are going to make sure that the oil flows and they can open markets to sell cheap junk.

And since there kids will never see the inside of a uniform, they can happily send kids off to war after promising them scholarships that never happen.

It wasn't the 'popularity" campaign of bringing relief to starving kids in SOmalia. It was when the policy makers decided that we need to prop up a government friendly to us. So at first we thought Adeed or whatever his name was might be a good candidate. Then he turned on us. Then we started getting involved in their politics.

The reason those people were starving is why those 300 girls were kidnapped. Religious crazies running around stealing and murdering because they think Allah told them to.

In Somalia people were starving because a bunch of punks with guns decided to get rich off of farmers and they set up road-blocks going into the cities, stopping them from delivering their produce to the markets. We go in and try to right the wrongs and save people, but instead become the targets of the very people we saved.

Aideed was not president of Somalia. He was simply one of several war lords who were profiting off of stealing from farmers and eventually profited off of the UN.

The cause of the trouble in Somalia is this strange habit of Somali men getting married and getting their wives pregnant and then running off and leaving their families to be raised by women. The children run the streets at all hours of the night with no direction. The boys are inducted into militias at an early age and taught to kill or steal before they develop a decent sense of right and wrong.

Mogadishu was a total welfare state relying on their tribal leaders to feed them and keep them informed. The only thing keeping them halfway civilized was their religious beliefs. This same religion that keeps them practically unable to produce anything of value other than children. The only people that live decently in the country are the farmers, living off of their livestock and their produce.

It's like two different worlds, farmers and the city dwellers. The farmers live in peace and the city folks put up with constant tribal wars. Drug use is rampant. They call it Khat. It's a leafy plant that they chew which gives them a high.

So a popular movement sent us into this shithole and many of us died trying to keep the peace. The problem is, not only couldn't Aideed be trusted, but neither could most of UNISOM. The same thing applies to any operation that we do not lead. Since we have a president that chooses to campaign rather than lead, it makes no sense to get into anything because the only thing Obama seems to believe in is fighting Global Warming, not terrorism.
We get it. You guys dont think Social Networks work. Go tell your friends at Redstate that spreading the word is bad. Dont forget the Limbaugh message board...and this one.
We get it. You guys dont think Social Networks work. Go tell your friends at Redstate that spreading the word is bad. Dont forget the Limbaugh message board...and this one.

of course they "work" leftard

they've succeeded in creating a whole new class of people dependant on the government for survival

that IS "FORWARD PROGRESS" to a Progressive isnt it?

We get it. You guys dont think Social Networks work. Go tell your friends at Redstate that spreading the word is bad. Dont forget the Limbaugh message board...and this one.

Social Networks are a nice way to exchange ideas, but now they have become the cause of turmoil all around the world. The Arab Spring used Social Networks to foment unrest. Also Social Networks spread the idea that some silly video was reason enough to riot.
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NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.

Nope. I have a problem with what he does. I don't really care one way or another about him personally.

We found evidence of the WMDs, but with help from the UN and Russia, Saddam got almost every bit of it out of Iraq before we invaded. Why do you think the Turks wouldn't allow 4th Infantry Division to enter from the North? It wasn't because they were just being assholes. The Russians were convoying the last remnants into Syria. Now they're in Syria and Russia is supposedly helping with their removal once again.

Your problem is you're too gullible. You believe what the media reports is all that ever happens in the world. This comes from never being on the ground to witness it yourself, like I have.

Turkey didn't let the 4ID go through their territory for a good reason.

THey knew Cheney and Bush were full of shit. So did the French, the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans and just about everyone else.

THe Assholes were the ones who insisted on invading Iraq when the rest of the world knew it was a terrible idea.


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