Just Imagine


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
It seemed incredible that when Biden needed to be at his best for last Thursday's debate, he was at his worst by far.

But just imagine:

Imagine if Trump and Biden had a debate, and just before the debate Trump took some mild stimulant.

At the same time somebody "slipped a Mickey" into Biden's water...perhaps some depressant like Valium.

Can you imagine what that debate would be like?

I'll bet you can...very easily....
It seemed incredible that when Biden needed to be at his best for last Thursday's debate, he was at his worst by far.

But just imagine:

Imagine if Trump and Biden had a debate, and just before the debate Trump took some mild stimulant.

At the same time somebody "slipped a Mickey" into Biden's water...perhaps some depressant like Valium.

Can you imagine what that debate would be like?

I'll bet you can...very easily....
Just imagine when the White Horse's ass, spokes person, said that Joe Bribem was at his best during certain hours of the day, and what we saw of Joe Bribem was past his bedtime. Now imagine what the World Leaders are thinking "Oh my, we better only do bad things when Joe Bribem is up and walking around, because it would look bad if we attacked another nation, while crooked Joe is sleeping". Oh come on man....

According to a report by Axios, citing aides inside the White House, “From 10 AM to 4 PM, Biden is dependably engaged—and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.”
It seemed incredible that when Biden needed to be at his best for last Thursday's debate, he was at his worst by far.

But just imagine:

Imagine if Trump and Biden had a debate, and just before the debate Trump took some mild stimulant.

At the same time somebody "slipped a Mickey" into Biden's water...perhaps some depressant like Valium.

Can you imagine what that debate would be like?

I'll bet you can...very easily....
Oh FFS Biden has more protection surrounding him than Putin. Get a grip son.

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