JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

Hmmm, when's the last time this deadly bull crap was happening in this country ?? Don't remember it happening under Trump, but I could be wrong.

What president was in the house when this sort of mayhem and possible terrorism was active ??
Hmmmmm.... The 2020 RIOTS were in Trumps Admin. But the STATES all had Dem Govs.
Would the media be calling this a hate crime if the races were reversed?

Yes. We all know it.

Why was this person allowed to be free?
Unfortunately, WI abolished the death penalty. Otherwise, the death penalty was MADE for a case like this.

I saw like 3 seconds of the video. Just horrific. Immediately shut it off and regretted waching it.
What provocation could there possibly be for driving a car through a Christmas parade? It certainly wasn’t because the people he killed were attacking him. But I will await the facts to opine if he should be charged with first degree murder or simply vehicular homicide and hit and run.
The Police Chief explained the charges.With the word " Intentional " Homicide.
Not " Unintentional " as reported by Scumbag Media.
Where the Incident was reported as if The red SUV was the perp.
The Police Chief explained the charges.With the word " Intentional " Homicide.
Not " Unintentional " as reported by Scumbag Media.
Where the Incident was reported as if The red SUV was the perp.
So he is getting similar charges (except for firearm) as Kyle faced....
The alternative is letting criminals walk free to mow down 40 people and kill 5 of them. I don’t think that’s the better alternative.

You are erring on the side of lifelong criminal thugs.
If only Old Sparky { name for the Electric chair } was still around and
ready to fire up.
Like with Serial Spree killer Charles Starkweather.Who killed 10 before
he was stopped in his tracks traversing the badlands with his teen wife.
He was electrified in 1959.
Think the Movie ... - The Green Mile -.
Life in Prison would be a joy ride for this Demon.
The Police Chief explained the charges.With the word " Intentional " Homicide.
Not " Unintentional " as reported by Scumbag Media.
Where the Incident was reported as if The red SUV was the perp.
MSM also made up and attributed to police sources that he was trying to escape a knife fight. At the very very best that came from him but far more likely just MSM lying,
So he is getting similar charges (except for firearm) as Kyle faced....
I am just reporting what I heard.Formal charging takes time.
I may stand corrected.
But some in the Scum Media did use the word " Unintentional "
as if this Demon somehow took a wrong turn.
Plus Little Fat Boy { Not to be conflated with Fat Man and Little Boy }
Jerold Nadler is busy as Wimpy { I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today }
looking for ways to Recharge Rittenhouse under some Federal Unbrella.
Ever heard of Double Jeopardy.
I am just reporting what I heard.Formal charging takes time.
I may stand corrected.
But some in the Scum Media did use the word " Unintentional "
as if this Demon somehow took a wrong turn.
Plus Little Fat Boy { Not to be conflated with Fat Man and Little Boy }
Jerold Nadler is busy as Wimpy { I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today }
looking for ways to Recharge Rittenhouse under some Federal Unbrella.
Ever heard of Double Jeopardy.
But even still the irony of facing similar murder charges by the same DA and prosecutor in the same state as Kyle Rittenhouse...

That's just a bit nuts.
Question for you Moon Bats.

How come in the same state Kyle Riddenhouse (who was innocent and who had no criminal record except for a speeding ticket) was given a $2 million bail while this shithead Negro street thug (who had a rap sheet a mile long including felonies) was given a $1K bail after skipping bail on another charge?

Is that Negro Privilege?
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Question for you Moon Bats.

How come in the same state Kyle Riddenhouse (who was innocent and who had no criminal record except for a speeding ticket) was given a $2 million bail while this shithead Negro street thug (who had a rap sheet a mile long including felonies) was given a $1K bail after skipping bail on another charge?

Is that Negro Privileged?
its almost like the system is rigged in favor of the black person,,
Ah. The surrender flag of the factually defeated emotionally frustrated
Thank you for waving
Go Fuck yourself. I don't give a fuck if you don't like people backing in when they park.

Facts. How is that you go postal because someone backs in to park.

I agree with you most of the time. Why you are firing me I don't know. So whatever. If you want we can iggy each other and as you are being an Idiot.

Nah. Your on iggy asshole
Go Fuck yourself. I don't give a fuck if you don't like people backing in when they park.

Facts. How is that you go postal because someone backs in to park.

I agree with you most of the time. Why you are firing me I don't know. So whatever. If you want we can iggy each other and as you are being an Idiot.

Nah. Your on iggy asshole
Man two flags of surrender with some bursting veins spittle flinging also.
Now try and regain your thought process and correctly identify that it’s not the end of the world that I defeated your idea of your silly entitlement to make people sit and wait while you take the far more time and labor intensive activity of back and filling to get into a parking space rather than just pulling directly into it. That one very valid fact will not kill all of your other woeful feelings so don’t sweat it with further tantrum meltdowns.
its almost like the system is rigged in favor of the black person,,
Right now, it is. It’s overcompensation for the racism in the past. They’ve swung too far in the opposite direction, and now there is a strong bias against WHITES.

I sure hope I am never attacked, but if I am, I‘m better off if he’s white. It will be much easier to get a conviction, as there will be excuses galore if he’s black by any liberal on the jury. I’ve experienced being in a jury with a very obvious verdict - the black guy was caught INSIDE the victim’s bedroom! - and the sole liberal refused to convict because she said she didn’t want to send a black man to jail, no matter what. We were a hung jury.
This incident will be swept under the rug.

Same thing that happened with the school shooting in Texas.

Something horrific happened, media reported it eagerly awaiting a terrorist or political motivations, turned out to be a black thug doing thug things, and soon it's no longer a story.

It is racist to report on anything Negro thugs do.

You called it

Question for you Moon Bats.

How come in the same state Kyle Riddenhouse (who was innocent and who had no criminal record except for a speeding ticket) was given a $2 million bail while this shithead Negro street thug (who had a rap sheet a mile long including felonies) was given a $1K bail after skipping bail on another charge?

Is that Negro Privilege?
That is being looked into very seriously.The DA was the one who owns this
Get out of jail with the least possible bail opportunity.
And of course the scummy MSM who are still looking for ways to
further persecute Rittemhouse.Like the MSM did to George Zimmerman.
You called it

Or the Black who shot and killed 6 Dallas Officers while a BLM Protest
was taking place.They had to use a robot to kill dat guy.
He was barricaded in some underground Cement garage taking pot shots.
They used a robot to get in where he was and disperse a bomb.

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