JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

I'm not sure it was like that ---- it was all highly organized and six stores the last I looked, just this weekend. How could authorities do anything with a Flash Mob? Too many. It was about timing rather than limits on value --- snatch and grab as much as possible as fast as possible. They must have surveiled the stores to know where the stuff they wanted was.

This is organized crime, duh, but I don't think that helps us too much. One leader setting the place and the exact time, for each store heist at least and what to bring, like all the hammers they used on the jewelry store, and the weapons to intimidate the customers, and the in-and-out plan. 25 cars blocked the whole street with the 80-man thing, and they were in and out very quickly, and that had to be planned or they would have blocked each other in. So that would be about 3 people per car.

Sounds like a movie. Well, if they'd been white. No one will make a movie about organized black crime, I don't think. 80 people --- a small army, very scary.
To you and I and any normal person yea it is organized crime I'm just telling you what the law is out here in the state of CA.

ShitLibs have allowed this to happen with laws they've created and I can't wait to leave this shit hole state
I spent 20 years at VDOC keeping such scum as the alleged perp behind bars. They would show up with folders so thick they had to to have a rubber band around them. Pages upon pages of felonies and you could see the steady progression/escalation of their felonies over time....I'm not talking mickey-mouse drug charges either but the whole gambit of violent felonies.

At least the three strike rule, once passed, put many of them away for good but my god, the number of felonies pleaded down to prevent a life sentence would boggle the mind.....And that was before the current malfeasance in the system we are seeing.

With what I've seen of this guy's past crimes he should have been put away for good some time ago, much less allowed to walk on a 1K bond with a couple felonies hanging over his head.

Our so-called "justice system" is broken beyond all repair....It's ludicrous.

Pretty much not innocent until…..when on tape executing the murder that you had on tape said you intend to commit.
Hopefully they will have enough evidence to convict

Unfortunately they cant give him the electric chair
This incident will be swept under the rug.

Same thing that happened with the school shooting in Texas.

Something horrific happened, media reported it eagerly awaiting a terrorist or political motivations, turned out to be a black thug doing thug things, and soon it's no longer a story.

It is racist to report on anything Negro thugs do.
This worm, this monster Darrell Brooks Jr. has been charged with homicide,

Hopefully he'll receive the death penalty, otherwise there is no justice in America.

What he did is just too horrible for words, one of the worst criminal cases I've ever seen!
I spent 20 years at VDOC keeping such scum as the alleged perp behind bars. They would show up with folders so thick they had to to have a rubber band around them. Pages upon pages of felonies and you could see the steady progression/escalation of their felonies over time....I'm not talking mickey-mouse drug charges either but the whole gambit of violent felonies.

At least the three strike rule, once passed, put many of them away for good but my god, the number of felonies pleaded down to prevent a life sentence would boggle the mind.....And that was before the current malfeasance in the system we are seeing.

With what I've seen of this guy's past crimes he should have been put away for good some time ago, much less allowed to walk on a 1K bond with a couple felonies hanging over his head.

Our so-called "justice system" is broken beyond all repair....It's ludicrous.
And it’s not broken as to persecution prosecutions like stated by weepy libs
I never said "but" dumbass,,

how about you show me where I'm wrong instead of making an idiot of yourself??
The use of the word “but” is not necessary for use in identifying bogus excuse making as “but…but”
You would be able to get the idea if you knew what ideas were.
Discarded candy on the side of the parade route on Monday morning, 12 children were among those injured in this horrendous attack, one of the worst in American history..:(

Well no dear girl I don’t “got it” as far as your emotive declaration nor intending to comply.
I didnt say you "got it" dumbass,,

are you going to explain what I got wrong or where I did the "but but but" thing??

I made a specific comment as to what you were missing in your comment,, thats it
After the widespread hateful reaction to the Rittenhouse verdict & dog whistle calls to radical BLM ground troops by the mainstream media, Democrats, and even the President of the United States, we must ask if they incited the mass murder in Waukesha, WI.

Intentional homicide.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDF8 (@mtgreenee) November 22, 2021
This worm, this monster Darrell Brooks Jr. has been charged with homicide,

Hopefully he'll receive the death penalty, otherwise there is no justice in America.

What he did is just too horrible for words, one of the worst criminal cases I've ever seen!

Just awful.

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