JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

Let’s hear what your “thoughts” and experiences are rather than another MSM propaganda tool culled from “research” that confirms to the agenda
I don’t think you realize that MSM is no longer considered a confirming resource.

I'm not the issue. You are fully aware of the violations of people's rights with Stop and Frisk.
I dunno, did I miss any search engines? Everyone I tried produced the results you couldn't find without my help.

Want my help to find that pesky voter fraud you can't find either?

Start a Taunting thread. Get the fuck out here.
Did Alec Baldwin tell you that?
Shit like this is making more people hate blacks daily meanwhile they tell us white people are the problem LOL
I dunno, we're not the ones running into stores all over California now in 50 to 80 bandit bands stealing everything, threatening customers and clerks. We're not the rioters. We're not the ones mowing down Christmas parades.

I fail to see how we're the problem, guess I need to be sent to an Educational Camp run by blacks, huh?
I'm not the issue. You are fully aware of the violations of people's rights with Stop and Frisk.
Stop and Frisk is better than Stop and Mug which is what NY was known for before stop and frisk.
Start a Taunting thread. Get the fuck out here.
Why? I am talking about the mother fucker in Wisconsin who murdered those people with his car. That's the thread topic. Plus, I'm helping you find shit about it you can't find without my help.
Stop and Frisk is better than Stop and Mug which is what NY was known for before stop and frisk.

We have already covered this. You support getting rid of the people's Constitutional rights. I find that really sad and pretty ironic.
Go away, you trolling jerk.
Go away? I'm still talking about the murderer who ran down dozens of people. That's what this thread is about. I'm also trying to help you find the news articles on this thread topic that you can't find on your own. You should show some appreciation.
But see, that's okay because they're black, and ----- because racism.
And…and…and.. because 160 years ago need be reparated

Perhaps the single most bogus standard the loons offer is holding 160 years ago responsible to the far more enlightened and advanced mores of today and Demanding the people of today be held accountable and punished for back then.
It’s vapid and utterly thought absent, feelings laden horseshit about reparations and All other fallacies of today rooted in redressing from approaching two centuries ago.
The conversation revolves around the idea of why I support the idea of no one needing bail to be released.
Correct. Anything under $950 dollars they won't bother prosecution. Which is why it was a large group each person taking less than $950
I'm not sure it was like that ---- it was all highly organized and six stores the last I looked, just this weekend. How could authorities do anything with a Flash Mob? Too many. It was about timing rather than limits on value --- snatch and grab as much as possible as fast as possible. They must have surveiled the stores to know where the stuff they wanted was.

This is organized crime, duh, but I don't think that helps us too much. One leader setting the place and the exact time, for each store heist at least and what to bring, like all the hammers they used on the jewelry store, and the weapons to intimidate the customers, and the in-and-out plan. 25 cars blocked the whole street with the 80-man thing, and they were in and out very quickly, and that had to be planned or they would have blocked each other in. So that would be about 3 people per car.

Sounds like a movie. Well, if they'd been white. No one will make a movie about organized black crime, I don't think. 80 people --- a small army, very scary.
I'm not the issue. You are fully aware of the violations of people's rights with Stop and Frisk.
Ok thanks
You don’t have thoughts other than what you feel the media says you should feel
I dunno, we're not the ones running into stores all over California now in 50 to 80 bandit bands stealing everything, threatening customers and clerks. We're not the rioters. We're not the ones mowing down Christmas parades.

I fail to see how we're the problem, guess I need to be sent to an Educational Camp run by blacks, huh?
Go away? I'm still talking about the murderer who ran down dozens of people. That's what this thread is about. I'm also trying to help you find the news articles on this thread topic that you can't find on your own. You should show some appreciation.
You are a troll. Period.
I dunno, we're not the ones running into stores all over California now in 50 to 80 bandit bands stealing everything, threatening customers and clerks. We're not the rioters. We're not the ones mowing down Christmas parades.

I fail to see how we're the problem, guess I need to be sent to an Educational Camp run by blacks, huh?

We're not the problem. That was the point of my comment.

I've seen this my whole life, black culture has always been centered around ghetto thug hero worship and now they have upper/middle class ShitLibs cheering on their cause.
We're not the problem. That was the point of my comment.

I've seen this my whole life, black culture has always been centered around ghetto thug hero worship and now they have upper/middle class ShitLibs cheering on their cause.
I know ---- I was just being angry and sarcastic. I know you agree generally.

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