JUST IN: Chip Roy Blasts New Bipartisan Tax Bill, Calls It A 'Mistake For The Country'


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
What fiscal conservatism looks and acts like. This is the same BS we got throughout Trumps term and now Bidens. RINO's and Dems's spending us down the drain.

Fiscal conservatives just keep getting thrown under the bus by the GOP.

None of the three are wrong, refundable child tax credits are just wealth redistribution.


This happened through out Trumps presidency and Bidens. And will go on through Trumps next administration.

If the GOP voters don't wake TF up about fiscal conservatism, this country is going hand our USD over to BRICS.
This happened through out Trumps presidency and Bidens. And will go on through Trumps next administration.

If the GOP voters don't wake TF up about fiscal conservatism, this country is going hand our USD over to BRICS.

Doesn't mean I agree with it. But all I can do is tell my reps about it.

Guess what happens when nothing gets done. Absolutely nothing.
I think people are purchasing more weapons. That is one thing that is getting done. We all know that there are laws already legislated that give the President the ability to deal with immigration. Prog politicians know. No more foreign money for a while and no more money for Ukraine. It is s sickening watching those politicians. The lies get louder and louder, and we the people are more and more powerless it seems. It's time for Joe and the gang to go. It's time to go Joe.
Guess what happens when nothing gets done. Absolutely nothing.
In this case I would rather have nothing done than that idiotic bill passed.

The only reasonable thing to do is to completely close the border and stop giving out any welfare, both domestic and foreign. Anything else is bullshit.
In this case I would rather have nothing done than that idiotic bill passed.

The only reasonable thing to do is to completely close the border and stop giving out any welfare, both domestic and foreign. Anything else is bullshit.

You say that now. But when Trump gets into office, you're going to need those extra judges, border guards and fentanyl detection devices. And if the GOP doesn't take the Senate, they're not going to give Trump anything for the border.
You say that now. But when Trump gets into office, you're going to need those extra judges, border guards and fentanyl detection devices. And if the GOP doesn't take the Senate, they're not going to give Trump anything for the border.
You are correct. Democrats will always be assholes.

The only sane thing to do is close the border and stop all welfare.
Johnson introduced a bill to fund the war in Israel and guess what? It wasn't paid for.

It's not just "Rino's" and Dems.
So only tax cuts for the wealthy should be considered?
It's not a "tax cut" when you give child tax credits to people who don't even pay taxes in the first place. All this does is to give the poor more money and not having to do one damn thing for it. This just becomes a way of life for them and their children and their children's children.
Well you are running out of options then. Lol

I ran out of options in 1980 when the entire GOP started turning RINO. The only options the GOP has offered since Reagan have been RINO's or NEOCONs. Anyone who actually supports and votes for small limited government, that lives within it's means, and doesn't want to bomb the middle east, (conservatives) don't get a voice. And they're greatly outnumbered in the house and senate by RINO's and neocons.

90% of the GOP are RINO's now.

The links below spell it all out.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion

Time to find a new party

I ran out of options in 1980 when the entire GOP started turning RINO. The only options the GOP has offered since Reagan have been RINO's or NEOCONs. Anyone who actually supports and votes for small limited government, that lives within it's means, and doesn't want to bomb the middle east, (conservatives) don't get a voice. And they're greatly outnumbered in the house and senate by RINO's and neocons.

90% of the GOP are RINO's now.

The links below spell it all out.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion

Time to find a new party

Thanks for a reasonable reply.

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