Just In: Trump Calls Jack Smith a “Deranged Psycho” Following Federal Indictment

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
I love it. Trump isn't backing down against this crooked special councel appointed by crooked bitter Merrick Garland. Trump lays it on the line.

"Rage, Rage Against the dying of the (conservative) light".

Sharks...they be circling. :auiqs.jpg:
"Rage, Rage Against the dying of the (conservative) light".

...And you wouldn't?, after an eight year long witchhunt of proven lies, false accusations, and criminal abuses by the courts, politicians and federal agencies, now to be charged as a heinous felon, a former president, the number one political opponent in the upcoming election challenging the very crook he tried to investigate seven years ago and watch impeached by his party for, now accused as a salacious criminal for no crime at all other than doing what any other president has done and for being hated and feared by the shadowy power people lurking in the dark allies of the capital?

How can Joe Biden be such a weak cowardly criminal that he is too afraid to even get on a stage and discuss the actions of the past three years, and the plans and expectations for the American people for the next 5-10 years to an erudite crowd next to RFK Jr., much less Donald John Trump?
I love it. Trump isn't backing down against this crooked special councel appointed by crooked bitter Merrick Garland. Trump lays it on the line.

Donald Trump is the deranged psycho. You love criminals because you are one yourself.
Why are so many of my fellow Americans so oblivious, so completely ignorant that they don't care Biden, the democrats and the media are China's bitches? It's disgusting but it's that what it amounts to. If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black? Yeah. like that.

You are the ones who are ignorant assholes. The Chinese government sounds like MAGA Republicans. Wonder why.
...And you wouldn't?, after an eight year long witchhunt of proven lies,
Don't you ever get tired of being a butthurt sore-loser propaganda parrot?

Have your daily screeds of whiny lies accomplished anything, aside from giving you some victimhood orgasms?


Yet you keep it up. You're one devoted fascist loser.
All Pro Israel Christians who support Trump need to actually NOTICE what USMB Mossad are saying...

Maybe being pro Mossad isn't such a divinely wonderful thing after all... no matter how many times your JEW FRAUD OF A PREACHER SAYS IT IS
I love it. Trump isn't backing down against this crooked special councel appointed by crooked bitter Merrick Garland. Trump lays it on the line.

It's time to call out the crooked fucking assholes running the deep state. Those fucking bastards would just hand Taiwan over to the chinese for a few pennies.
...And you wouldn't?, after an eight year long witchhunt of proven lies, false accusations, and criminal abuses by the courts, politicians and federal agencies, now to be charged as a heinous felon, a former president, the number one political opponent in the upcoming election challenging the very crook he tried to investigate seven years ago and watch impeached by his party for, now accused as a salacious criminal for no crime at all other than doing what any other president has done and for being hated and feared by the shadowy power people lurking in the dark allies of the capital?

How can Joe Biden be such a weak cowardly criminal that he is too afraid to even get on a stage and discuss the actions of the past three years, and the plans and expectations for the American people for the next 5-10 years to an erudite crowd next to RFK Jr., much less Donald John Trump?

Biden has no control over Trump's behavior. What is there to discuss? Biden won't be in control 10 years from now.
It's time to call out the crooked fucking assholes running the deep state. Those fucking bastards would just hand Taiwan over to the chinese for a few pennies.
Surada thinks this is funny.

Once a slaver, always a slaver?
The deep state is between Trump's ears.

Why are you calling me a slaver? Are you mentally retarded?

Touched a nerve? :p

Play nice and stop spreading Josef Stalin's propaganda.

Do that, and I'll play nice too.
never play nice with these pieces of shit.
Decorum is helpful but it requires agreement and participation

Decorum is for the benefit of the kids, when it comes right down to it.

Which is something the leftards don't seem to think about much.

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